chapter 22

month 10

halloween had come and gone and thanksgiving was coming up, only a few days were left until then. Robert and Emma were in a rough patch ever since the formal, not officially broken up but not really talking. which left Robert in a bad mood most of the time, and especially clingy.

Carrie and Atticus were arriving the next day. to say i was excited was an understatement. some parts of home were coming back to me, even if just for a week.

"whatcha doin, Flo?" Robert called from my couch as i walked to the kitchen.

i didn't even know he was there. i stopped mid-step, wide eyed.

i stammered, "what are you doing here? how did you even get in?"

"your mum gave me a key." he sat up from his lounging position.

i stared at him blankly, "alright." i slowly turned on my heel, heading to the dining table.

i sat my computer down as Robert made his way to my fridge. he grabbed a cheese stick out of the drawer before heading over to the chair next to me.

i snorted as he ate the cheese in one bite.

"why do you look like that?" he said with his mouth full.

"like what?" i didn't look up from my computer.

"like you're in pain."

"i'm looking at colleges."

"ah, that explains it." he stood from his chair, standing behind me, placing an arm on the table on either side of me and leaning his head down next to mine.

my heart started racing as i felt his breath on my cheek and neck.

"you're looking at universities back in the states?" he glanced sidelong at me.

i moved my head to look at him, our noses almost touching.

"well...yeah." he frowned.

"oh." he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and propped his head on mine. "so, you're leaving me?"

i chuckled, "sorry, Irwin, i'll most likely be back. it'll only be a few years."

"i don't think i can last that long without you. i've grown attached to you, darlin." Robert leaned down and quickly kiss to my cheek.

butterflies erupted in my chest.

i sighed, jokingly, "they always do." i smirked.

"oh, i'm sure. all of your little boyfriends will be glad to have you back in the states."

i laughed, i'd only really had one actual boyfriend before, and it only lasted a month, but Rob didn't need to know that.


"CARRIE! ATTICUS!" i screeched, running through the airport as soon as i saw them.

they lugged many bags behind them and looked jet lagged as hell, but bright smiles lined their faces.

"OH MY GOD." Carrie broke out into a full on sprint once she saw me, dropping all her bags for Atticus to pick up.

we crashed into each other in the crowd of airport passers, laughing as we spun around in circles, hugging.

"yeah, yeah, don't mind me." Atticuses deep voice said from behind us.

i reluctantly pulled out of Carrie's grasp to meet Atticus's gaze.

"love." he addressed me, opening his arms.

i couldn't say anything as my throat became unbearably tight. me and Atticus went from seeing each other every day for years to not seeing each other for ten months. and then he was there, and i thought i was dreaming.

he dropped every single bag as i took a step towards him, then practically jumped on him, grinning like crazy. Atticus held me to his chest with one arm wrapped around the small of my back, my feet dangling off the ground.

"i missed you so much." i mumbled into his shirt, willing the tears not to spill onto my cheeks, "both of you." i hopped out of his arms and grabbed Carrie's hand.

"can we meet Robert now? i would like to personally kick his ass." Carrie smiled.

"oh, we are going to have so much fun."

the car ride home was filled with Carrie's chatter and Atticus's death stares at Robert. his intense gaze burned through to Robert from the back seat. i smirked knowing Robert was just about shitting himself.

Atticus stood a good 4 inches taller than Robert and was significantly more built due to years of ballet training. i knew Robert was intimidated from the first moment Atticus gave him a too-firm handshake.


we spent the rest of the night getting Atticus and Carrie settled in.

"you know what i think?" Carrie put a stack of clothes in the guest bedroom dresser.

"hm?" me and Atticus blew up the blowup mattress on the floor.

"Robert needs a good party."

"no." me and Atticus said at the same time.

"c'mon! it'll be good for him! he needs to live a little and distract himself."

"i have a feeling he doesn't need to get blackout drunk, Carrie." Atticus sat against the wall, i climbed onto the bed.

"who said anything about getting drunk?"

"you, literally anytime you've talked about a party?" i added.

"okay, good point. but he was all sad and mopey, a few shots can solve that." she winked.

"and you know who Terri will blame for that? me. so no, no parties, no drinks." i said firmly.

"lame." Carrie sighed.

"he doesn't need parties to cheer him up, maybe i'll take him to the gym with me." Atticus smirked.

"no." this time me and Carrie said at the same time.

"that's a worse idea, hun."

Atticus was notorious for intense workouts that nearly killed you. if that was going easy on people he liked, i couldn't imagine what he'd do to Rob.


the next morning mom had prepared a huge breakfast. it was safe to say most of it was gone by the time two jet lagged teenagers were done with it. Terri, Bindi, Chandler and little Grace came over a little later to meet my friends.

after that we headed to the zoo, where Carrie got along great with Emmett. i was super happy they got along, and even could see them getting together, but then Emmett invited Carrie to a party. it went down hill from there.

i told her not to invite Robert. and she didn't, but Emmett did. and Robert -being heartbroken Robert- went.

it was 2 in the morning when i got the text. me and Atticus were up watching 'She's the Man'.

carrie 💞

any chance you could come over to Roberts house?

what did you do?

i did nothing

it was Robert who decided to get plastered.







well by the way he just puked over emmett's new car...yes

oh  good god

on my way

"okay, you have to stay here and make sure my parents don't see i'm missing. they should be asleep, but just in case." i pulled a sweatshirt over my pajamas and slipped on my slippers.

"got it. bloody hell," he sighed, "Carrie has a mind of her own."

"good thing she's sweet." i made for the door, then down the stairs, missing any steps the squeaked.

i opened and closed the front door with expert ease. then pulled my bike out of the garage and started the quick ride to Robs house.

when i got there Robert was sitting between Emmett and Carrie, swaying slightly.

"is Terri home?" i whispered, hopping off my bike.

"nope. helping Bindi and Chandler with Grace." Emmett answered.

"good." i stood on my tippy-toes to reach the top of the front door frame to get the key.

"i'm really sorry, Florence. i didn't know he was like this, i wouldn't have invited him if i did." Emmett's words were laced with guilt, to which Carrie rolled her eyes.

"it's okay, Emmett, just bring him inside. then you can go home, i don't need you getting fired."

he cursed under his breath.

they brought barley conscious Robert -who was now muttering things- inside and sat him on the couch. he reeked of alcohol and puke, which almost made me puke.

"he needs a shower, and some water -a lot of water." Carrie nodded as she blindly went into the kitchen to fill up a water bottle.

"y-you're so-so pretty-y, Flo Flo." he stuttered.

"thanks Rob." i half smiled.

Carrie came back with water and we told Emmett he could leave, which he reluctantly did.

after about four huge cups of water Robert was finally starting to sober up. well, just enough to get him to shower on his own.

"go home Carrie, and sober up before my parents see you." i could smell the alcohol on her breath, too.

"i'm sorry, Flo."

"it's okay."

i wrapped Roberts arm around my shoulder as we walked to the bathroom.

"are you sure you got it on your own?" the last thing i needed was for Robert was to slip in the shower and break something.

"yeah, yeah, girl. i got this." his accent seemed thicker when he was drunk. i liked it. though i didn't like when he called me 'girl,' that was weird.

"alright." i closed the door behind him, then waited anxiously in the hall.

i sat against the wall as i listened to the shower water slowly turn on.

"please don't fall!" i yelled.

i heard a yelp from him, "well, shit! you almost just made me bloody fall!"

i snorted at the sound of Roberts cussing, which i heard very little.

"y'know why i don't call you 'mate' often?" Robert called out after a few minutes.

i leaned my head against the door frame, eyes getting heavy, "why?"

"because you're too special for that. i call everyone 'mate,' but i can't call you that, because you mean too much to me," my chest tightened, i knew he was drunk, but i hoped what he was saying was true, "i would really like to call you 'darlin' more often, but you'd kill me, so i go with 'Flo' instead."

i wasn't sure what to say, so i didn't respond.

"did you fall asleep out there? you bludger."

"you what?" i looked towards the door.

"someone who's lazy, we need to work on your aussie lingo." suddenly the water stopped.

before i could get up from the floor, Robert busted out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his hips.

oh dear god. ROBERT. WHAT. THE. HELL.

"eye contact there, darlin."

"i much prefer sober Robert, get your goddamn clothes on." i didn't give him a chance to respond before b-lining it to his room. i wasn't sure what i'd do there, but the hallway was seeming to the close in, and the air was getting far too hot.

Robert came in a few minutes later, t-shirt and pajama pants on this time. he sat down on the bed, not bothering to get under the covers.




i walked to his side of the bed and sat down. he scooted towards me, our faces inches apart.

"i love you." he whispered.

everything froze. i swore the blood stopped flowing in my body and my heart stopped beating. it was dead silent. no crickets or normal Australian noises to occupy the thick silence. my limbs seemed to feel too heavy and my head too light.

Robert only looked into my eyes. the soul piercing kind of stare that made me want to tell him anything and everything i've ever thought about him.

i'd never even let myself think about having a crush on him, let alone being in love with him. i knew i had feelings for Robert, but i tried my very best to convince myself otherwise, or ignore them.

"you're drunk." was all i choked out.

and he was. so very, very drunk. he was drunk. and he didn't love me. he loved Emma. he was confused, and drunk, and sad, and lonely. and i was there, with him, at 3 in the morning, sitting on his bed, our knees touching, our noses almost touching.

Robert was drunk.

"yes." suddenly his voice was clearer, his breathing more steady, "yes, i am. and maybe that's why i can tell you."

i stood from the bed, "you're drunk." i was saying it more to convince myself than to convince him.

hurt flashed in his eyes when he realized i wasn't going to say it back. Roberts whole face slackened and eyebrows furrowed when he realized that maybe i didn't love him back.

or maybe i was just scared.

or maybe he was just drunk.

or maybe i did love him, more than anything, but i was young and absolutely petrified of the fact that if i let him in that meant i could truly loose him.

and i couldn't loose him, not in the way Terri lost Steve.

just gonna let y'all sit on that one for a while 😋
