The plan to help Peter

"Okay dumbasses," Riya walked into the common area where it was once again chaos. Clint and Bucky, and Wanda and Nat were having a dance off, while Vision was watching, confused. Cap was sitting on a chair, reading, while Stark was trying to use his suit blasters to blast just over his head. Sam was at the bar doing shots with Loki. Banner was explaining what rock, paper, scissors is to Thor. And finally, Rhodey, Pepper and May were talking about how they need to sort out safety regulations for the Avengers.

"Hey!" Riya shouted trying to get their attention  but none of them payed any attention so she emitted a frequency that you couldn't hear but it messed with your brain waves giving you a really bad headache. Everyone shut up and held their heads in pain. Riya stopped. "Okay listen up. Friday, get the Guardians and Nix and Carol on call on the TV please," Friday obeyed and the Guardians came on the screen almost immediately. "Okay shhh we'll ask these guys," Quill told Gamora. "Hi guys, we're having a debate who's better Kevin Bacon or David Hasselhoff?" He asked. "No one cares!" Riya shouted. Nix and Carol then came onto the screen. "Whattttt?! We're busy," Nix moaned. Carol just rolled her eyes. "Okay so basically Peter is being bullied by this dickhead called Flash!" The increasing of anger was noticeable through her tone voice. "Plan?" Nix asked going into full warrior mode. "We rip out his spine and crush his bones then liquidate his lungs," Tia stated, demonically. There was a few seconds of silence, before Quill agreed, "I would like to second that." "As much as I would love to kill the kid. He is a kid and thats illegal so maybe something a bit more legal!" Tony shouted. "Fine," Tia grumbled, pouting. "For now we embarrass him every chance we get and then the triplets can make it so he doesn't sleep for a month?" Steve asked trying to be the voice of reason. "For the last time we're not triplets!" Nix shouted. "Yea sorry I'm not doing this again. Good plan Steve see ya guys Sunday," Carol waved and shut off her communicator. "Okay great Quill what abo-" Steve began but was interrupted by Tia. "Yea sounds great," she said while rubbing her head as Quill and Gamora were yelling in the background. "I swear I'm gonna kill them." "Do your breathing," Riya said before shutting off the connection on the tv. "I'll talk to Dr. Cho and make sure she embarrasses Flash and tomorrow... remember to be cruel and ruthless," Riya smiled before walking off with Piper. "She means to embarrass him right?" Clint asked. "I mean, she probably means physically aswell but we are not having another lawsuit put on us," Nat looked accusingly at Steve. "So just embarrassing thank you!" She then walked off to her room and chaos erupted... again.
