The field trip - day 2

"Okay. Wake up!" Riya shouted at the kids. She looked like hell - her hair was messed up and she was in a dressing gown. MJ threw a pillow at her which Riya caught. Ned mumbled something and rolled out of bed while Peter bolted upright. "You good?" Riya asked. He just nodded. "Sure... You guys got 5 minutes til the others wake up so back to your floor." She then created a portal and they all fell through.

Peter and Ned landed on their beds and MJ landed on a beanbag. "Jesus! Next time remind me to tell her to warn us," Ned told Peter. Peter just nodded slightly. "You good man?" Ned asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Peter replied, unconvincingly. The kids then all got dressed and made their way to the lounge on their floor. 

"Yo! Penis Parker! I know you payed them or did something cause I know your pathetic ass doesn't know the avengers," Flash snarled at Peter. "Flash! We have a strict no bulling policy here," Piper shouted at Flash. "Where's your teacher?" Piper looked around for the Midtown chaperone. "Here. Sorry the wife kept asking about Thor," Mr Harrington told her. "Okay. Breakfast time. Stark fully stocked your fridges so if you want to make your own breakfast you can make your own otherwise follow me," Piper told the class. She walked into the elevator followed by Mr Harrington, MJ, Ned, Peter, Flash and Flash's friend Jason. 

~At breakfast~

"You piece of shit," Flash whispered into Peters ear as they left the elevator. "Oh my god Flash if you don't leave Peter alone I'm actually gonna snap you're neck!" Shouted MJ. "Miss Jones that kind of language will not be tolerated if you say anything like that again you're going home," Mr Harrington told her. "This bitch serious?" Asked Piper. "Sir, MJ was standing up for someone who is being bullied. So what your saying is you can tolerate bulling but not someone standing up for another human being?" "Well..." Mr Harrington trailed off. "Flash stop bullying Peter!" He continued. Riya then came into view her eyes completely black. She held out her hand which was then engulfed in black and Flashes underwear came out of his trousers. "Leave Peter alone or else," Riyas voice was demonically low and menacing. Piper ran over to Riya, calming her down while Flash fell to the floor in pain. "Okay, time for breakfast," Piper announced as she'd finished calming Riya down.

~In the training room~

"Okay class. First do any of you think you could take Black Widow here?" Asked Steve. Flash scoffed and nodded his head while everyone else shook their heads. "You, young man come here," Steve ordered Flash. Flash complied and stood opposite Nat on a crash mat. "3, 2, 1 fight!" Steve shouted and Nat ran toward Flash. She hooked her arm around his shoulder and swung herself around his body, forcing him to the ground before punching him in the face. "Anyone else?" Nat asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Okay so theres twenty of you so five of you per each of us," Steve told everyone. "Please stand in front of the person you want to train with, five in each section please." Most of the straight girls and gay guys went to either Bucky or Steve while most the straight boys and gay girls went to either Clint or Nat.

Peter, MJ, Ned, Jason and Flash went to Nat. "Pete you wanna fight?" Nat asked Peter. "Oh please as if Penis Parker could beat THE Black Widow," Flash laughed. Nat growled lowly. "Oh crap," Ned mumbled under his breath. "What the fuck did you just call Peter?" Nat snarled at Flash. "N-nothing ma'am," Flash stuttered in fear. "Pete?" Nat asked, slightly softer. "Fine," Peter huffed. They both stood on the mats facing eachother. MJ counted them in, "3, 2, 1. Fight!" Peter ran towards Nat before dropping to the floor to take out her legs but Nat did a somersault over him. Peter slid back up from the ground into his spidey-pose. Nat ran over to Peter, as he stood up, and punched him in the stomach. Peter retaliated by punching her in the face. Both got a few good punches in before Nat went to punch Peter in the face and Peter caught her hand. However, Nat flipped Peter over her shoulder and pinned him to the ground. "You were pulling your punches," Nat told him before releasing him. By this time the whole class were watching. "Ha! I knew you wouldn't be able to beat her!" Flash laughed at Peter. "Okay, you do realise that you literally weren't even on the mat a second before Nat beat you right?" MJ sassed at Flash before flipping him off. "Okay everyone back to your groups please!" Steve yelled, getting everyones attention. The class then broke off into their separate groups. "MJ, wanna carry on from where we left off last week?" Nat asked. MJ nodded and stepped onto the mat in a defensive position.

After about two hours of training and Flash being seriously beat up Piper shot her gun in the air to get everyones attention. "Alright, lunch time. Say thank you then please make your way to the door. Thanks," Piper yelled. MJ, Peter and Ned said thank you to Nat while Jason and Flash just ran to the door. "I'm gonna kill them," Nat said under her breathe. "Please don't," Peter told her.

The whole class was now squished into the elevator again. "Okay, today you're going to be eating on the balcony cause Stark accidentally blew up the canteen," Piper told the class. Peter's eyes went wide before whispering to his friends, "The guardians are coming in like half an hour. Shit." Ned groaned. MJ snorted at her friends sadness. The class got off the elevator and all crowded around the buffet that was set out for them. 
