Peter gets the permission slip

"Mr Parker? Are you still with us?" Mr Harrington called across the class. Peter didn't sleep last night with patrol and homework he just had no time. "Yes, Sir," Peter said waking up a little bit, still yawning though. Mr Harrington just shook his head and carried on. The man was exhausted by his students and had pretty much given up. "Dude are you alright. You look like hell," Peters best friend Ned remarked. "Thanks man," Peter replied sarcastically. "Patrol just ran late last night." His friend nodded in understanding. 

He had told Ned about Spiderman about a year ago - homecoming - then MJ found out about 2 months after that. Thank god she didn't tell anyone and covered for him a lot - Peter was terrible at lying. 

The bell went off and Peter grimaced in pain, due to his enhanced hearing. Everyone was getting ready to leave, when Mr Harrington told them all to sit back down. "Now I am sure you all know our annual field trip is coming up." There were many groans throughout the class - usually they just went to some boring museum or something. "I am very excited to announce this year we are going on a 5 day sleepover to... Avengers Tower! And the slips are due in next Wednesday as the trip is Friday." There was an uproar of cheers from the class, especially Flash. "Hey Parker! Can't wait for you lie to be exposed." 

Peter had to say he had an internship with Stark as a cover for Spiderman, but as Stark and Peter became closer it became a real internship. A badge and everything. MJ and Ned even got internships too. Ned with Banner and MJ with Ms Potts. They were both impressed by the children as they already visited the Tower a lot due to Peter so now they work there. (Peter and May were low on money so - after a lot of convincing from Stark - they moved into the tower.)

"Flash stop focussing on Peters internship and focus on something that actually concerns you like how low your grades are and how you should try to raise them, everyone here will be retired by that time though," MJ told him not looking up from her book. He shut up after that - never mess with MJ. Everyone then took a permission slip for the trip (Peter was shoved one by MJ) and got out. 

~Time skip to the end of school ~  

Peters senses tingled but he knew it was Flash and didn't want to blow his cover. He was suddenly and unsurprisingly pushed up against the locker by Flash. "Hey Penis. Why don't you admit your lie?" He spat while punching Peter in the stomach. Peter doubled over in pain. Flash laughed and walked away. His best friends ran up to him. "You good man?" Ned asked. Peter nodded.  

"What about if I faked my death?" Peter suggested to his two best friends after a few minutes of silence. MJ looked at him and rolled her eyes, "I already called Pepper and told her and she told May so your going." Ned laughed "Dude, only you would get a field trip to your own house. A five day sleepover too. The avengers are gonna embarrass the hell out of you." Peter looked at him and smirked "They are gonna embarrass you too, you know that right?" Ned's face paled and he gulped. "I'll see you tomorrow." MJ laughed and said goodbye.

Peter jumped in the back of Happy's car and started rambling on about his day as Happy listened. He had come to like the kid and hung out with him quite a lot.

As Peter got into the building, he smiled and waved at the employees he knew and breezed past security. "Hey Mini-Stark" or "Hey Mini-Boss" were the main greetings thrown at him. He walked into the private elevator and dreaded having to tell the others about his field trip. 
