Day 3

~ At breakfast ~

"Please get caught in an asteroid field. Please get caught in asteroid field," Peter pleaded as he ate his breakfast. Ned and MJ looked at him, confused, for a few seconds before MJ spoke. "Okay... what the actual hell are you doing?" She asked. Peter stopped pleading and turned to face her. "I'm manifesting the Aunt Carol and Aunt Nix get caught in an asteroid field. There are already wayyy too many avengers here at the moment," he explained before continuing to eat his breakfast. "You have 5 minutes to finish your breakfast before we go to the gym. So hurry up!" Piper announced to the class. Peter quickly finished his lunch before dumping his and his friends empty trays in a huge dishwasher. 

"Okay, I feel like the only people we need to worry about before lunch are Loki and Nebula," Peter told his friends, creating a strategy to prevent Flash from being murdered and prevent himself from getting embarrassed. "Okay and? What do you wanna do about that Spiderman? Web 'em up in a storage closet?" MJ asked, sarcastically. Peter's face brightened and his mouth curled into a smile. "You are not doing that," Ned told his friend, authoritatively. Peters face dropped immediately. "Chill, okay. It's not been that bad so far," Ned told him. Peter just gave him a death stare before they entered the elevator.

~ Time Skip ~

Vision, Loki, Thor, Mantis and Nebula stood in front of the kids looking them all up and down. Mr Harrington and Piper sat in a corner talking about god knows what. "Okay, lets just do this one by one shall we?" Loki asked. "We shall!" Thor replied in a triumphant voice, before looking at his friends giving him funny looks, and clearing his throat. "Okay lets start with Vision." Vision nodded and walked forward. "I am a vibranium synthezoid. Some of you may know that I was created to defeat Ultron. My abilities include: Holographic Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Audio Sensitivity, Visual Scanners, Vocal Imitation, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Reflexes, Solar Absorption, Solar Energy Beams, Intangibility, Density Control, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Strength, Intangible Flight, Physical Disruption, Computer Interface and Superhuman Intelligence. Any questions?" Vision asked. "Can you demonstrate any?" Betty asked as she raised her hand. "Can I have a volunteer?" Vision asked. Nearly all of the kids hands flew up. "You," Vision pointed at Flash. "Step forward please." Flash sauntered forward, while Peter cringed, knowing what was going to happen. "Intangibility. The ability to phase through psychical matter," Vision explained as he literally walked through Flash. Flash's eyes went wide and he doubled over, throwing up what he had for breakfast. The kids all burst out laughing. Loki flicked his wrist and the mess got cleaned up. "Okay... so maybe Vision was the one to worry about?" Peter questioned.

Mantis then stepped forward. "Hello children," she said in a soft voice. Peter smiled at her, knowing she wouldn't embarrass him or kill Flash. "I am an empath. This  means I am able to feel what others are feeling and also influence others feelings." Mantis bowed slightly at the children, before stepping backward. "Like I can tell the one with the tiny mustache and fluffy hair feels embarrassed," Mantis smiled and Peter cringed. All of the other kids laughed at Flash as he threatened for them to stop.

Nebula then stepped forward and everyone fell silent. Peter gulped, audibly. "When we were younger, my sister and I were forced to fight each other by our adoptive father. Every time I lost, my father replaced one of my body parts with machinery to become my sisters equal. I am connected to the internet of your Earth thanks to Stark and I can do most things an android can do," Nebula told the class. She then turned around and played a video of Flash talking to himself in a mirror - saying how amazing he is and flirting with himself. The class once again burst out laughing, joined by the avengers, Piper and Mr Harrigton. "Okay that's enough. Thank you Nebula," Peter told her, cringing. Nebula huffed and shut off the video. A noise then sounded behind the avengers and they all turned to look.

A ring of black and purple appeared behind Vision, Loki, Thor, Mantis and Nebula. They all stepped backward and got into defensive stances in front of the kids. Two figures then fell through the portal, screaming like little kids. Both were covered in yellow blood. "No, no, no, no, no," One with purple skin said repetitively. They landed in a bundle of arms and legs. Another creature attempted to follow them through but the purple one quickly slid their hands over one another to close the portal. The head of a creature landed at their feet. It was the head of an Outrider. The couple on the ground then burst out laughing. "They're like rabid Asgardian Wolves aren't they?" One with purple skin asked the other. The other just nodded. The one with blond hair then noticed the kids looking at them in shock and the avengers looking at them in both surprise and amusement. The blond then hit the other on the arm and stood up, dusting herself off. Once up and calm, she kicked the other who was still laughing her head off. The purple one then turned and her face was in view. "Oh right, yeah. My bad," she said as she stood up. She slipped slightly on the blood coming from the Outriders head. "I'll clean that up," she said with a innocent smile on her face. "Oh hey Pete! Didn't see you there!" The blond told Peter, who hid behind Thor's huge form. "Oh yeah hey Pete! And all you other non-Peters," the one with purple skin and a gash on her right eye exclaimed. "Hey Aunt Carol. Hey Aunt Nix," Peter said slowly as he came out from behind Thor. "MJ, Ned," Nix nodded at the two kids and they nodded back. "Okay.... well we'd better go shower," Carol said as she left the room. Nix flicked her wrist and the head fell through another portal. With another flick of her wrist, the blood disappeared. She looked at Flash through the slits of her eyes, before growling and leaving the room. Flash jumped back before composing himself. Nix just smirked as she walked through the door.

"Okay. Me next!" Thor shouted gleefully. "I am obviously the god of thunder and I can control lightning and electricity and thunder of course!" Thor then demonstrated by shocking Flash with a small electric shock, which only made him jump (he didn't actually hurt him properly). Flash jumped up and backed away. Thor laughed, mightily. Loki chuckled before stepping forward. As he did, all of the kids (except MJ, Ned and Peter) took a step back. Loki smirked.

"As you know, I am the god of mischief," Loki began. "I can basically do anything and am the most powerful god in the universe." Thor turned to object but Vision cut in. "We will split into small groups, now, so that you can learn more about each of us," he told the class as they all split into groups with the avengers. Ned, MJ and Peter went to Loki. "Thanks for not killing Flash," Peter told Loki. "No problem tiny Stark," Loki replied with a slight, genuine smile.

-time skip-

"That was hell!" Peter told his friends as they got lunch. MJ and Ned looked like they'd given up and just sat next to him, huffing. They all ate their lunch without a disturbance.
