The field trip - Day 1

'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die' was all he thought as Riya drove him to school on her new motorbike as he was late and didn't have time for the car. She was in her human form though - olive skin and half shaved black and blue ombre hair. Her alien form was the same but with purple skin. The only difference between her and her sisters (Nix and Tia) was the ombre. Nix - black to blonde. Tia - black to green.

As she pulled up outside the school, she waved at MJ and Ned who waved back - they knew her in both forms - said goodbye to Peter and drove off. He greeted MJ and Ned and got in line for the bus his hair now was in a mess from the helmet. "You look like shit," MJ told him. "I slept in this morning so I had to get a ride on that death trap," Peter replied. "It rides pretty smooth actually." After seeing Peters confused look she told him, "Riya taught me how to ride it." He nodded surprised as the entered the yellow school bus.

"Hey Penis, get ready to have you lies exposed," Flash sneered at him. 'Great now I'm gonna die from embarrassment not a motorbike and Flash's gonna die from my family.' The rest of the trip Peter was free of Flash's torment, most likely because Flash was busy talking to his dumbass friends. He and Ned were having a great time discussing Star Wars, while MJ was reading another new book. Peter was drifting off to sleep when his peace was interrupted by loads of people making noises of awe at avengers tower.

As they were all getting off the bus, Peters senses were tingling and then found himself on the floor with a scratched elbow and knee. He looked back up at Flash's triumphant face. Peter just brushed himself off and walked through the entrance of avengers tower with his friends. The only people not in awe at this sight were him, MJ and Ned. Mr Harrington walked up to the front desk to talk to the receptionist. A few seconds later a short women with brown, pixie cut hair walked up to them. Peter and his friends recognised her immediately as Agent Piper. 

"Hello Midtown I am Agent Piper of Shield. Just to let you know shield Agents are usually doing stuff like saving the world but I lost a bet with Davies so now I'm stuck here," she said through gritted teeth. "Anyway if you could all collect you visitor badge from this table that'd be great thanks." As everyone walked up to the table excitedly, Piper walked over to the trio. "You guys got you badges right? You know how Happy gets with reprinting badges." They all shuddered at the thought of the 3 hour lecture they all got after one employee forgot their badge. They nodded and Piper smiled. "Now are there any questions before we start the tour," Piper asked. Betty's hand flew up. "Why do we have different badge numbers to you?" She asked. 

"Well, there are 10 levels. 1 is for visitors like you who have access to the toilets and food but need an employee to get them anywhere else. 2 is for the press who have access to some conference rooms. 3 is for interns who have access to limited floors, these cards are modified for where they work. 4 is for receptionists who have a bit more free range as they are paid employees. 5 is for normal employees once again these are modified for their specific jobs. 6 is for security who have access to nearly every floor. 7 is for some avengers who aren't trustworthy enough to go anywhere but the penthouse, like Sam and Clint. 8 is for shield agents, like me, we are allowed everywhere and some of the penthouse but not all of it. 9 is for the avengers who don't live here, the guardians, Phoenix and Captain Marvel. 10 is for the avengers who are living here, Banners personal intern, Starks personal intern and Ms Potts personal intern. Stark and Ms Potts don't need badges though because friday recognises them and Warrior doesn't use her badge because she uses portals anyway."

"Now if you could all please scan your badges and we will make our way to the conference rooms where I will tell you our schedule for the week." Piper went first, many off the group jumped when the heard friday. 

'Agent Piper of Shield. Level 8 clearance. Authorised weapons. Hi Lovebird #2, Lovebird #1 would like to talk to you once you are done with the tour' 

Piper rolled her eyes at her and Riya's nicknames. Shuri had set up nicknames for all of them and they don't know how to change it. Peters eyes widened his, Ned's and MJ's clearances were all level 10. He was so screwed. "Do you think Riya wants to confess her love and then Piper will confess hers?" Ned whispered to Peter, they both shared a knowing smile. It was painfully obvious they liked each other. As the rest of the class went through, friday kept saying their name, visitor, level 1 clearance and no weapons. Then came the trio. MJ went trough first her eyes not leaving her book. 

'Michelle Jones. Personal intern of Pepper Potts. Level 10 clearance. No weapons. Hi bookworm, Ms. Potts has been alerted of your arrival'

MJ thanked her and walked to stand with Piper. The class was stunned to silence. Then came Ned 

'Ned Leeds. Personal intern of Bruce Banner. Level 10 clearance. No weapons. Hi guy in the chair, Dr. Banner has been alerted of your arrival'

Ned thanked her and once again everyone was shocked. Peter then walked through the scanner. 

'Peter Parker. Personal intern of Tony Stark. Level 10 clearance. Classified. Hey mini-Stark, boss has been alerted of your arrival' 

Whispers broke out, which turned into shouts. Many included - "Why did it say classified?" or "Did it say mini-Stark?" Before anything got to loud for Peter, Piper got their attention by stamping her foot. "Okay lets get to the conference room." Thank god Piper just walked over to the elevator. She had that type of aura that made you do what she said like Nat, Pepper, Riya, MJ and May.

The elevator ride was silent and awkward. When the door opened Piper led the class down a few corridors before a voice got their attention. "Clint get out the air vents and give me my fucking cap back or I'll snap your neck!" Riya's voice rang out through the corridors before a series of loud bangs sounded heading towards the class.

As Riya (in her true form - purple skin) rounded the corner, she sent one last energy blast which created an opening in the air vents. Clint then came crashing down. Riya saw figures watching them but she was too pissed to care. She hates it when people touch her cap. One of the figures then picked up the cap from Clint's groaning body, dusted it off and handed it to her. 

"Hey, chill. You good?" Piper asked. "Hey Piper. Yeah thanks," Riya replied calming down they both just stared into each others eyes until Clint's moaning brought them back into reality. Riya then spotted Peter, Ned and MJ. "Hey Pete, Ned, MJ." She greeted them each with a smile. The rest of the class members including Mr Harrington looked at the scene in awe. "I need to talk to you guys later by the way," they nodded and she looked at Peters arm curiously. "Pete what did you do to your arms and knees," she asked, he simply replied, "I tripped." She wasn't convinced so telepathically told him 'We'll talk later' then held his arm, a slight black hue surrounded the cuts on his arms and knees. The cuts were then healed. "Thanks Aunt Riya," he whispered to her. Peter, Ned and MJ now call most of the avengers and guardians either aunt or uncle. Riya was questioned on healing Peter by Cindy Moon and responded "I adjusted the matter is his body so that he healed. Now you have a tour to get on with and I have to kill Clint. So cya." 

Although when she turned round he was gone, she then mumbled underneath her breathe, "That asshole is so fucking dead." Before she left though Mr Harrington asked how she knew the children. She replied "Through their internships." Then told Piper. "I'll talk to you later alright." Piper nodded and wished her goodbye, then Riya disappeared through a portal. "Alright, now to the conference room."
