Day 2 - Part 2

Peter, Ned and MJ sat on a picnic table, eating their lunch. Cindy and Betty joined them. "So you guys really know the avengers huh?" Betty asked. They all nodded. "That's so cool," Cindy exclaimed. "It's really not," Peter told them. "Wow, I'm offended," Clint said walking over to them. "Is that Flash over there?" He asked them, whispering, pointing to Flash and Jason. "Yeah... Please don't do anything!" Peter told him, terrified Clint would do something embarrassing or kill him. "I'm not gonna," Clint told him, holding his hands up in defence. Peter looked at him skeptically but carried on eating his lunch. "Sike!" Clint yelled before shooting an arrow that went through Flash's sandwich. He looked terrified. Peter groaned and held his head in his hands. Clint was laughing his head off. "Friday, please tell me you were recording that?" Clint asked the AI. "Always," the AI replied. "Okay, well I'm gonna go watch that on repeat for the rest of the day. Have fun kids," Clint told the kids, fake smiling.

Peter's spidey senses picked something up. Something that felt like... vibrations. He looked up trying to see if he could find the source. Then he realised. The Guardians are here. "Oh god," Peter groaned. "They here?" MJ asked not looking up from her food. "Yep," Peter told her and just as he did, the Milano landed on the Helipad a little way in front of them. The jets blew the kids hair backwards and many of them looked in awe. Not Peter. Nor MJ but that's just because she was too busy reading her book while simultaneously eating her food. Peter wasn't looking up because he was dreading having to have more people in the tower to embarrass him and almost kill half his class. 

"Yo Pete!" Quill shouted at the kid to get his attention. "Oh hey MJ. Ned," Quill nodded at both the teens as he walked out of the Milano. Shortly followed by Gamora (with Groot sitting on her shoulder), Drax, Nebula, Mantis and Rocket. "Where's Tia?" Asked Peter sighing. "Give her a sec," Quill told him. "Quill! Why the fuck didn't you wake me up!?!? I told you as soon as we got to this shitty planet to wake me!" Tia shouted at Quill as she walked out of the Milano. "Oh hey Pete, MJ, Ned. Good to see you again," she continued. "And there she is," Quill smiled sarcastically. "Hey Tia," MJ said, not looking up from her book. "This Flash?" Gamora asked Peter, pointing at Flash, still looking quite scared. "Yep!" MJ yelled to make sure she was heard. "MJ," Peter growled at her. Gamora and Tia walked up to him, while Groot hopped off of Gamora's shoulder and onto MJ's. Flash was now ghostly white and he looked like he was going to throw up. He was about to get up and run off but Gamora got out her sword and held it to his neck. Tia's eyes glowed a very dark green colour that might as well as been black, Flash's body was then surrounded by a dark green mist that kept him in place. Nebula then came up behind both the women. "If you ever. Ever! Hurt Peter again or any of his friends. I'm going to do to you what my father did to me. Except I'm going to finish the job," Nebula spat at Flash. "Am I clear?" Nebula spat again. Flash stayed silent. "She asked you a fucking question asshole," Tia shouted in his face. Flash jumped and replied, "Y-yes m-ma'am." The women all smiled, creepily. "Good," Gamora told him numbly before all three of them went back to the other Guardians. "Did you really have to do that?" Peter asked, grumbling. "Hell yeah they did! That guys a dick!" Rocket shouted. "Tia!" Riya shouted to her sister, smiling furiously while running onto the balcony. "Ri!" Tia shouted back and they ran into each others arms. "It's so good to see you again dipshit," Riya told her sister. "You too dumbass," Tia replied. "You guys have a weird bond," Nebula told the sisters. "Says you. How many times have you tried to murder Gamora?" Tia asked. "Point taken," Nebula then walked to sit down next to MJ. Drax laughed furiously, gaining everyones attention. "This is so cool," Ned whispered to Peter. "No its not," Peter whispered back. "Right. Hate to interrupt this but the kids have now got a workshop with Dr. Cho. Do you guys wanna join?" Piper asked the Guardians and Riya. Mantis was about to say something but Peter interrupted, "No. No they don't!" Riya rolled her eyes but dragged her sister back into the tower, the Guardians trailing behind. "See you guys later!" Mantis shouted as the Guardians entered the Private Elevator. 

~Time Skip~

"This the Midtown High group?" Helen asked Piper. She nodded. "Ahh Peter, Ned, MJ. I didn't realise you guys were gonna be here today. I actually need your input on something. I'll talk to you after I've done the workshop with this school okay?" Cho asked. "Actually we're with the school," Ned told her. "Oh god... Tony right?" Helen asked. The three of them nodded. "Okay... Well today you guys are going to be recreating Spiderman's web fluid. You have the compounds you may need on your work stations. You will be working in groups of 3 and, for some reason, there is someone who's going to be helping you. Shuri!" Helen shouted to get the young girls attention. "Hey guys!" Shuri exclaimed while draping her arms around MJ and Peters shoulders. Peter's face paled whereas MJ's lit up. "Hey Shuri," MJ told her girlfriend, going in for a kiss. "Eww. PDA warning! Keep it PG guys," Ned told his friends. "Shut up," MJ told her as she kissed her girlfriend. "Wait what?!" Flash shouted in shock. "She's my girlfriend you intolerant shit," MJ told him, ready to kill. "God why did I take this job?" Helen questioned herself. "Kids can you just get started please? MJ, Ned, Peter, can you send me that intern questionnaire please thanks," she continued before walking off to continue improving the cradle. Peter then went onto his phone to send the questionnaire as instructed. "What are you doing here? I thought you were coming Monday?" MJ asked her gf. "Yeah, well, Riya called and-" Peter cut Shuri off, "Riya of corse why am I not surprised!" Pete shouted. Ned shook his head. "Dude chill out. Everything's fine. See, not dead," Ned told his friend. "Mr Leeds!" An intern shouted. "Can you come help me with this please?" Ned turned to his teacher. "Can I go please Mr Harrington?" He asked. The teacher nodded, still in shock from all thats happened this week so far. "Thanks sir," Ned told him before walking off to help people out. Peter and MJ also walked off to go help out other interns. 

~Time Skip~

"Okay times up!" Helen shouted. "Time to try them out. Pete? Would you do the honours?" Flash laughed. "Oh please. Parker wouldn't be able to shoot those if they had instructions for babies on them!" Peter just looked as if he'd entirely given up. He got all the serums and shot them at a wall. Everyone stared at him in shock. "Betty, Cindy and Abrahams is the best," Peter told them and walked off to find another intern to help. "Oooo! That's my boi!" Shuri shouted. "Shuri," Piper hissed at her. "Right. Bad timing. My bad," she said but still laughed under her breath. "Shuri! Where are you?" A voice came over the intercom. "Riya!" Shuri shouted back in glee. "Dinners ready. Hurry up and don't get yourself killed on the way. I promised your brother I would get you back to Wakanda alive!" Riya told her. "No promises!" Shuri shouted back as she headed to the private elevator. "Okay, dinner for you kids too. Let's go we haven't got all day. Thanks Dr Cho," Piper thanked Helen on her way to the elevator. Helen nodded in response. The class all got into the cramped elevator and headed to dinner.

~After Dinner back on the kids floor~

Peter, MJ and Ned all collapsed onto their beds. "I hate my life!" Peter groaned. "Oh please it isn't that bad," Riya told him, coming through a portal. Yet again, Ned screamed like a 5 year old. "Kid, you have to stop just letting this guy hurt you," Riya sat next to him on his bed. "It's so much easier though and if it wasn't me it'd just be someone else and they might not actually be able to deal with it," he told her. "That's real noble of you kid," Riya embraced Peter. "You wanna come upstairs?" She asked him and the others. He nodded, still in her embrace. Riya created a portal for the kids to fall into their room for them to sleep and do whatever they want. However, Shuri was waiting for them. "I'm back bitches!" Shuri shouted at them. "Hey babe," MJ smiled. They all hung out for the rest of the night and eventually went to bed. 
