Chapter three: Party time!

Teemo's POV:

Everyone I knew was here. There were decorations almost everywhere.
The table had many treats such as cupcakes, cookies, cake and punch.
There was also great music.
It was very touching how much time everyone put into this party for us, it felt great to be home!
I was approached by a young female Yordle who seemed to be the head of this party.
She lend me a mic to speak into.
"Thank you so much everyone for this amazing party, We'll enjoy ourselves to the fullest"
I said in gratitude into the mic. Everyone cheered in glee as we started this party.
I've spent a while talking to many people I knew, and hugging and meeting people who are fond of me as well.

But really I was trying to get to Tristana, to spend time with her.
I approached her and Rumble as she was slicing a piece of cake for herself and for Rumble,
I assume.
"Having fun Trist?" I engaged conversation
"Sure am! Would you like some cake, Teemo?"

She asked with a lovely smile on her face.
Whenever Tristana smiles at me, I forget about all of my worries.
We've been through so much together and she means a lot to me as a friend but I've always felt butterflies in my stomach while near her.
I want to tell to her how much I truly like her but I don't know yet.
She lend me and Rumble a slice of chocolate cake as we all ate surrounding the food table.
"Mmm... this cake is really good" Rumble said with his mouth full.
I chuckled a bit noticing he had frosting on his lip.
"Uhh... Rumble you got a little.."
I spoke up gesturing my lip to make him realize.
He exclaimed quickly grabbing a napkin to wipe his mouth.
Me and Tristana couldn't help but chuckled a bit as I noticed Rumble's face flushed in embarrassment.
"Hey Tristana! You wanna go dance with me?"
I asked her.
She seemed a bit surprised at first but agreed to and we both walked to the dance floor.

Rumble's POV:

I can't believe I always managed to embarrass myself in front of Trist. I guess I really am a dork.
I was left alone eating cake near the table as depressing as that sounds, it was.
The reason why I dislike parties, you can't be left alone or you'll seem like such a loser.
I decided to put the cake down and walk around to see if there's any familiar faces so I won't be alone anymore.
I walked around and noticed Amumu sat not too far away from the party, crying his eyes out.
I kept my distance in order not to be corrupted by his sadness.
I continued my walk as I noticed... Kled? He appeared to be intoxicated with his lizard.
What is he even doing here? Isn't he supposed to be in Noxus?
"I don't even know where I am!.. HEY YOU IS THERE ANY MUSHROOM JUICE HERE?"
He screamed at me.
I just flat out ignored him and walked away.
I could hear Kled scream out some more as I sighed deeply
"What a crazy yordle."
I whispered to myself.
I suddenly felt a few taps on my shoulder coming from behind me, I slowly turn around to see who it was.
"Ziggs! I'm sure glad to see you! Wait.. I thought you were going to be in Piltover to work with..."
I was about to say Heimerdinger but I hate that guy so much to even say his name.
He's such a sell out!
"Yeah, but he doesn't need me at the moment so I decided to come home, besides this party is the bomb! Get it?"
He said nudging my elbow playfully.
"We both know that's an awful joke"
I remarked, we both laughed a bit.
I like Ziggs and having him as a friend is cool but I dislike that he works with that rat of a scientist. 
We made small talk but I couldn't help but notice Tristana and Teemo dancing not too far away, having a blast despite the fact that I had Zigg's company. It wasn't enough of a distraction.
I sighed at the sight of that, wishing I was in Teemo's place.
"You seem like you have a lot in mind, Rumble."
Ziggs stated with worry in his voice. He probably noticed the state that I'm in right now.
"I'm fine, let's just go get some punch!"
I said trying to change the subject.

I was serving some punch for the both of us as Teemo and Tristana came back.
"Can we get some punch too, Rumble? All that dancing made me thirsty."
She said looking at me with a smile.
I couldn't help but blush so I looked away.
"Sure" I mumbled.
"Same here!" Teemo added.
After I served everyone some punch I was the first one to take a sip.
Probably from being a nervous wreck around Tristana.
I quickly spat out the punch at Tristana because it was extremely hot!
"H- Hot!"
is all I could say after I covered my mouth noticing what I've just done.
"Tristana I'm s-s-sorry "
I could barely say from the heat coming from that punch.
She just stood there  in silence still in shock of what just happened.
I could hear some laughter from a tree above us and so could everyone around me.
It was Kennen and Gnar sitting on a tree branch above us. They high fived each other.
"That was priceless!"
Kennen said laughing even harder this time along with Gnar.
They're clearly pulling pranks on people and I was their perfect victim. I let out an angry groan.
"Here, let me help."
Teemo said wiping the punch I spit on her off her shirt with napkins.
I felt so embarrassed, angry but most of all jealous of Teemo.
I decided to leave unnoticed  as I've made a fool out of myself enough for one day.

Teemo's POV:

I said after being done with wiping the stains from her shirt.
"Thanks, Teemo. It was very kind of you."
Tristana said happily.
"Hey, where's Rumble?"
She added.
"I don't know, he was here a second ago."
I responded
"Ziggs, have you seen where Rumble went?"
"No, I wasn't paying attention. Sorry but let's not drink this punch for obvious reasons."
He said while leaving us both.
"I feel awful that he left, he's probably upset."
Trist mentions feeling a bit down.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine, y'know Rumble he's more of a loner not much of a party kind of guy."
I said trying to cheer her up.
"I guess, you're right Teemo. C'mon let's have some more fun. He'll join us later"
She says while happily grabbing my hand leading to the dance floor.
I could never get tired of hanging out with an amazing person like her.
I can tell that this vacation will be great as long as I'm with her.

Time passed by so fast that it was already dawn and soon even night.
People were still partying as they were going to be fireworks tonight.
"Rumble hasn't come back yet. Maybe we should go to his house and see if he's there so we can
invite him to watch the fireworks with us."
Tristana told me.
"Yeah, let's go"
I responded it wasn't far until we arrived there.
I'm surprised we remembered where his house was.
I knocked on the door waiting for someone that someone being Rumble to open the door.
He opened up the door and looked at us.
"Oh! Hey guys."
He said not exactly happy to see us but not exactly sad.
I could tell he wasn't expecting us to come looking for him.
"Hey Rumble come join us, we're going to watch the fireworks it'll be awesome!"
Tristana invited him with a warm smile.
I smiled along looking at him. He smiled back and said
"Okay, let's go."
He responded.

After a few minutes Tristana, Rumble and I were on a field along with every Yordle watching the fireworks.
Tristana on the other hand really liked the fireworks. Instead of looking at the night sky.
I looked at her as she looked at the sky in amazement with the colors of the light reflecting on her face. She's so... beautiful.
"You seem to really like fireworks, Tristana"
I told her.
She nodded in response to my statement.
"I've always liked explosions, they are just so awesome. Fireworks reminds me of when I was a child and my mother would take me out to go see them. To me, those moments are precious to me in my memory."
She shared with us. I liked the thought of that,maybe that's when she got the love for explosions. An early childhood memory.

Soon enough, the party was over and everyone returned home. It was a great day today and I can't wait to see what me and Tristana will do during the vacations.
