Chapter fourteen: A picnic date

~A few days later

Teemo's POV:

Today, is the day. I'm going on my very first date with Tristana well, first date we are both aware it is one.
I felt as nervous as I did when we went to Yordle's paradise.
I'm glad I asked her out but she was the one to propose the park and I thought that was a good idea.
It's a beautiful day so we might as well have a picnic, before it snows.

I was pacing back and forth where I was meant to meet up with Tristana in front of the water fountain in the park. I was early. I'm such a nervous wreck, I don't know why.

I stopped pacing when I heard my girl call out my name waving at me with a lovely and cute smile. She was carrying a picnic basket with her.
She was wearing a short white dress and a floral crown.
I looked at her well, once she approached me. I hugged her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek afterwards.

"Hi, Teemo"
She said softly.
"Hi, you look beautiful in that dress and I love the floral crown."
I complimented.
"Thank you. I wanted to dress nicely so-so I'm glad."
She said shyly. She's so adorable.
"Shall we go, then?"
I said smiling at her as I took a hold of her hand She nodded her head.
We walked into the park hand in hand besides each other.

It was a peaceful afternoon and I really needed this. I took a deep breath and finally relaxed.
We kept walking as we noticed a rather large field, we knew we'd have our picnic there.
I had an idea.
"Hey, you wanna race there? I bet, I'll win."
I said as I looked at her with a smirk on my face.
"Yeah, right Teemo!"
She said as I expected from her ,knowing how competitive she can be.
We put ourselves in position to start running.
"Ok... one..two... Thr-"
I started to count but as I barely said 'three' I started sprinting as fast as I could.
Tristana yelled out as she ran behind me, she was getting really close.
I decided to mess with her, I purposely slowed down and hid behind a tree that was near as I let her win.

"I won! See? I told ya- umm.. Teemo?"
She said as she looked around.
"This isn't funny!"
She claimed. I surprised from behind a gave her a hug.
She screamed from being startled.
"Teemo! You scared me"
She yelled out.
"Oh? I thought nothing scared Tristana the bandle gunner. Tristana who bravely charges in recklessly."
I teased as I let go of her.
"That's not true I was scared to tell you I ever liked you more than a friend."
She admitted to me, I couldn't help but smile.

"You like me? Aw, well I thought we had something."
I teased some more.
"We do! I love you."
She said sweetly.
"That's all I wanted to hear. I love you too."
I said back.

Nothing beats the feeling of being in love and being loved.
We set out a comfortable white blanket with red stripes. on the ground to sit on.
"You have no idea how excited I am to eat the food you prepared."
I admitted as I've never had the opportunity to eat Tristana's food.
"Oh well, I just put things together like sandwiches and salads. I didn't cook anything."
She said.
"Can you cook?"
I asked her as I honestly didn't know.
"Yeah of course, I cook. How do you think I feed myself?"
She said back with a giggle.
"It's just you've never mentioned it before."
I defended myself as I felt silly to ask that.
"You never asked."
She replied as I faced defeat. She put out all of the food from the picnic basket gently as I just looked at her.
"Stop staring at me."
She said nervously.
"Huh? I'm-I'm sorry."
I apologized quickly. She laughed to herself in response.
"I don't mind, Teemo. I mean I get it I sometimes find myself staring at you too."
She said.
"I noticed."
I said as she pushed me playfully.

"The food looks great."

I said as I looked at everything she put out.

"Yeah, those are ham sandwiches and an egg salad. I also brought a fruit salad and some mushroom juice."
I said
"Nice! Wait, what?"
I said in confusion about mushroom juice? She laughed so I clearly understood she was joking.
"I'm kidding! I meant raspberry juice."
She said, I laughed in response.
"Good! It's my favorite"
I said with a smile.
"Really? It's also my favorite juice."
She said as she poured some juice in small cups for the both of us. I felt like she already knew it was my favorite, somehow.
"Cheers to a great date."
She said as he hit my glass. I took a sip with her and it was refreshing.
We started to eat together and enjoyed each other's company.

"I'm stuffed, it was really delicious."
I said as we finished our food.
"Thanks, Teemo. It makes me happy to be with you."
She said happily.
"I'm happy to be here with you too."
I said as I laid down and looked at the clouds in the sky. Tristana soon laid next to me.
"That cloud looks like some kind of cat."
Tristana pointed out.
I asked her curiously
"That, one!"
She said as she pointed at a cloud.
"Hmm you're right. I can see the head and it's body-"
I remarked
"Yeah, and you can also see that being it's little cat ears and that's the tail. Also, his whiskers."
I couldn't but laugh as she showed me this cat in the sky.
"You got a nice imagination"
I said
"Well, my imagination comes from being friends with Lulu, honestly. Now, she has a wacky imagination. I'm talkin' really wacky."
She told me. I laughed in response.
"Yeah, I know. Hey Tristana, If I've never told you that I loved you and I do. Would you tell me?"
I asked her out of curiosity, she blushed.
"Well, I didn't think about telling you at least not yet. I was looking for signs if you liked me and I was hoping you'd make a move. But, after the incident.. I realized how strong my feelings for you were. I was going to tell you because I couldn't hold back my feelings anymore."
She told me. I grab a hold of her hand and squeezed it tightly
"I'm glad that everything ended up the way they did."
I said with a smile as we looked at each other. 

When my eyes, meets hers I can't even describe the overwhelming feeling I get. Looking into her eyes, makes me feel like all is right in this world.

Lulu's POV:

Me and Veigar left the Glade sooner than we were supposed to. I don't even know, why.
As of right now, I am walking quietly behind Veigar in a middle of a vast forest.
I'm sad because Veigar hasn't been acting nice to me or even tried to.
He's been pushing me away, giving me orders and he even yells at me.
What happened to the Veigar, I love? I stopped walking to wipe off my tears from my face.

"What are you doing? Keep walking!"
Veigar ordered me. I looked at him teary eyed.
"D-do you love me?"
I asked him, hoping the nice Veigar would come back.
"Did you not hear what I just said?"
He said with cruelty.
"So you don't"
I mumbled as I looked at the ground and started letting my tears go.
"Listen, Lulu I appreciate the things you have done for me like allowing me to become more powerful to finally get my revenge."
He told me as he laughed diabolically.
"Wait! what do you mean revenge?"
I said confused.
"Revenge Lulu! Something done in retaliation, especially a defeat of a rival who has been victorious."
He said angrily.
"You don't mean you're plotting something!"
I told him. He walked closer to me.
"Took you a while to realize. Poor sweet, naive and innocent Lulu. Isn't it obvious? WE are going to destroy Bandle City, once and for all!"
He revealed to me.
"You didn't think teaching me those spells were all for fun and games, did you?"
He continued to say.
I was shocked, I took a step back. I have to warn my friends!
I ran away making my way to Bandle City, luckily it was near.

Rumble's POV:

Me and Poppy were enjoying a nice day out, as we were having milkshakes in a shop.
I've been spending almost every day with Poppy and I'm starting to like her more and more by day.
"What's the silliest face you can pull off?"
I asked her. Without response, she crossed her eyes and pulled out her tongue to the corner of her mouth which made me laugh a bit.
"Could you imagine if my face was stuck like that?"
She said as she took a sip from her milkshake.
"I'd find you very approachable then"
I joked.  She laughed with me but I soon heard someone calling out my name.

I turned to look who it could be as it was a familiar voice.
I stuttered out not believing who I saw in a distance. She seemed to be distressed.
I had so many questions as to why and how she was here.

Lulu finally made her way to us and panted as she was catching her breath.
"Lulu? What are you doing, here?"
I asked her.
"I have no time to explain right now, I need to talk to Teemo and Tristana. They'd know what to do!"
She said quickly in a panic.
"Slow down, Lulu!"
Poppy advised.
"Teemo and Tristy are on a date. We can't just-"
"You don't understand. Veigar's on his way and he's going to destroy B-Bandle!"
She interrupted me with extreme worry.
"Let's go!"
I said as we all ran to the park where Teemo and Tristana would be.
Luckily, Tristana told me she was going on a date with Teemo. I'm honestly happy for her and
I feel bad that we have to interrupt their date but this is an emergency.

Tristana's POV:

"Okay, now you ask me a question."
I told Teemo. He blushed and didn't seem sure of himself.
"Do you think maybe we could kiss?"
He said quietly. I smiled at him and blushed too. My heart was racing as all the feelings I felt when we first kiss came back.
We were only a few inches from each others faces but as we were about to kiss. Teemo pulled away.
"Do you hear someone calling out my name?"
He asked me. It was kinda disappointing that the moment was gone but I did hear it.
"Yeah, I did Teemo."
I told him as we stood up and looked that three yordles were coming towards us as I felt a bit scared I grabbed Teemo's arm.
But I noticed it was Poppy, Rumble and... Lulu?
We looked at each other confused as they approached us in a panic.

"Phew I'm really out of shape"
Rumble said as the three of them finally made their way to us.
"What's going on? Lulu, how did you get here?"
Teemo said seriously as he knew something was up.
"Let's let Lulu do the talking and we're all wondering the same."
Poppy said.
"Veigar's going to destroy the city, I got here by sneaking in, of course. I need all the help I can get to stop him. Oh! This is all my fault!"
Lulu said.
"Lulu is not your fault that Veigar's evil. Don't worry we'll stop him."
I assured her.
"What do you mean "we"? Lulu, I'll take care of this on my own like before."
Teemo said.
"No you're not going to do this alone, Teemo."
I refused.
"Why not? I've done it, before I can do it again Tristana."
Teemo argued.
"Tristana's right, Teemo! You'll need all the help you can get. Veigar is a lot more powerful than before!"
Lulu said as she was taking my side.
"And why's that?"
Teemo asked.
"B-because I may have thought him spells, I know."
She said quietly scared of how'd we react.
"Lulu! How can you be so naive? Veigar is evil you shouldn't make him more powerful and a bigger issue for us to deal with! I knew this would happen."
Teemo snapped a bit in frustration.
"C'mon Teemo, she doesn't know any better."
Poppy said.
"Listen, I want everyone to be safe so all of you make sure that every Yordle is safe from any harm. I especially want you to be safe, Tristana."
Teemo said taking control of the situation.
"No, Teemo I'm going to help you."
I insisted.
"Tristana, please. I can handle this, I'm better of on my own in these types of situations."
Teemo argued with me.
"Yeah but this is different. I'm sorry but I can't let you!"
I yelled.
"I told you, I can handle Veigar. Why do you want to go with me so badly?"
He said back to me with frustration showing in his voice.
"B-because I can't risk losing you again!"
I cried.
"Hey, come here. I'm sorry, Tristana."
Teemo said quietly as he pulled me in for a hug.
"I suppose I will need some help."
Teemo said as he smiled at me and wiped my tears from my face.
"It'll be ok, Tristana and Lulu, because you're going to have my awesomeness."
Rumble said.
"I'll try my best to help"
Poppy added which made my smile come back.
"I'll come too, I need to clean up the mess that I have made."
Lulu said in guilt.

"This is where we draw the line"
Teemo spoke up.

I can tell what was coming was nothing pretty.
