Chapter sixteenth: A winter wonderland.

~A  month later~

Lulu's POV:

I woke up in the morning and opened my curtain. What a beautiful winter wonderland!

I made way into Veigar's room to wake him up, as we lived in a little house in the woods.
"Veigar! Veigar! Veigar! It's snowing!"
I screamed in joy and excitement.
Winter is my favorite season!  I was so excited as this would be our first winter holiday together!
"Let me rest Lulu, it's still dawn!"
Veigar said sleepily in his bed.
"But Veigar, where's your winter spirit? C'mon!"
I insisted for him to get up.
"Pretty please, wake up for me!"
I continued as I was trying to pull him out of bed but I just made him fall to the floor.
I apologized quickly as I helped him get up. He got up but instead of looking at me with an angry expression he smiled at me.
"I'm awake now, so let's just do whatever you please"
Veigar said calmly. I wasn't expecting that reaction. I should take it easy.

We both got up and had our hot coco. It was so yummy and we got dressed in our winter clothes.
I had a blue warm cutie dress with buttons. I was wearing winter boots, a new hat to match my dress and I also changed my hair color and eye color to blue because why not? I wanna be very festive!! I braided my hair, it looks so cute!

"You look alluring."
Veigar told me. He was wearing the outfit I had for him, looks so adorable!
He was dressed as a little santa!
"You look adorables Veigar! Wait. what does alluring mean?"
I said, I could see Veigar becoming red.
"It means beautiful, now let's get going didn't you say you wanted a snow day?"
He said as he opened the door to go outside.
I had a huge smiley on my face as I ran outdoors where it was snowing.

"It's so magical!"
I said as I look into the sky where snow came down on my nose.
I giggled  and tried to taste the snow falling while sticking my tongue out.
I could hear Veigar laugh a little bit to himself.
"What's so funny?"
I asked
He said blankly.
"It's snowing and it's cold. I don't see what-"
Veigar started to say but I just threw a snowball at him and laughed.
"What was that for?"
He said angrily.
"It's a snowball fight, we throw them at each other! It's for fun!"
I said as I threw another one and laughed again.
"You want to play like that, huh?"
Veigar said as we started to have a snowball fight. We had an amazing  time as this was also the first time Veigar had a snow day from what he told me.

"Now what?"
He said as we felt exhausted from that activity.
"Now, we should make a snowman!"
I told him
"A snow what?"
He said in confusion.
"A snowman silly! It's simple, I'll show you!"
I told him as we started making a snowman together. We finally finished it or so I thought.
"One more thing."
Veigar said as he gave the snowman an evil looking smile.
"That's much better."
He said being proud of it. I couldn't help but giggle.

"I think it needs a hat!"
I said happily as I looked at Veigar. I saw his facial expression change.
"I never saw you without a hat Veigar."
I told him.
"Well, I suppose we've known each other for a long time. You deserve to see my face clearly"
He said as he removed his hat.
He looked at me as his eyes are a light yellow, he had a furry face with black fur and pointy ears.
I couldn't help but notice his scar on his little nose.
"You look like a kitty. So cute"
I said happily.
"I'm not cute!"
He said angrily as he turned red.
"Sure, you are but why did you hide your face?"
I asked him curiously as I wanted to know.
"Well, I thought people wouldn't take me seriously if they saw my face. It was more mysterious and I looked more evil with it as people would notice my eyes and feel fear looking at them."
He explained.
"I understand, but why does your eyes glow like that?"
I couldn't believe I haven't asked that before.
"While I was imprison in Noxus, they injected a chemical liquid into my eyes to torture me and this was the result. I used to have normal yellow eyes like your friend umm Tris-tana?"
He explained to me as he looked a bit sad  at the ground.

"I like the way you look, Veigar and I have a surprise for you! Wait, right here!"
I said happily as I went into the house.

"My surprise is a cute little white fluff ball of love! It's a Poro!"
I said with a huge smile on my face.
Veigar looked at me with a smile too and petted the Poro.
"C-can we keeep it pretty pweaaaaaaase!"
I begged as I cuddled the Poro in my arms and tried to look cute.
"If it makes you content, Lulu then I don't see why not?"
Veigar said as he petted the Poro.
"Thank you"
He said quietly.
"For what?"
I said in confusion.
"Thank you for making me feel all these amazing emotions and making me a happy Yordle."
He told me.
"Umm Veigar are you sick today?"
I said putting my hand on Veigar's forehead to see if he was. He was acting strange!
"No Lulu! I love you and I'm sorry I don't show it. I'm still getting used to this"
He said shyly. Aww Veigar IS so cute! I giggled in response.
"I love you too Veigar and I appreciate everything you have done for me today like playing with me. It made me very happy!"
I said happily as I put down our Poro and hugged Veigar tightly.
He hugged me back stroking my long hair.
"What should we name it?"
I asked him.
"We shall name it... "
He started to say as I thought of the perfect name!
"Snowy! Since we got him on a snowy day!"
I said with excitement.
"Snowy, it is then."
Veigar said calmly as we enjoyed the rest of the day together.

Tristana's POV:

It was a beautiful snow day today! I love winter. I love the hot chocolate with marshmallows melting into the whipped cream, snuggling up with candles burning, blankets draped over me, and most of all a brilliant book. I love the anticipation of snow, and the happiness it brings.

Me and Teemo had matching green winter outfits we enjoyed our company outside as we drank hot coco in a bench outside along with Rumble and Poppy. Sadly, Poppy had to leave soon back to Demacia and by soon I mean tonight.

"I'm really sad, I'll be leaving soon everyone. I had such a great time with you all especially with you Rumble."
Poppy said trying to sound happy as she looked at Rumble. She seemed to try and remember the times she spent here.
"Yeah, Poppy."
Rumble said with a sad tone as he looked into the frozen ground.
"How about we make it a great day today for you to remember Poppy? It's a snow day so let's have fun!"
Teemo suggested.
"That's a great idea!"
I exclaimed. We decided to go sledging since Poppy told us she never did it before.
Probably one of my favorite activities along with skating which we will do later.

A few hours later and we all met up on one of Bandle City's biggest hills to sledge down from.
We all aligned next to each other while sitting on our sledges to go down.
"This isn't a race but I'll arrive down there first!"
I exclaimed.
"You know I'm faster Tristana!"
Teemo teased as we all went down hill the speed was incredible! I felt the wind go through my hair as well as the snow. I had a huge grin on my face as I laughed from the fun I was having.
I arrived first!

"Told you, I'll arrive first Teemo!"
I said as I turned to face him behind me.
"I just let you win, because you're so precious!"
He said.
"Sure...I don't believe you!"
I said as we were bantering playfully but stopped as we heard Rumble and Poppy bursting out of laughter.
It looked like Poppy crashed into Rumble.
"That's so fun!"
Poppy exclaimed with a huge smile on her face as Rumble suddenly threw a snowball at her.
"Snowball fights are fun too!"
Rumble exclaimed happily as they chased each other laughing throwing snowballs.
Teemo and I soon joined in on the fun!

Rumble's POV:

We decided to go and ice skate but I've never learned it as a kid. I was too scared I'd hurt myself if I ever did. Besides, it didn't interest me.
I was too ashamed to admit it so I decided to just wing it. I'm pretty upset Poppy will be leaving, she's such a cool girl. I wish she could stay with me in Bandle forever.

We finally arrived at the ice skating ring as we all put on our ice skates.
Teemo and Tristana were first going into the ice as they held hands and skated besides each other. I couldn't help but smile. They are pretty cute.

"C'mon Rumble. let's get skating!"
Poppy said happily as she gestured me to follow her as she made way to the ice ring.
Poppy looked adorable today wearing warm clothes.
I struggle to walk with the ice skates in the snow but finally got in the ice ring.
I tried to keep my balance but I quickly slip.
As I almost fell, Poppy caught me as we looked into each others eyes really close from each other. I blushed really hard but I couldn't help but to look more into her big pink eyes as she looked back at mine. It felt like the whole world around us stopped. It felt like an eternity but Poppy helped me gain my balance.
"Don't you know how to skate?"
She asked shyly as I could see her cheeks were rosy pink as she held onto me to make sure I don't fall.
"N-no, I never learned."
I answered honestly. She took a hold of my hands.
"That's okay, I'll teach you"
She said as she smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.
"All you have to do is keep your knees bent like this, and advance in front of you like this"
She said as she showed me.
"Hey I think I got the hang of it, try to let go."
I said as I tried to skate on my own but it didn't take long before I almost fell again.
She was quick to catch me again.
"You're doing well Rumble!"
She said happily as we kept skating together.

It was difficult to skate as I had all my attention on Poppy. I don't know what it is about her.
But I think I'm in love.
Teemo and Tristana passed by us still holding hands as they smiled at us.
Tristana grabbed Poppy's hand and gestured her to grab mine.
"Let's group skate!"
Tristana said in glee.

We skated for a while until it was evening when Poppy has to get ready to leave.
A time, I didn't want to come.
A few hours later, we were all there  at the train station with her to wish her farewell.
Nothing is harder in life than saying goodbye.

"I had a wonderful time with you all! I will see you all once we are back at the institute of war.
I will miss you all"
She said as she started to hug Teemo and Tristana but when she came to me, she stopped and looked at me.
"Rumble, it's going to be hard to say goodbye to you."
She told me.
"Yeah, it really is. We had good times together didn't we?"
I said with a smile. She looked at me with a smile as a tear escaped from her eye.
"Yeah we did, I'm going to miss you the most."
She said as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back not wanting her to leave but I can't hold her back.
"I'll miss you so much"
I whispered as I kept hugging her as we eventually pulled away.

The train arrived which only meant it was time.
"Goodbye everyone!"
She said as she turned away and walked towards the train.
I bit my lip as I didn't want her to leave without saying what was on my mind.
"W-Wait Poppy!"
I yelled as I ran after her.
"What is it Rumble?"
She asked me as she stopped to face me.
"That's just what I was wondering. What is it about you that makes me want you not to leave so I can love you even more?"
I said she looked at me with widened eyes as her cheeks turned into a dark shade of red.
She wasn't expecting me to say that.

"All aboard, the train will be leaving very shortly."
The train conductor announced.
"Rumble, I don't know what love is but I know I feel something unusual and amazing while I'm around you but I know I'll figure it out someday. This isn't goodbye, only goodbye until next time"
She said as she kissed my cheek and got on the train.

I held my cheek where she kissed it and smiled at her from the window and waved at her goodbye along with Teemo and Tristana.

The train finally left as Tristana nudged my elbow.
"Huh what?"
I said confused as I was day dreaming.
"Nothing. I just wish the best for the both of you. You've changed Rumble and for the best and I couldn't be happier to have someone like you as a friend. You'll see her again and once you do, you'll never leave her side again."
Tristana said as she smiled at me along with Teemo.

"If you truly love her Rumble, you'll let her go for now. The hearts grows fonder when you miss the ones you love."
Teemo told me as he patted my back

"I miss her already and I can't wait to see her again!"
I exclaimed happily.

Tristana is right. I have changed. I've change into a much happier, more fun loving and social person. I still have a long journey of challenges that awaits me but now that I'm a stronger Yordle, I can be in control of my life and conquer it.

Everyone I've known has thought me valuable lessons.
Tristana has thought me that life isn't always how you want it to be.
Teemo has thought me to take action and chase after what you want.
Veigar has thought me even though there is evil in this world, love can conquer all.
Lulu has thought me to always see the positive and good in everyone and every situation.

Poppy has thought me to be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared and humble when you are victorious.

Poppy truly is my hero as she helped me grow stronger.

Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn but most of all, experiences to enjoy.
