Chapter five: I-Is this a date?

Tristana's POV:

It's been about a week since we've been back home. It's been awesome hanging out with Teemo! .. and Rumble too!
We did lots of cool stuff like playing video games.

"Teemo get the heart or you're going to die!"
I yelled out struggling to fight the boss, with Teemo and Rumble"
"Got it! Take that!"
Teemo yelled out too, doing his combo followed by a special move to defeat the boss.
"Wow, nice Teemo!"
Rumble said impressed at his game play.
"Up top!"
I exclaimed putting my hand up as we high fived.

I giggled to myself remembering those events from a couple days ago as I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling.
The more I've hung out with Teemo, the more I couldn't help but think about him.
It's almost like my feelings for him are getting stronger and that's just frustrating!
My heart can't even beat at a normal speed anymore just thinking about him which is all the time, by the way!
I grabbed my pillow and yelled into it
"Teemo, why do you make me feel like this!?"

From being with my own thoughts, I just realized something I've never hung out with Teemo socially on my own.
I was a bit shocked when I came to that realization but it's true.
I pulled out my cellphone as I turned it on I saw the wallpaper of a selfie, I took with Teemo not long ago. We were both sticking our tongues out as much as we like to be silly.
I forgot about it so I couldn't help but blush and smile when I saw it.
I  pulled out his contact info and called him. As soon as the phone starting ringing, I realized I didn't think this through! What was I gonna say?
I stood up pacing back and forth in a panic as I was about to hang up but it was too late, he picked up the phone.

I heard Teemo on the line.
"Shoot! umm I m-mean hi Teemo! It's- It's just me Tristana"
I responded. What's gotten over me? I can't even form a sentence without stuttering.
"Hey Tristana! So what's up?"
He said cheerfully. Gosh, he sounds so cute! Ugh, focus Tristana.
"I thought we could go hang out today, have dinner at a restaurant or something."
I said trying to sound confident but as soon as I finished my sentence.
It just sounds like I was asking him out on a date!
Before I could freak out about it  I heard Teemo say
"That sounds nice, will it be just me and you?"
"Uh.. sure, I guess."
I replied nervously. My heart was ticking like a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if my heart jumped out of my chest. at any moment now.
"What time should I come over to your house, then?"
He said happily. I can't believe he is going through with this! But, wait is this a date? I wouldn't dare to say it is or ask him that question. At least, he's looking forward to it from the sounds of it!
I managed to calm down and reply with
"I'll be waiting for you at five p.m, Captain!"
I joked and I could hear him chuckle softly. How adorable!
"See you, then!"
He said, I hung up the phone with a huge smile on my face.

I threw myself on my bed and started screaming into my pillow like some crazy Yordle.
Why am I acting like a teenager crushing on some guy at school?
Crazy how no matter how old you are, Love can make you act all different types of crazy.
I looked at the time, on my phone seeing it was four p.m.
That's enough time to get ready, I think!
So, I rushed into the bathroom, stepping into the shower. I was so excited yet extremely nervous.
I don't think I've ever felt this nervous before.
Not even passing my military exam made me feel like this.

As I exited the bathroom in a bathrobe, I went into my immense closet to figure out what to wear.
"This would be easier if I didn't have so many clothes, okay I guess I'll just have to go through everything"
I said thinking out loud which I do a lot since I live alone. I took outfits into hands and threw them aside for different reasons.
"Too girly!"
"Too big!"
"Too small!"
"What was I thinking when I bought this?"
I let out a groan of frustration as I looked around me and all my clothes were thrown to the floor.
I decided to go through my clothes, again but this time trying them on until I was satisfied with what I was wearing; a white frilly top, a black mini skirt and flats.
It felt odd to be wearing a skirt considering how long I haven't actually worn one.
I admired myself for a minute making sure I was happy with this. It was simple, somewhat elegant and cool.  It'll do!
I looked at the time and I only had...
"Ten minutes?! Where did the time even go??"
I hurried into the bathroom to do my hair, my hair is naturally straight but I like to straighten it a bit and style it to make sure it stays nice.
I put on a necklace that my mom gave me the day I was accepted into the Megling Commandos.
I considered it a good luck charm.
I sprayed some random perfume I had, meh it smells nice, I guess.
Before I knew it, I heard my door bell rang and I knew it was Teemo and on time.
I grabbed my phone and wallet and rushed down stairs.
I yelled out, maybe he heard me?

I slowly opened the door to see Teemo at my door step. He looked great, I admired him for a bit. He didn't wear his famous hat but instead he actually wore a black t-shirt and green jacket with a matching pair of pants and black shoes.

Teemo's POV:

Earlier today, Tristana called me to go out and eat at a restaurant. Did she ask me out on a date?
I shake my head in disbelief as I was making my way to her house.
I made sure, I was there on time. I'm a very punctual Yordle because of my habits to be in the military, being on time is very important.
When I finally arrived, I rang the doorbell. It had a Megling Commando tune, I was sure I was at the right house. I chuckled a bit. That's so like Tristana.

She opened the door as I saw her, I stood still and looked at her amazed at her beauty.
Her big yellow eyes , her big adorable ears ,her gentle smile...
I didn't want to stare at her but I couldn't help it.
"You look.. beautiful."
I complimented her, without giving much thought about it.
She blushed and looked down with a smile creeping up on her face, twirling her hair despite it being short.
She murmured. I didn't expect that reaction from her.
"You don't look too bad yourself, scout."
She added as she looked up at me. I'm so confused, d-does she like me?
"Let's go, then. I think, we should go to that new place called Bandle City Burger?"
I requested as we walked besides each other, not sure where we were heading, yet.
"Hm, what about Yordle's paradise?"
She requested instead as she looked at me.
"Yordle's paradise it is, milady."
I joked. She laughed in response and playfully pushed me. She does that a lot.
"That's a fancy restaurant, though"
I added. Maybe, this really is a date. Should I ask her, no that'll make things awkward.
"I.. just like the food there."
She said, Tristana seems nervous but so am I so, that makes me feel less nervous if that makes any sense at all.
"You're right, it is the best food in the city although, it is pricey."
I said trying to keep the conversation going.
"We'll just split the bill!"
Tristana offered.
"No way, it's my treat."
I told her.
"We're not gonna start and argue about who's paying just yet, Teemo"
She said. We laughed together for a bit.

After a while of walking, we've finally arrived at the restaurant.
I held the door open for Tristana.
She said from my gesture.
We looked around and there was quite a number of people here which only made me more nervous but I didn't let it show it.
I made way to the hostess of the restaurant.
"Table for two, please"
I told her. I laughed a bit and whispered to, Trist.
"I've always wanted to say that."
I managed to get a little laugh from her which always makes me feel better.
"Right this way, sir"
The hostess said with a gentle smile on her face.
We made our way to our table, as I pulled the chair for Tristana.
"Thank you, sir"
She joked with me then sat down on her seat. I seated facing her with a smile on my face.
"This place is pretty nice"
I said as I looked around, but really I was trying to make conversation to avoid awkward moments of silence.
"It sure is, have you ever been here before?"
I asked her.
"Yeah, I have been here before. It was years ago. We were celebrating my birthday on the day of the restaurant's grand opening. It was great!"
She said cheerfully with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile back at her.
"What about you?"
She asked
"Me? No, I've never been here before so this is a first for me."
I told her as I was tapping the table slowly to a rhythm, a habit I had from being nervous.
"How, come?"
She questioned curiously.
"Well, I just never had the time to, going out to eat in a restaurant and talk just seemed like a waste of time to me before, but I was proven wrong. It's quite nice"
I admitted.
"I'm glad to hear that!"
She said with a cheerful upbeat tone.

Shortly after, the waitress approached our table, to take our orders. Wait, I know her!
"Welcome to Yordle's paradise! I'll be your waitress for the evening. My name's..."
I exclaimed, recognizing her from the looks of it so did Tristana.
It really is her, the short white hair, the brown eyes...
A fellow champion in the League serving me and Trist in a restaurant. Sure is a small world.
"What are you doing here?"
I asked.
"Well, I had to do something with my free time off the League. So, are you two on a date or something?"
We both stuttered and panicked and the question that was in hand 'cause I surely didn't know!
It seems to everyone else that we are on a date, but not to me or Tristana apparently.
"Right, well what can I get for you?"
She asked.
"I'll have whatever he's having."
Tristana said with a smile as she looked at Riven.
"Living life dangerously, huh? That's so like you!"
I remarked.
I took a quick look at the menu and chose wisely.
"We'll have the chicken special and salad, and for drinks orange juice."
I ordered giving the menus to Riven.
"I'll be arriving with your orders, shortly."
Riven said and went off.
"Interesting order, you made. Sounds delicious and... healthy."
She told me.
"Only the best for my girl"
I said and immediately regretted it, that was a bit much of a flirt. She giggled in response.
I guess, she didn't mind me saying that.
She jumped a little from her phone buzzing in her pocket, probably from a text.
"It's okay, you can check your phone."
I assured.
"No, I'm with you right now. I'd rather give you my full attention. Whoever it is, I'll get back to them."
She mumbled.

Riven came back and handed our food. It looked even more delicious than it sounds or maybe I'm just hungry.
"Enjoy your food!"
She told us .
"Hey, Riven! I won't go so easy on you on the rift."
I said with a smirk on my face.
"Sounds like a challenge. I'll look forward to it. Enjoy yourselves!"
She went off once more.
"Y'know, Riven's bunny outfit reminded me of yours."
She said as we started eating. I turned red, I'm sure of it.
"I only wore that for Easter! Besides, they paid me to do it. Now the summoners make me wear it, at will. it's.. embarrassing. "
I mumbled.
"Yeah, but you're such a cute bunny!"
She teased. We both laughed together. Me and Tristana kept talking and eating until we finished our food. Eventually, we exited the restaurant.

"I had a nice time, Teemo"
Tristana said happily. We did have a great time together. I'd like to go out with her like this more.
"Me too."
I responded softly. We were walking besides each other. It was really peaceful, and the sun was about to set as an idea came to mind.
"Would you like to go watch the sunset with me?"
I asked.
"I'd love to!"
She said with joy overcoming her words.
"I have the perfect place in  mind, it's where I usually go to clear my mind."
I told her.
"Oh! So, that's where you usually disappear to around this time"
She remarked.
"Yeah, well follow me. I'm sure you'll love it! It's on top of a hill and once you're there you have a beautiful view of the entire city and the sun setting."
I explained.
"Wow! Really?"
She said with an impressed voice.I nodded.
As we made our way, I had an idea in the back of my mind...
