Chapter seven: Only fate will decide.

Tristana's POV:

As soon as I didn't have sight of Rumble anymore, I turned to face Teemo on the stretcher.
I took hold of his hand and squeezed it tightly. The tears burst forth like water from a dam.
I started to tremble, every inch on my body was shaking as the blood pounded in my ears.
My heart thudded in my chest. I felt as if I was getting choked as my throat felt like it was tied into a knot. My vision disfigured, I had to get away. I felt stranded and very dizzy.
I started to lose control over myself, trying to breathe became almost impossible.

The doctor that was with me pulled me away from Teemo and made me sit down gently.
"Look at me, I need you to calm down."
He said in a small spoken voice, but how am I  supposed to do that? I'm so scared.
What is happening, to me?
"I need you to breathe slowly, inhale for four seconds, and exhale for four seconds, all through the nose."
He spoke to me very slowly.
I started to do as he said as he did the same with me.
"Very good, concentrate on your breathing. Stay with me."
He advised.

I started to feel better, as I controlled my breathing with time. After, gaining consciousness I felt drained and hopeless.
The ambulance finally stopped as they rushed Teemo out of it and into an emergency room most likely.
I wanted to stand up but I felt like I physically couldn't.
I felt my tears hit down to the ground. What can I do?

"Don't think about anything, miss. Just come with me."
The kind doctor said as he helped me get off the vehicle. He lead me to the entrance of a hospital and I felt very uneasy.
I wasn't here because I was visiting the sick, I wasn't here to make a donation to charity.
I was here be-because I'm losing him. It still feels so unreal to me. How everything was great, perfect even. It was just too good to be true. I couldn't help but cry more, I felt so awful.
I could barely hear clearly of my surroundings anymore and my vision became more blurry as well. I wiped the tears from my eyes to be able to see more clearly.
I was sat down in the lobby by the doctor.
"You will be okay, miss"
He said to me, but I want Teemo to be okay. I just starred and the ground and my mind went to a blank. I spaced out not being able to even remember where I am.

"Nurse Akali, will you please take care of her please. She had a panic attack not long ago in the ambulance and she needs treatment to her arm."
I could barely hear clearly. I h-had a p-panic attack? I never had that happened to me b-before.

"Absolutely, doctor."
She said as Akali approached me and help me stand up, which made return to the harsh reality.
She was taking me to a room so she could do her job. My mind was between two mind sets of not thinking at all, or thinking too much of what happened. I felt like I was going insane.

"You'll be fine, with my help, Tristana."
She said softly as I was sat down on the bed in the hospital room.
She removed the fabric from my arm and examined the cut as she started to heal it.
It was painful but I was even more pain of the situation that had happened.
"W-why, why why?"
I kept repeating quietly to myself. I felt so confused and lost, my emotions were getting the better of me and I hated not having control over myself.
"Look at me Tristana, You will get through this."
She assured with a soft smile, which made me feel slightly better. That's all I wanted to hear.
I felt a buzz from my pocket knowing it was a text. I decided to check what it was. I pulled out my phone with my shaky hands and read the texts.

Rumble my buddy:
-Hey Trist! Just wondering what you're up to. How are things? ;D
5:43 p.m
 -Tristana, I'm on my way. Hang in there.
6:12 p.m
As I read those messages, tears ran down my face again. Why am I crying again?

Teemo's POV:

Where am I?

What happened?

What is happening?

Millions of questions went through my mind, all I could see is pitch black darkness.

Am I dead?

Maybe, so. Maybe there is no afterlife. Just darkness to overcome you forever.
I could hear distant noises but I couldn't distinct what any of the sounds could be.

Will I ever wake up from this darkness?

It's impossible to open my eyes, or mouth. I couldn't move my body but I could feel it's presence. My mind was in a blank. I couldn't remember a single thing of past events.

Is this my fate?

Rumble's POV:

During the taxi ride, I was extremely worried for Tristana that I decided to text her telling her that I was on the way.
She seemed to have seen my messages, this time but no reply. It's okay Rumble, you'll be there for her like she always been there for you. I told myself.
It was a long taxi drive with the traffic on the way but I finally arrived there.
I payed the taxi driver and thanked him for his services.

I ran to the hospital entrance and basically barged in as everyone turned to face me.
They all looked at me with unpleasant looks. Woops, maybe I over did it.
I was greeted by a doctor I could clearly see that under the surgeon mask , it was Shen.
I looked up at him as he spoke up.
"I'm sure you're here to see your friends, Tristana and Teemo."
"Yeah, what happened, Shen?"
I asked worryingly.
"I can't tell you as of right now, I'm very busy but I can take you to Tristana.
But I can't let you see Teemo just yet. "
I could only manage to say. I started to shake as I felt scared for Tristana.

Shen showed me the room and signaled me to enter as he left.
I entered the room where she was, with Akali there bandaging her left arm which only made me worry even more.
Tristana didn't notice I was here, yet as she kept her eyes on the ground.

I spoke up with a strained voice. She looked up at me without emotions in her eyes.
"I'm all done patching you up, Tristana. I'll let you here with Rumble for a moment. You may leave whenever you want. If you need me I'll be at room 11."
Akali said as she was leaving.
"Wait, what happened?"
I asked Akali as I made way to sit besides my best friend.
"Well, I'm not sure Rumble. All I know is that an incident happened to her and Teemo. I'm very sorry."
She answered, as she said that, I heard crying coming from Tristana.
My heart was broken to see her like this, I've never seen her in a state of sadness like this.
"It will be alright, Tristana"
I comforted softly putting my hand on her rubbing her back softly.
She cried even harder and all I could think to do is to pull her in for a hug.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.
She cried even harder as I felt her tears onto my neck. I wanted to cry too, but I can't.
I have to be strong for her.
I felt overwhelmed to hug Tristana like this, but this wasn't about me. This was about her and Teemo.
I patted her back and whispered to her.
"You want to tell me what happened? You can tell me anything, I'll always be there for you."
I could hear her trying to stop crying into my arms. She slowly pulled away and looked at me.
After awhile of silence, and staring into each others eyes. Her eyes wasn't full of life anymore. She seemed so broken.
"M-me and T-Teemo, g-got attacked and I-I- it...w-was m-m-m-my f-f-fault."
She stuttered out.
"Noooo, Tristana. It's not your fault. Don't say that."
I insisted.
Poor, Tristana. She doesn't deserve this.

A small doctor came in, and removed his surgeon mask.
"I came here, to give you news about Teemo, I'm sure you'd like to hear."
He spoken up softly.
"What is it, Kennen?"
I asked afraid of what the outcome may be.
"Well, you see Teemo was gravely injured as he had many stabbed wounds in his stomach area.
He is currently in a coma."
He said.
"Wait, I thought a coma would be caused by brain damage."
I spoke up, shocked to hear this.
"Well yes, it is generally cause by brain damage, but you see injuries not involving the head can result in a coma as well. He has a stabbed wound to a major artery. He has lost enough blood that caused his brain to go into a shock which cause brain ischemia but his heart and liver are still functioning and he may still survive but nothing is certain yet. The machine's he's attached to is what is keeping him alive."
He explained.
I couldn't help but feel sad, too. Teemo's a great guy. Yeah, I don't consider Teemo a close friend but he doesn't deserve this. No one does.
"We will do everything we can."
He added as he was about to leave.
"Oh, and sorry about the prank at the party."
He apologized as he finally left.

I looked over at Tristana and she looked so empty.
"C-Come on Tristana, let's get you home."
I said helping her get on her feet.
We walked outside of the hospital, it was night outside. I called out a taxi for her but before she got in I asked her.
"Will you be okay, Tristana."
She didn't respond but just blankly stared in front of her like a zombie.
I repeated softly as I put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped a little and looked at me in the eyes not saying anything still.
I put both of my arms on her shoulders and made her face me.
"Listen, I l-like you, and I c-care about you so please keep your head up high. Teemo is a strong guy, he'll get through this."
I told her.
"P-promise me..."
is all she could say. I wasn't sure what she meant exactly
"I promise, everything will be okay."
I told her. She blankly stared at me. I let her go as I helped her get in the cab as I was about to close the door for her I added
"Call me, or text me okay? I'm worried for you."
She just nodded her head and I closed the door for her as the taxi took off.

I let out a deep sigh, as I walked home with my head down. I couldn't help but think about Teemo and Tristana.
To be truthful, I'm not sure everything will be okay.

"You'll be something great one day, Rumble I just know it! You're a great friend."
Tristana's voice passed through my mind. How she was so cheerful and full of love.
I miss that Tristana. I cried as I remembered her beautiful smile.
I'd do anything to see her smile again.
