Chapter fifteenth: The final showdown.

Lulu's POV:

While Teemo went to the city hall and announce that the city would be in lots of trouble, Poppy went out of her way to guide everyone to safety.
I was with the others as they equipped their weapons. Rumble was on a new shiny machine thingy, Teemo had his bamboo with poison darts and mushrooms and Tristana had her cannon.
And I had my magical stick and Pix. What's going to happen? How will we stop, Veigar?

"You're not going to hurt, Veigar? Are you?"
I said worryingly to my friends.
"Lulu,he is going to destroy Bandle City we have to do everything we can, besides you said you were willing to help us."
Teemo told me as he adjusted his hat.
"Yes, but I don't want you to hurt him. I- I love Veigar."
I said with a sad voice. They all looked at me with guilt.
Tristana walked up to me and gave me a hug.
"Everything will be okay, Lulu."
Tristana assured me. She's such a nice friend.

Suddenly we heard a loud noise that went "boom".
"It's him! Let's go!"
Teemo ordered us as we followed him where the noise came from.
Veigar reveled himself at a destroyed entrance of the city.
It was me, Teemo, Tristana and Rumble facing him.

"Vengeance shall be mine!"
Veigar exclaimed as he casted thunder and darkness with his staff.
"Are you trying to stop me? Do you realize who you're dealing with?"
Veigar continued as he looked at us with his fiery eyes.
"You want Teemo? Come and get him! Just give it up!"
Teemo taunted.

Veigar laughed diabolically in response.
"It's time for a Bandle City beatdown."

Rumble said as they soon started to fight.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but my throat was empty. I wanted to turn my back, I didn't want to see anymore. I wished darkness before my closed, teary eyes; such a comfortable view. No red of burning flames or blood. No desperate screams of people crying for help.

My black, silent world. But my eyes widened even more. Standing on the side I could see it. I could see everything and I wasn't able to take my eyes from it. I saw the battle take place.

Rumble approached Veigar closest to protect Teemo and Tristana as they tried to shoot at them rapidly.
But, somehow Veigar was able to dodge their attacks. But Rumble was using his ultimate ability, he deployed a barrage of rockets in Veigar's path.
I shielded Veigar from the attack and used Wild Growth for him to survive.
I couldn't see him get hurt. He laughed in his evil ways as he used Event Horizon to cage everyone as he cast a mass of dark matter to hit everyone.

Everyone collapsed to the floor. I was the only one standing.
"Well done, Lulu. I knew you'd take my side."
Veigar told me. My tears rolled down my face. How could I let this happen?
"I'm not taking anyone's side. I want you to stop hurting my friends and our home."
I spoke to him bravely.
"This isn't our home! Lulu, you called these weak, pathetic fools your friends? They always doubted you. They never cared for you unlike me. Who stayed by your side all this time when you were meant to be alone? We're a team Lulu. You have to choose. Join me or.. DIE!"
Veigar said. I didn't know what to do for the first time I was afraid of Veigar and what he has become.
"D-don't listen to h-him Lulu."
Teemo struggled to say as he tried to get back on his feet. I noticed Rumble and Tristana gaining consciousness but they were trapped in Veigar's cage. Thankfully, they aren't dead at least not for now! They were in no conditions to fight.
I was my friends only hope to save them. I was Bandle City's only hope.

"This is a battle you have no chance of winning. So what will it be Lulu?"
Veigar said.
I said blankly.
"No? Stop trying to be a hero, you can't compare with my powers."
He said.
"I know, but I know deep down the Veigar I once knew is there."
I told him, he laughed in response.

"Oh you mean the Veigar who tricked you? You're so naive and gullible. Teemo, don't you know I was the one who hired those Yordles to attack you. They were supposed to get the job done and kill you but I came back from the Glade a bit late and see that you have survived. No matter, it'll just be more fun for me to kill you myself along with your friends. That'll be fun.
Don't you love having fun, Lulu? Now, I am the one laughing. You and your friends will be dead."
Veigar explained his true intentions.

"That was you?! I'm going to settle my scores with you!"
Teemo yelled.

"No! Veigar you're only right about one thing that we are a team and you do care about me.
You truly made me happy and I could see that happiness shine in your heart too Veigar.
We had love."
I told Veigar trying to remind him.

"Quiet, Lulu!"
He said as he was pointing his staff at me as it glows I took a step back in fear.

"Hey you! Not so fast!"
Poppy said as she made way in front of me. She had her big hammer and was wearing full body armor.
"Your journey ends here, hero!"
Veigar told her.
"I'm no hero, just a Yordle with a hammer."
She said as she charged into Veigar and landed her hammer as it shock electricity from it.
Veigar yelled in pain and took a step back and casted his primordial burst only his most powerful spell!

She collapsed to the floor.
"Poppy!!! No, You monster! I won't let you get away with this!"
Rumble yelled as he cried. Veigar laughed
"Playtime is over, my dear."
He said as he pointed his magical staff at me as it glowed.

"Please. I need help."
I whispered quietly as I closed my eyes.
"The light says hi, and you are safe with us."
I heard a soft voice in my head. I was lifted up in the air as there was green stars that shined around me along with bright colors. I was twirled around soon a light shined brightly and that made me transform as I could hear everyone around me gasp in awe.
I landed to the ground. My appearance changed.
I had long green hair, green sparkly eyes, white skin tone. I no longer had a hat but a pretty yellow crown on my head with a star along with bunny ears and a bow?  I had new clothes that was white, had a big yellow star in the center of my top as I was wearing a green skirt with boots.
I also had white gloves on and I felt powerful as a green light was making me glow.
Not only that, but I no longer had a magical stick but a pretty wand and even Pix looked completely different!

What just happened? Why did I transform? What could this mean?
I turn to face that Poppy looked different too. She was dressed almost like me only in blue.
She also had light making her glow only it was blue.
The sky was no longer dark but had an amazing line of colors, stars and clouds.
There was five shooting stars in the sky which was pink, purple, red, blue and green.

"What just- happened?"
Rumble said quietly in a distance.
No one knew but it was time to take down Veigar once in for all.

I used all my spells on Poppy and they worked but they were very sparkly and pretty and seemed much more powerful. She charged onto Veigar as blue stars sparkled, this time we had him.

"No, stop!"
Veigar begged. I gestured Poppy to let him go as I thought he was giving up.
She let him go but he lifted up his staff and hit me with Baleful strike.
I fell down to the floor from the hit as I heard everyone yell out Lulu!

Veigar's POV:

"What have I done?"
I said quietly to myself. I just realized what I have done. I've harmed the only person I cared about in this cruel world.
I ran up to her only to hold her in my arms. She didn't look like herself at all, but I didn't care.
She suddenly change back to her normal state. The sky was back at being a light blue.
"LULU! Wake up! You're alive! C'mon!"
I yelled in desperation and fear I might've ended her life. She slowly opened her eyes.
She stuttered quietly..
"I love you."
I confessed to her. Her eyes widen in shock as it was the first time I've ever told her those words.
"You've asked me before and I should've told you and I'm deeply sorry for the pain I've caused to you and here you are still by my side, making me realize that vengeance is futile when I have you. Please forgive -"
I said as I was interrupting by a tight hug from Lulu. I hugged her back.
"I'm sorry"
I whispered into her ear. She didn't let go or said anything.

She slowly pulled away as tears fell from her face
"Don't cry"
I told her as I wiped her eyes from her face.
"I love you too and I forgive you."
She said as she smiled at me. I could feel my face burning hot. 
"Will you free my friends?"
She asked. Without a response, I used my magical staff to disable the cage they were trapped in.
I've helped Lulu stand back on her feet.

I looked around and saw that everyone was also standing on their feet, looking at us.
I couldn't help but notice the female girl with the hammer looked normal again.
Lulu grabbed my hand and looked at me. I understood what she wanted me to do.
"I'm sorry for all the pain and trauma I've caused but that doesn't mean I'm not any less evil!
I only feel sorry because you are people that Lulu cares about but all of you will still remain my rivals. I will no longer wish to harm this city for Lulu's sake but don't think I will go easy on any of you in the institute of war."
I said to all of them. Teemo walked closer to me and handed his hand.
"This is goodbye."
He said quietly. I was a tad bit confused as much as I disliked him I shook his hand
I said as myself and Lulu left.
"Bye everyone!"
Lulu said quickly before I dragged her with me to leave.

Rumble's POV:

My mind was still trying to process everything that had happened we all looked at each other with confused looks on our faces.

"Poppy, are you okay?"
I asked her as I couldn't help but remember her transform into a different person as well as Lulu.
"I'm okay. I've never felt better actually. Are you guys, okay?"
She said as I saw her eyes glow in blue.
"Umm, yeah. What just happened to you and Lulu, back there?"
I asked her.
"I have no idea but whatever it was I heard a voice telling me that 'I'm a soldier, not a savior. Now get out of the way - I have a job to do. '  "
Poppy explained.

"That looked really awesome, I'm sure you'll figure it out what it means but for now we have won our fight."
I told her.
"I just want to say, I'm sorry for refusing help from all of you, clearly I couldn't do this alone."
Teemo said in shame with his head down.
"It's okay, Teemo. I get it, you just wanted to protect everyone."
Tristana said as she put her arm around him.
Teemo smiled at her and just like that Bandle City was at peace once more.

