
~And again dedicating this to River_Allen_21~

Flying the doors open, I greeted our beloved Alpha's mate, "Hey Angel."
"Umm.. sorry. I didn't knew you were busy.." she was definitely shocked to see me there. And how could I have stopped myself from using that to have some fun.

"Oh we're not.. I was just passing by." I replied sweetly, that I'm sure from Nick's yet another groan, that he had seen through me. But dearest Nick's groan didn't go unnoticed by the fortunate mate, who's name I dont really know. She gave a weird look to Nick, and then added in a rush, "Sorry to disturb...." Before she could complete, Nick butted in, "She was leaving." He actually sounded nervous, now that was new to me.

With the final decision, of messing with 'em, made, I asked, "Was I?" Trying my best to look innocent.
"Riv.. " He said with another groan. Wow, he's full of groans today, or rather tonight.

Moving the attention from me, I asked her, "So, you're the Alpha's mate ?"
Just to rile up Nick, I circled her in a predatory way, that just caused him to groan loudly, again. That sucker knew I was just messing with 'em. Well what he didn't knew was that it was just the start.

"Umm.. Yes." She replied kinda defensively, hmm.. so she had a bone in her.
"Nice!! Now as I know him, this fucker's definitely not gonna introduce me.." with a dramatic sigh, I introduced myself, "I'm River."

"Shawna." She replied this eyeing him. And that is when it hit me that she hadn't even glanced my way again, after setting eyes on Nick. The obvious effects of mating shit.

Before it could get any awkward, I added, "You don't have to be afraid of him, he won't pounce on you, I quenched his sexual thirst, for now." And ladies and gentlemen, that got her attention.

She almost shouted, "Whaaa.." while Nick plainly groaned again, and he actually screeched, "Riiiiiverrr.."

Ooh.. It definitely was getting better, so I replied with, "What cupcake ??" And then immediately added, "Oh sorry I forgot, I'm not allowed to call you that in front of her."

That just made her look at him with a raised eyebrow. He was so much frustrated at the time that he didn't even saw her expression, and continued, "You just had to do this right now." He was definitely referring to my messing with 'em, but dear Shawna didn't knew that.

Now, she actually yelled, "So it's true ?" Hearing that, Nick looked like he was ready to cry, and it was so damn difficult to hold back my laughter. Yet maintaining my exposure, I continued fucking with 'em.

"Nooo. Not at all. She's just crazy." If that was the best he could do at the moment, he was absolutely frustrated. Imitating an innocent look, I said, "Oh ! So that's what I am to you now. Well I can understand you have got your mate now."

"Niiick.." Shawna screeched again, obviously waiting for the explanation.
"Shawna, she's lying."

"Am I ?" I asked with tear stained eyes and tried to pout. I just hope it works this time. To my amazement she actually did, "Wow.. can't fucking believe it."
This couldn't stop me from commenting, "Ooh.. so she curses.. Nice."

When she stared at me with a deadpanned look, I defended myself, "What a girl can admire even when grieving."

Nick scoffed at that.
"Hey! At least don't be rude to her." This time, she defended me, and continued, "Whatever you guys have..." Not giving her the chance to complete that, he butted in again, "We don't have anything. Shawna.. she's just messing with us."

"Why would I ? I mean I'm sorry for bringing this up at a time like this. But now that the cat's outta bag, you just gotta scratch it's neck.." To that wonderful quote, they just gave me a deadpanned look, "I love cats. Nevermind. I should leave you guys alone. Right ??"

Nick started, "No.. not before you.." but I didn't let him complete, "End this ?? You wanna end it now ?? Well it figures you got a mate now." I said it all with fake sadness.

And, he screeched again, "Riiiver.."
So I butted in again, with a deep sigh I started, first turning to Nick, "Oh-kay" then turning to Shawna, I continued, "You know he's actually really very nice and kind and caring and...."

"There's free booze at a party ??"
"Whose ??" I asked.
"See.." Nick beamed, and that is when I real what actually happened, "Damn.. I fell for this again."

"That's my name."

"Oh-kay.. Shawna, sweetie, I was just messing with ya guys. I wouldn't even touch him. No one can actually guess, what diseases he might have from all those one nighters.."

"River.." Nick said that with such an expression that I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Between laughs, I explained. Well tried..

"Sorry Shawna.. I just had to do this.. Fucking Hell's carnation.. Nick's face.. Dammit.. I might just die now. Oh gosh.."

Hearing that she glanced at him, then at me, and she too burst out laughing. Nick kept staring at both of us, "You too ?" he asked ridiculously, it just made me laugh even louder. Oh damn. I don't even remember the last time I laughed this much..

But then Nick ruined my little moment.
"Yes, Nick.."
"Just leave. I'm definitely exhausted by now.."
"This soon.. gosh Nico we haven't even started yet."
"Fuck you, Nick. That was a low blow."
"Right now, I'm not even sorry for that. So just leave now."

"You're definitely no fun." Then turning to Shawna, I added with a wide grin, "No offense, Shawna, but it was nice meeting you."

"Finally." Rolling my eyes I moved towards the window, before jumping out, I shouted, "Nick, do call them. You guys need some pep talk."

"I'll think about it." That was the last thing I heard before I jumped out.

~Author's Note~

Yes folks!
That's Nick up there,
dressed for the
Day Of The Dead..
