
I feel like I asked something wrong, but then he meets my eyes again, and now his face is adorned with a sly grin.

I groan internally, Dude, this guy is so confusing.

"If I would have done that you still would have ran away screaming," saying that he motions towards his body.

I try to look what he's trying to say, and my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets when I take in what he's referring to. Its still dark but I can see his naked form in front of me. And he's not just naked, he's butt naked. I quickly avert my eyes away from his manhood, to his face. And that's when the moon decides to grace us with his glory and the clouds part giving an enchanting glow to his gorgeous face.

And if my eyes weren't about to leave my sockets before they probably are now.

"I know you," its almost a whisper and even I wouldn't have heard it if it were not my lips to utter it.

But apparently I'm not the only one who heard it, "You do ?"

It just can't be but I have to know for sure, "Umm.. I guess."

"You guess. You're not sure ?"

I probably have made enough fool of myself so what a little more. So, I sigh deeply and ask him, "Your name is Nick ??"

He frowns but most of all he looks surprised, "Yes, it is."

With that a little confidence comes to me and I continue to clear my suspicion, "Nick Bateman ??"

"Yes," he answers with the same frown, "How do you know me ?"

Now that's awkward, I try to subdue this awkwardness and answer him like its no big deal, "I kinda follow you.. on Insta and on FB as well."

Saying that I just wanna dig a hole and bury myself right now. It sounded fine in my head. But then again, how could I forget I'm the queen of awkwardness.
