
[Amber Heard as River]

~ This chapter is dedicated to River_Allen_21
I hope you'll like it.. ~

It is said that the darkness consumes everyone and everything, even light, when exposed to it. I think that is why I had fallen in love with it.. And also the fact that my soul had become as dark as the night on a moonless night, that I craved it.. Or maybe because I was half wolf.. Ain't it true that the wolves are called the beasts of the night..

Oh yes folks! I had been strolling around in the middle of the night. It had become a routine since I came here, or more like brought here, when I was freed....

A fucking bright light disturbed my line of thoughts, and for once I was grateful for this. On closer inspection the bright light turned out to be coming out of the Beta House. It was the second floor's window, and if I wasn't wrong, that I never am, it was Nick's office.

Out of curiosity, I climbed in, only to find Nick, pacing around with a bunch of files in his hands that he surely wasn't paying any attention to, and a frown etched on his face. This wasn't a new sight, but assuming the possibility of gang's gossip being even a bit true, I didn't expected him to be in his office, at least alone. Or maybe I did. He didn't even noticed me until I broke a vase. The loud noise made him jump, like literally..

"Oops." I couldn't help but grin at his expression.

"You came from the window." He stated the obvious, that made me comment, "No shit, Sherlock."

"Again !!" That just made my grin wider.

Sighing he added, "You know there's a thing called door" obviously exaggerating the word, "that normal people use, to enter a room before knocking on it as well. You know just to let the person inside, know of your presence." His little speech made me yawn. "But what's the fun in that. Aaand how could I have scared you if I had used the DOOR." I commented wiggling my eyebrows.

"River, I'm not in the mood to handle you right now." He said with a deep frown that made him look so much older.
So, I tried to lighten up his trashy spirits, "Ooh.. what mood are you in then ?" I asked with eyes wide and an innocent face, that I'm sure would have looked gruesome on me.

Raising a brow at me, he asked in a ridiculous tone, "Are you seriously trying to flirt ?? Who taught you this one.. ?"
Grimacing at that, I asked back, "Is it that discernible ??

"So..??" He persuaded.
And now it was my turn to sigh. "Ty.. who else."

Hearing his name, anger flickered over his features, "That fucker," he muttered under his breath.
"What he did now.. ?" I asked chuckling.

Opening and closing his mouth like a fish for some time, he finally decided to act human, not that he is. At last he asked, "Have you heard... ?"

My eyes would have been shining so bright at the moment, because I knew exactly what he was referring to. "The gang's gossip of you finding your mate ? Yup.. I even got many versions..."

"What ??" He just frowned at that.
So reliving the poor mut of his misery, I started, "Wanna hear.. Okay let's start.. One, she is damn hot. Two, she's a human. Three, she's feisty. Four, she's didn't let you kiss her. Five, she almost slapped you. Six, she's definitely not easy. And Seven, she'll keep the Alpha on his toes." I even used the voice and expression of the each fucktard, I heard these from. The best of it all was that I actually managed to mimic them perfectly. And the bestest part, Nick's face.

"And that expression on your face, your being here, alone, says that it's not just gossip.. whoa.. you finally got your match, Nico.." This earned me a groan from him. "Ugh.. don't call me that.."

"Ookaaay.. but you should definitely call him. I'm sure he'll know what you guys are going through." Now that got his attention, pondering over it for some time, he replied with a "I don't know." He really was confused.

"By the way, what were you telling about Ty ?" Just the mention of Ty, made him angry again. "He told her about me being the Alpha..." He replied ridiculously.

But I couldn't help but agree with Ty, for now, "About time.. and...."
"About Kaylyn.."

"Your side chick."
"Not you too.. she's a nice girl.."

"Does it matters now.. You got your mate." When I turned towards him, his eyes were glued to the door.
"How long has she been standing outside ?"

"Not long.." with a sigh he added, "she's restless.. that I can feel.."
"Hmm.. that she is.. even I can feel that."

When he made no attempt to do speak or do anything, I decided to intervene, "Are you gonna open that door ?" I asked.

He looked at me sheepishly, and I kinda knew what he was about to say. "Yes. I will.... after you exit."

"Are you fucking telling me to get out of here ?? Nicoo.. that's not cool.." I asked with a ridiculous tone of voice and a grin on my face, earning another groan from him.
"And you calling me that is ??"

"Well I'm just reminding you, who you should call. And because you so desperately want me outta here. I'll leave." Saying that I moved towards the exit, with yet another grin plastered on my face.
"You're kidding me right now. The window you came here from, is that way," he pointed in the opposite direction.

Faking a gasp, I asked, "Window.. ? This room has a door as well Nicoo.."

"Whaat ?? You know how to hurt someone. You don't even wanna introduce me to your mate. That's rude." Saying that I flew open the door and greeted our beloved Alpha's mate.

~Author's Note~

Hey ya fuckers..
Happy Halloweens..
PS: I know that was yesterday..

"Dia De Los Muertos"
is still on..

So, for these amazing days I present to you two chapters this week..
Next one will be up by tomorrow..
