~11~ (Nick's POV)

After I cut off my connection with Tyler, I find Shawna with a weird expression. She looks a little pale, eyes wide, mouth hanging open, almost like she has seen some ghost. I slowly approach her and asks cautiously, "Are you alright ??"

She looks me in the eye, her eyes going even more wide, and utters, "Nopes.."

"Why ? What happened ? You not feeling well ? Anything I did ? Are you..."

She frowns and interrupts me before I can add more questions, "No.. And yes.. I mean you are.. you just.. you.."

"What.." she's got me so confused at the moment, but then realization hits me, she might be talking about the lycanthropy info she got now, "I know it could be a little, well a lot, to take in about werewolf-human stuff that I told you.."

But then she interrupts me again, "No.. Not that.. just you.."

Now it's my turn to frown at her. "What do you mean ?"

"I mean that.. it's you.. oh my gosh.. I so can't believe it.. it's just.. oh god.." she's got the expression of disbelief on that pretty face of her. But here I am still confused.

She's still busy musing aloud God knows what. I think she's thinking out loud again. She seems to hate this but I find this kind of cute.. Cute.. ? Seriously Nick.. you're talking like this now.. Damn.. this mate's bond thing is really weird..

I hear her clearing her throat, she's got a sheepish smile now..
"Hey.." she says with the same smile.
I can't help but reply back, with a smile, "Hi.."

Wow.. I made her blush this time.
She clears her throat again, and continues, "You are Nick Bateman.." she says that with another weird expression.

"Yes ? I thought we were past that. Weren't we.. ?"
"Yes.. but it just dawned on me now.. ugh.. I know I'm so weird.. can't help it."

"No.. you're not much weird.. a little maybe."
"Are you making fun of me.. ?"

"No, I wouldn't dare. But I still didn't get it."
"Well you are The Nick Bateman !! And I of all the people, I got the chance to meet you. Yeah, the circumstances were totally unexpected.. But it's you.. oh my gosh.. I can't believe it.."

"And you said you were not a fan girl."
"Hey !! I'm not fangirling over you.. but.. umm.. I just.. you know.." she clears her throat again and then speaks in one breath.
"Youwouldn'tfreakoutifIgoallfangirlonyou??" After some time she adds, "Just for a minute.. I really need to get all this out.."

And again my Werewolf hearing saved me or I wouldn't have been able to hear her. When her words sinks in, it leaves me even more confused than before. I have no idea whether to laugh or frown. But, she's got the blush again, and I can't dare laugh at her. Still a chuckle escapes and to mask it quickly I reply, "Go ahead.."

And that is when the earth shatters.. well not really..

She squeals loudly, jumping up and down, chanting "OhMeGosh" numerous times..

I can't help just chuckle at the sight in front of me. She looks like a kid in the candy store, who's been told that the candy is for free..

She then turns to look at me and her chants changes.. Now it's, "I can't fucking believe it.. You are really here.."

"Yes, I am."
When her chants remains the same. I steps forward taking her hand in mine and placing it on my cheek. "Does this feel real ?"
"You ARE real.. And you are here of all the places in front of me."

"You're forgetting something."
"What ??"

"That I'm yours.."
"You are ?"

"Yup. And you're mine.."
There are so many emotions on her face this time, and I can't help but capture her lips with mine. And luckily this time she responds, and I don't get pushed away.

~Author's Note~

I know, it might come off as a shitty chapter, and that too after a long time.. 😅
Will try to update regularly..
