
~And again dedicating this to Katiebug613~

"Whaa.. ?"
"I know, crazy right. At that time I was shell shocked and even broken, wondering as to why would my mate will reject me. I did got to know the reason but after a very long time."

"For the time being, Tyler called Nick and told him that his car died and he won't be able to reach me. I was so shocked, that about half hour later, when Nick came to pick me up, he had to shake me to make me come out of my day dream. And that's what I thought it was, so I didn't mentioned it to Nick.

"I stayed at the Pack House, because that was near the training grounds. I even enrolled in the training program in hopes to maybe get the glimpse of my mate. But to no avail.

"You know, werewolves can't stay apart from their mates once their wolf identifies them. It's painful in a way, both mental and physical.

"Those were like the worst days of my life and the nights, they were even worse.. I couldn't even control my wolf those days and I was always in a sour mood, snapping at anything and everything. My wolf craved him so badly, it needed him. And the funny part, I didn't even knew his name.

"And, I was sure he might have been going through the same, but still it left me wondering how the holy cakes was he dealing with this.

"After days of torture and no news of him, I did got to know something from Nick. A certain 'Tyler' had been avoiding the training for as long as I had been there. He was the 'Beta-to-be' so the training was even more important for him. And then after exact 10 days, the news travelled that Mr. Stubborn-pants had refused to claim the title of the Beta. That was the last blow. It just confirmed that he didn't wanted me."

"Sorry to stop you, but I'm lost there. How is it related ??"

It was obvious Nick didn't got enough time to explain this to her. So apparently, I did, "You know, to claim a title, you need to be complete. And that happens only after you have claimed your other half, your mate. So it was pretty sure that his refusal for the title meant that he was bent on, on not accepting me."
"So that is why Nick said that he's not the Alpha."

"Yet.. it's about time now."
"That's what Tyler said." And again my mate's name brought a grin with a blush on my face. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

"So why did he acted that way ?? And how did you guys ended up together ??" she asked.
I started with our favorite line, "It was one fateful full-moon night."

"Sounds romantic."
"Oh it was.. Before I get immersed in my story telling, another werewolf fact..

"A full-moon night is crucial for the werewolf mates, who have met but haven't claimed each other. The werewolf females suffers from a excruciatingly painful heat, and the male also suffers but from a never-ending lust, that makes him automatically drawn towards his mate.

"And that is what happened, though it didn't ended with him claiming me, but with a memorable and hot and heated moment between us. Although surely it lasted for more than a moment. Now just like every good thing that has to end it too ended, with a very furious Nick..

"Apparently, in our little endeavor we forgot to keep check of our surroundings. I was at the lake nearby when the clouds parted, and the earth was graced with the moon light. As it touched me, the heat hit me. I was striving in pain at the same place when Tyler arrived and well rest is absolutely R-Rated stuff not meant for your cute little ears."

After hearing that, with wide eyes she asked, "So, Nick kind of saw you two ??"
This was the most common question we came across whenever we shared this story, and it never ceased to make me laugh. Laughing heartily, I explained, "Noo.. Not exactly. He commanded Tyler, with his Alpha tone..."

"But you said he's not an Alpha, yet.."
"Yes.. but it does not mean that his Alpha side doesn't comes out. He's born to be the Alpha, being the son of an Alpha."

"Nick being famous, I knew about his mom but never heard about his father."
Ah! The touchy subject, and obviously Nick or even Tyler didn't gave her the heads up on this.
"That.. well.. that's something not everyone knows and it's a topic we are not allowed to talk about. From what I know even Nick don't know the whole thing. This was something between his parents. So obviously not my story to tell. I can tell you this though, that from as long as we know, Debbie has been handling the Alpha duties until Nick can claim the title officially."

"Oh !!"
"Yup.. By the way.. where were we.. yeah.. the part where Nick ordered us to get dressed. When we faced him he was more than just furious. He was about to explode. He even punched Ty. That was when Ty lost it."

"What did he do ??"
"Nothing much, Nick hit him back and then they both started shouting and screaming.. The thing was that Ty was scared of Nick founding out. He was afraid that the soon-to-be-Alpha would never accept him as his sister's mate."

"But why.. ?"
"Well, before I came back, Tyler had a certain bad boy and player kind of image. That was why."

"So, what did Nick said then ?"
"Well his reaction was even more hilarious. He punched him again. Hard this time, but this time it was for thinking all that bulls poop.."

Hearing that she burst out laughing. "Oh god !! I can't believe this.."
"Yes !! That's what my reaction was. I laughed at both of them and at the situation we had to be in, just because of Ty's insecurities. In the end, Nick wholeheartedly accepted him. And he was more than happy to know that his best friend was his sister's mate. Though my dad didn't liked Tyler, Nick and Debbie still supported us. And now, here we are."

Giving her a few minutes, and gauging her reaction, I started again, "Shawna, it's time for you to know the reason I told you this story. See, I don't know much about werewolf-human mating stuff, bit I do know that you must have been feeling something. Maybe it didn't hit you full force like it happened with us, but it has to be there, even if only a fraction. And your expressions are telling me that I'm right."

Frowning a little, she confessed with a sigh, "It's true. Maybe.. I don't know what this is.. whatever I'm feeling. But I know this that it started only after meeting him. Maybe it's just the celebrity rush. I donno.. and that is what's making it frustrating. I can't even think straight in his presence. It's weird, I never felt like this.. like ever."

It was so clear in her eyes, she was craving for Nick, even if she didn't realized this. "Second floor, the black door facing the stairs."

"What ??"
"That is Nick's office. And I'm sure, that is where you'll find him. Go, you guys need to sleep. I have a intuition, it'll be a long day ahead."

Hesitating a little, she finally uttered in a small voice, "Are you sure ??"
"Yes !! Go girl !!"

~Author's Note~

There she goes..
Like a ...

Now that's for you
to decide.. 😉😉😉

As for the chapter, I know there's no Nick in there.. Apologies for that..
I hope the picture above, did quenched your thirst.. 😍😍😍
