
Dude, its damn cold. Well who am I kidding. It was cold inside its freezing outside. And here I am running around in just short shorts and a tank top. Oh and did I forgot to tell you, I'm also barefoot.. Uh huuuh.. I am just that stupid, first of all I just had to step outside to see where that growl came from, and doing that barefoot. And noooooo !! I'm not the brave kind to do such things. I have no fucking idea what came over me. But, I'm cursing the moment I stepped outside.


Before even turning around I knew that I did another fucking mistake not trying to get up, and now those wolves are just a feet or two away from my crouched from.

And still I dare to turn around. Well even if it's my last moments I might try to die brave. A girl can try.

There are a total of seven wolves that I can see, no wonder if there are some hiding behind trees. They are just watching. Maybe daring me to run again and grab and kill me from behind. And being the stupid I am, I'm not gonna try to run again.. Dude I'm tired af..

The biggest of 'em all steps forward. It's eyes are so black that they are almost invisible on his black fur. His ?? Where did that thought came from. Well whatever..

But I can feel it. He's watching me, assessing me, maybe.. Just maybe he'll notice my skinny form and decide it won't be any use to trying to eat me. But those eyes, they don't seem that of a predator playing with his food, rather its something else that's captivating me.

He cocks his head to left and takes in my shivering form. And again I had to do the stupidest thing ever..

"I'm not shivering of fear you mutthead.. Its just frigging cold out here. I ain't fucking afraid of you," I just had to fucking shout at him.

And that's when he decided not to give in the banter of a weird girl who's about to be his and his little friend's midnight snack, he prances forward, and me being the coward, I closes my eyes saying goodbye to my loved ones, well the list ain't big, and wait for my doom.
