➵ day seven

09:00 am

Jeon Haneul: Good Morning!

Jeon Haneul: Are you awake right now?

Yoon Jeonghan: I just woke up because of you.

Jeon Haneul: Is it because you want to talk to me that you woke up?

Yoon Jeonghan: No.

Jeon Haneul: Aww. I tried. *cue shrug meme*

Yoon Jeonghan: Don't you have school?

Jeon Haneul: Don't you have practice?

Yoon Jeonghan: I asked first.

Jeon Haneul: I asked second.

Jeon Haneul: Are you mad because I tried to be smart?

Jeon Haneul: I mean, I'm dumb but not all the time. 

Yoon Jeonghan: Why are you being annoying so early in the morning?

Jeon Haneul: Ehhh, I was told that it was my best trait :>

Seen 10:00 am

Jeon Haneul: :(((((

10:03 am

Jeon Haneul: Sorry, I won't joke anymore :(((

Jeon Haneul: Also :<<< I wasn't able to vote :(((

Jeon Haneul: I watched the Melon Awards yesterday! You guys should've won! In my opinion, that is!

Yoon Jeonghan: Thank you. I have to go back to practice. 

Jeon Haneul: Okay. Hwaiting!!

Seen 10:04 am

so to the people who don't understand the concept of my story, it's about a girl who fell in love with with a rookie idol on facebook. anyways my author's notes are lowercase intended. i'm not really sure if i can perfectly portray jeonghan's personality and attitude but i hope you guys still liked it!

a.n: i told myself when i started this that i'll just wing it coz idk how jeonghan's personality is but as the day goes by and i continue to support svt i realized my portrayal of him was kinda on point? just a bit though like i was right that he's savage and kinda sassy hahaha

january 28, 2021 - removed some cringey stuff! can't change it all because the essence of the story will be erased with it but i will address this cringey personality of hers! i am hoping to mellow it down because i might barf while editing
