➵ day one thousand four hundred thirty one

10:04 pm

Heaven: why can't I forget you?

Heaven: why are you doing this to me yoon jeonghan?!

Yoon Jeonghan: i'm sorry....

Heaven: is that it? you treated me like a stranger for the past few days.

Heaven: i really tried to forget you yoon-ssi.

Heaven: but i can't... maybe because until now i'm still in love with you.

Jeon Haneul removed her own nickname

Seen 10:50 pm

Yoon Jeonghan: i'm still in love with you too....

message not sent

Yoon Jeonghan: but i can't leave hana.

Seen 11:08 pm

hello angels! i'm sorry i went on a week hiatus, i was reading the novel 'noli me tangere' by jose rizal since we have to study it. i promise that i will start updating again! anyways without further ado the new chapter~! i honestly am losing my mind, like i don't know how i'll fix this hanhan relationship. i need suggestions! i really need help, i'm seriously lost right now....
