➵ day one thousand eight hundred fifty nine


"Oppa! You're here!" Haneul smiled brightly. She missed Jeonghan.

"Of course I'm here jagi and I brought food." Jeonghan lifted both of his hands showing the plastic bags filled with food.

tiriring~ tiriring~

Hanuel checked her messages as Jeonghan sets the food down the hospital table.

boonon: hello, it's me~

haneul: i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to stop this crap.

haneul: what do you want?

boonon: are you busy?

haneul: what the actual f- kwannie, are you trying to annoy me? You know I can't leave this place.

boonon: i mean, are you busy with Jeonghan hyung?

haneul: we're just eating.

boonon: ohhh~ a date huh?

haneul: it's not a date. why don't you go and bother vernon. bye kwannie ;)

boonon: bye, don't do anything suspicious.

Haneul chuckled which grabbed Jeonghan's attention.

"What's funny?"


"Is he bothering you again?"

"Nope. Let's eat!"

That day was very memorable for the both of them, because it was the same day of Jeonghan's wedding proposal. It wasn't planned but he just casually asked her hand in marriage.



Jeonghan took her hand and played with her ring finger.

"What size is your ring finger?"

"What for?"

"I want to buy you a ring."


"Oppa, are you kidding me? Kimbap kidding?"

"You hang out with Seungkwan too much, when we have kids I'll make sure they stay away from him."

Haneul laughed as she cries in happiness.

Looks like her dream finally came true.

End of Flashback

Jeonghan sat up from his bed and glanced at the untouched box on his table. In an instant, Jeonghan felt a tear escape his eye. It was a small red box, inside the box was the engagement ring that he gave her. He laid down once again and started crying.

What is he gonna do now that Haneul's gone?

okay, i don't really know how much it hurts to lose someone you love so if you guys think this is wrong tell me :) anyways, two more chapters and 10:04 is officially over ;(
but don't worry! there'll be a book two! btw, have you guys watched the mv of chocolate?!? if you did then did you die? to be honest i died when jeonghan bit his lips- 😍🔫 enjoy and vote angels!
