➵ day one thousand four hundred twenty eight

10:04 pm

Yoon Jeonghan: why did you guys do that?!

Heaven: do what?

Yoon Jeonghan: you know what i mean jeon haneul! If you think it's fun to hurt me at least let me heal from my old wounds!

Heaven: I don't understand what you mean! I know I hurt you but I never planned it! Aren't you hurting me right now? By being with Hana. By kissing her infront of me. Do you really wanna show me that not even once did you return my feelings?

Yoon Jeonghan: Me? Hurting you? I didn't date Hana to hurt you. I did that because I love her. And when did you tell me that the love you felt for me wasn't of a fan? Answer me!

Heaven: look who's in denial... I tell u every single day you f-ing jerk! I wanted you to come see me at the airport but you didn't come. I didn't cut off everything because I wanted to forget you! I did that because once i get distracted I'll fail!

Heaven: you know what. If you love Hana so much then just stay with her! Because right now you make me look like the villain when the truth is it's Hana. She's manipulating you! But whatever. You love her right? This is goodbye. I'll never talk to you ever again!


Haneul held her phone tightly as she sobbed. Maybe he's right. Maybe this operation get rid of hana crap is wrong. But Haneul didn't care. She doesn't care anymore. She's done. No more. She'll forget him.

or so she thought >:) hi angels! i didn't bother with the plan to get rid of hana because it was already explained in the last chapter. i decided to make this chapter and announce that i will start dedicating chapters to my most loyal angels, i will start on tuesday. anyways i'll take a break from updating tomorrow so see you guys on tuesday! annyeongi~!
