➵ day one thousand four hundred thirty two

10:04 pm

Winnie Jacobs: annyeong~

Yoon Jeonghan: who are you?

Winnie Jacobs: stranger can't stop thinking of yah.

Winnie Jacobs: joke ㅋㅋㅋ

Winnie Jacobs: I'm winnie jacobs, my friend's a hige fan of yours :)

Yoon Jeonghan: thank you but he's not interested. This is Lee Hana his girlfriend. And please stop contacting him :)

Seen 10:30 pm


That bish is making my blood boil.

"This isn't working Seungkwannie!"

"It won't work if you keep on whining."

I opened the chatbox once more and decided to give it another try.


10:40 pm

Winnie Jacobs: aren't you kinda ashamed of yourself. Invading the privacy of your boyfriend just because you think everyone's after him. Just remember Ms. Lee Hana, you're dating an idol. :)

Winnie Jacobs: :) byee~


Seungkwan started laughing as he held my phone. If he doesn't stop I'm going to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You should've sent her more smiley faces. This witch deserves it anyway."

I nodded.

"We aren't even sure if it's Hana or Jeonghan-oppa."

"He really needs to make a new account. I mean his account is infected by Hana and her filthy henchmen."

I giggled. But while giggling I felt my heart ache.

Shiz, why now?

i am back with the new chapter my angels! thank you for understanding my lack of updates. until now i'm not really following my schedule because of noli, again. anyways if you haven't noticed, the title has this "[1]" next to it, it means it's the first book.

yesss~ i am making a book two after this is book is done! still about my dear jeonghan. again, thank you and enjoy this chapter!
