➵ day one thousand four hundred twenty six

Boo Seungkwan sent you a friend request

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Boo Seungkwan: annyeong haneul-ah!

Jeon Haneul: oh, annyeong seungkwan-ssi!

Boo Seungkwan: jigeum eodiya?

Jeon Haneul: wae?

Boo Seungkwan: come to the dorm.

Jeon Haneul: wae?

Boo Seungkwan: you wanna see jeonghan-hyun right? And besides we have to plan "Operation: Get Rid of Lee Hana"

Jeon Haneul: hahahahha. jinjja? okay then. Give me five minutes.


Haneul P.O.V

I grabbed my bag and left the apartment. I didn't know that all of the members of Seventeen have facebook.

I hailed a cab and told him the address of the dorms.

Yoon Jeonghan-ssi just wait. I'll get you back from that witch.

*cue Boy In Luv by BTS :)))*

it's not much but it's here. just a few more chapters and they'll meet again! and it seems like diva boo's on haneul's side. who do you guys think are the other members who are included in the operation? comment and the member whose name came up the most would be really included :)

p.s i forgot to tell you guys what "jigeum eodiya" means :)) sowwie. it means "where are you right now?"
