Chapter Thirty-Nine: Hard Working Engines & The Lorries

After Lady's been established and made a permanent member into the North Western Railway, everyone was more than happy to have her alongside their fleet. Lady was also more than happy to work alongside the NWR engines, especially working alongside Thomas and his friends. They all got along very well with each other, and nothing could ever change that between them all.

After Christmas and Boxing Day, including New Year, Sir Topham had asked to Mr. Franklin if he could loan some of the latter's engines for the upcoming busy Summer season. After some negotiations, Mr. Franklin allowed Braedey, Diana, Jane, and Kieron to stay over on Sodor, while the others had gone back to watch over the Josephine Railway. The engines understood their roles for what to do, and they got to work at once.


Down by Tidmouth Sheds, the engines were currently getting their fires lit, joints and wheels being oiled for the day's work. Braedey is at the sheds with the others. Jane and Kieron are on the Ffarquhar Branchline to assist Thomas, Percy, Toby, Lady, and Mavis. Diana had been allocated to the Little Western to help out her Scottish cousins Donald and Douglas, along with Duck and Oliver.

"We are fortunate to have you and your friends here to help us out during the Summer." James said to Braedey, the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway engine now being steamed up.

"It's the least we can do, James." Braedey replied back to him. "I'm sure Anna, Ken, Shadow, Austin, Max, Belle, and the others can handle the Josephine Railway while we're gone."

"Braedey, I've been needing to ask about something." Henry spoke up, now getting the crimson locomotive's attention. "It's been something on my mind."

"What about?" Braedey quizzed.

"It's your colour and livery." Henry remarked, the other engines looking to him. "How come you don't have a standard colour like the other engines?"

"You mean like how Diana is in Caledonian blue, Max being in British Railways green, and how Kieron is in his LBSC teal green?" Braedey quizzed, Henry's silence confirming his question. "Well, back in my early years, I was in GWR Brunswick green, like that of Duck and Oliver's. And during the war, I was in wartime black to blend in and conceal myself. But after the war, I never got the chance to be back in my GWR colours. Fortunately, when I was purchased by Mr. Franklin and his father to help in the construction effort of the Josephine Railway, I had been offered to get a repaint. They did offer me to have my old colours back, but I decided that for my new lease on life, I would go for a new colour. So, I opted to go with crimson red to match that of Mr. Franklin's own car."

"I see. Like how I chose to have my NWR blue paint over my LNER apple green." Gordon noted.

Braedey looked over to see a familiar blue car drive up, and he knew it's Sir Topham to give their instructions. The stout gentleman stepped out of his car, and he made his way over to the engines.

"Everyone. I have some news before I give everyone their assignments." Sir Topham began. "Over the next number of days, the Governor of Sodor will be here on visit. I expect everyone to be on your best behaviour." The others engines all sighed in exasperation, knowing that whenever the Governor of Sodor is about, his private engine will be here too. "Now, on with your jobs; Gordon, the Express for you. James, you and Edward have mix-traffic operations. Henry, the heavy goods with Peter and Murdoch." The engines whistled in response to their name.

"And what will be my job for today, sir?" Braedey asked next, the stout gentleman looking over to the crimson GWR 4900.

"Braedey, you'll be assisting James and Edward with local trains." Sir Topham said to Braedey.

"Of course, sir." Braedey replied. "Ready to work."

"Good, then. Now, off you all go." Sir Topham announced, and with that, he walked back to his car and drove off to his office.

A few minutes later, Braedey was down at Knapford on Platform 3, waiting for his departure time after he had shunted his coaches into the platform. As he waited patiently, he saw James leaving with his slow goods, much to the red engine's annoyance. Braedey chuckled lightly to himself, while Edward arrived on Platform 5 with his coaches for Wellsworth.

Braedey now checked over at the clock, and saw there was still a few minutes to go, Lady bringing Gordon's coaches to Platform 1. He now saw Gordon backing down towards his express coaches. Once coupled up, the blue LNER A1 Pacific puffed grandly out of the station with a whistle and in a cloud of steam.

Soon, time came for Braedey to leave down the line. The guard blew his whistle, waving his green flag, and the crimson locomotive now lifted out of the station, heading forth down the mainline. As he left, he saw Lady shunting some trucks and coaches for the others, and he gave a whistle to her, in which the Magic Engine whistled back in response.


Over on the Ffarquhar Branchline, Kieron was asleep over in one of the sheds nearby. There wasn't much room for him and Jane, so they either slept outside or in the carriage shed where Annie and Clarabel slept. Lady had left earlier to go shunt down at Knapford and along with Brendam Docks.

"Kieron, wake up." Jane's voice got the tank engine's attention as he woke up, now seeing Jane marshalling some empty trucks. "We've got some work to do."

"What are you doing?" Kieron asked sleepily, his crew now getting him fired up.

"I've got to help Mavis and Toby at the quarry." Jane replied back. "You'll need to take stopping trains from Ffarquhar to Knapford."

"Got it." Kieron acknowledged, just as Jane puffed away from the station and headed off towards the quarry. Once he got fired up, Kieron made his way to collect Henrietta, Victoria, and Elsie, Toby's coaches and luggage van. Toby had told him that he can use them if he's absent.

Henrietta is a Great Eastern Railway (GER) Wisbech and Upwell Tramway 4-wheel coach. Due is painted persimmon with grey rooftop. Her buffer beams are painted red with black. Victoria is a Furness Railway 2nd Class coach. She is painted in Furness Railway blue with white window surrounds livery. Elsie is a Great Eastern Railway (GER) Wisbech and Upwell Tramway luggage van. Elsie is painted brown with a dark grey rooftop. Her buffer beams are painted red. When she became part of the North Western Railway, her company initials (NW) were painted on her sides in yellow.

"Morning, girls. Time to go to work." Kieron said to the coaches and luggage van. They all seem to like Kieron for his mannerisms.

Kieron gently buffered up to the trio, coupled up and soon made his way down the line. He passed by farms and fields either side of the line, even seeing Bertie driving by, the two whistling or rooting their horns at each other. He made his way through Hackenbeck, next to Elsbridge where he saw Braedey, then off to Toryreck, next up to Dryaw, and finally off to Knapford. Once done that, Kieron ran round his train, then began to make his way back down the branchline again. As he does so, he was just leaving Dryaw, when he saw Daisy the Diesel Railcar rolling up, the tank engine stopping on a passing loop to allow her to pass.

Daisy is a British Rail/Metro-Cammell Class 101/102 DMU. She is a single railcar, instead of the traditional two to four-piece units. Daisy is painted in a shade of light green with yellow lining. She has on makeup, including eyelashes, red lipstick, blush and blue eyeshadow.

"Why, hello there." Daisy mused as she trundled past him, heading off down the line. "Now please move along. Beauty before age."

Kieron just rolled his eyes at the diesel railcar as the signal now turned to green, and Kieron now continued down the line back towards Ffarquhar.


Diana, meanwhile, she was now heading down on the Little Western branchline, taking ballast trucks down to Knapford for either Edward or James to carry on further down the line.

The Little Western line begins at Knapford or Tidmouth, where it uses the through platform inside the station. Crossing River Tid, the line enters a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel, the line comes to Bulgy's Bridge. It follows along the coast, passing over another bridge over the road, reaching Haultraugh. After leaving Haultraugh, the line keeps going along the coast, going by Bluff's Cove, plus passing Bulgy's Field. Then the line separates from the coast and ends at Arlesburgh West.

Diana made her way along the line, passing by Donald and Douglas, the three Caledonian engines whistling to one another as they passed by. Diana continued on forth towards Knapford, all the while with looking about as she goes along. She eventually arrived at Knapford, but when she arrived, the yard manager informed to her that Edward will be delayed, so she'll need to take her trucks to Brendam Docks. The blue Caledonian locomotive understood this, so she headed off down the mainline to the docks.

Down at the docks, Lady was now assisting Salty with getting the trucks into alignment and for the next trains. Lady didn't mind getting dirty while doing her work, and she managed to get the trucks in line, Salty complimenting her on her hard work.

Diana eventually arrived at the docks on time, and she left her ballast trucks down on one of the sidings for the goods to be loaded onto a ship bound for anywhere in the world.

"Just leave those trucks there, Diana." Lady said to the blue Caledonian engine. "I'll take care of those."

"Okay, then." Diana acknowledged, now being uncoupled from the trucks. "Thanks a lot, Lady."

Diana now made her way over to the nearby water tower and coal bunkers to top up on coal and water. She was lucky right now to get a rest, though she now had to collect some empty trucks to take back to the Little Western for the Arlesburgh Miniature Railway engines to load up with ballast again. Diana just went along with that, just as she looked over to see Duck and Oliver pulling up with their goods.

Oliver is a Great Western Railway (GWR) 14xx Class 0-4-2T. He is painted in NWR unlined apple green with the 1934 GWR crest painted on the sides of his tanks and his number 11 painted on the sides of his cab in yellow, as well as having green wheels.

Duck is a Great Western Railway (GWR) 57xx Class 0-6-0 pannier tank engine with added sandboxes. Duck is painted in North Western Railway unlined apple green. He has a green safety valve cover and black wheels. His number 8 is painted on the sides of his cab in yellow on a black background with a yellow border.

"Diana, good to see you." Oliver greeted with a smile.

"You too, Oliver. And good to see you too, Duck." Diana then had a thought. "Just a thought, Duck. Why are you called that name? Are hunters always shooting at you?" She questioned.

Duck laughed. "Oh, no. My real name is Montague, but everyone calls me Duck because I waddle." He explained, now rolling forward and backward to now emphasise on his waddling.

"Oh, I see." Diana noted. "Oh, and by the way, I do like your colour schemes. I mean, holding onto that GWR heritage with pride... That is great."

"What about you? Do you hold your heritage with pride?" Duck asked, referring to Diana's Caledonian blue paint.

"Oh, I don't mind it. I just see it as my paintjob." Diana gave a small shrug. "Besides, it just feels normal."

"I see. That makes sense." Duck commented.

"Oi! You blue engine down there!" A voice spoke up from above. Diana and the two GWR engines looked up to see Cranky looking down at the three. "You are late, blue. These ships can't be kept waiting. They have important cargo. If they miss the high tide going out, they'll be trapped here at the docks."

"It's not my fault I was late. I had to hurry from the Little Western and Knapford to get here." Diana argued back. "There's just too much work."

"Then why not get a lorry to do your job?" Cranky teased.

"Ha! That's funny. Like I've heard that one." Diana scoffed, now puffing away with her empty trucks back to the Little Western in a huff and a cloud of steam.


Later, Diana was down at Tidmouth Sheds with the others, and she was now informing them about what Cranky said to her earlier in the day.

"Stuff and nonsense!" Henry scoffed.

"If it's those three horrid lorries come back, we'll be in a lot of trouble." Thomas fumed, remembering about the last time three lorries arrived on the island and caused nothing but trouble for the engines.

"Well, we'd best be on our guard in case." Braedey said to the others. "On top of that, we'll have to watch out for that engine of the Governor of Sodor."

"He's right. They could cause some issues for our goods trains and heavy goods." Peter agreed with the crimson locomotive.

"Peter, I've actually wanted to ask: What is your story?" Braedey asked over to the black Stanier 8F. "How did you end up on Sodor?"

Peter was built in January 1939 at Crewe Works and had worked on the LMS and later at British Railways. In 1966, Peter had been placed in the Ballahoo Tunnel as part of a pilot program to test the viability of having a reserve fleet of steam engines during the Cold War if an electromagnetic pulse from nuclear attacks could have disabled diesels. The program had unfortunately been scrapped when it was found that the amount of maintenance to keep the fleet in working order at all times would be too much. After about 30 years of being locked up in the tunnel, Emily Helen Hatt, along with her brother Charlie Hatt, had discovered Peter in 1996, and he was soon bought & restored by the NWR. It's soon revealed that Peter's original BR number was 48102.

"Well, you're lucky to be back in steam and among the fleet of the mainline." Braedey remarked.

"Still, what if the lorries do arrive? On top of the Governor?" Jane now asked, her and Lady looking in concern to one another about the prospect of the lorries arriving.

Sadly, I'm afraid that the three lorries did arrive on the island, but they weren't alone, as a fourth lorry was now being unloaded from the ship the other three were unloaded from, all three down on the harbour dock.

All four lorries seem to be Foden OG range lorries. They are painted brownish-red, their own registration plates in black with the letters "LOR" followed by their respective numbers painted in white. They also have grey tarpaulins over their flatbeds.

"Hey, you. Down there. Your job's done now." Cranky called out to Henry, who had just shunted his line of trucks into the nearby siding. "These lorries will take over. One of them wants to talk to you."

The first lorry glared at Henry. "What's this steaming lump of scrap metal doing here? Be off with you." He grunted.

Henry was offended. "Scrap metal? steaming scrap metal? Pah!" He spat, and he puffed away, unaware the blue lorry had just seen what happened.

A little later, Lady had been shunting some fuel tankers onto a mixed goods train for Peter. But as she does so, she saw the third lorry talking to Peter and James, the two looking rather angry at the Foden OG lorry.

The lorry then spotted Lady. "Oh, look what we have here: it's a tiny toy train." He remarked, Lady giving a glare at the lorry. "You'll be scrapped. Just you wait and see." With that, the lorry drove away, leaving three angry engines.

"Well, isn't he just a rude machine." Peter scoffed.

"Despicable!" James agreed. He then saw a blue lorry drive up. "Oh, what do you want?" He scoffed.

"I'm really sorry for the three lorries." The blue lorry said apologetically to the engines, to their surprise. "I've been trying to keep those three miscreants in line ever since they got back from their first trial to this place." The others were rather surprised by how nice this lorry was. "Now, I'd better go and try to keep them in line." With that, the blue lorry drove away.

"Huh. He seems nice." Lady noted.

"Maybe..." James mused.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle erupted from out of nowhere, and the three saw a blue engine pulling up with a single LMS Suburban Coach painted in orange-brown, the engine coming to a stop.

"Out of the way, low-class engines." The blue engine announced with pure boastful pride as he pulled up into the nearby platform. "I, Crovan, the Governor's Engine is here."

Crovan, also known as 87546, who had been built in 1907, is a custom-built engine. He claims he is a 'hybrid of many builds'. Despite this, he resembles a LB&SCR H2 Class with a 4-6-0 wheel configuration. However, H2's were not built until 1911. But he also resembles a GNR Class C1/C2 with modifications such as different 4-6-0 wheel configuration, cylinders, and running board shape. He also resembles a LNER B4.

"So he's the Governor's Engine." Lady whispered to Peter and James. "Talk about prideful and arrogant."

Crovan now noticed Lady. "You there, tank engine. Please take away my coach." He ordered to her.

Lady was aghast. Crovan had the audacity to order her about like a common shunter? "No. I have other trains to sort out, so you'll have to take it yourself." She spoke back firmly, and she puffed away before Crovan could react.

"Why, what an engine..." Crovan spat.


Meanwhile, the next engines to meet one of the lorries were Kieron and Thomas. They both arrived at the flour mill, but as they do so, they were surprised to see the lorry was the blue one.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" Thomas asked to the lorry.

"You look similar but different than other lorries." Kieron noted, looking at the blue paint scheme of the Foden OG lorry.

"Sorry. I'm just here to try and assist you, and to try and keep those other three in line." The lorry clarified to the two engines as they collected the trucks loaded with flour and goods. "Hope we get to work well together."

"I hope so too." Kieron agreed.

"Same here." The lorry smiled gently, then began to reverse and drive away down the road. After that, Kieron and Thomas both began to head off with their goods.

Down at the quarry, Mavis had been shunting with Jane alongside her, the two of them getting the work done rather quickly. But as they do so, with Jane at the water tower to get water, she noticed one of the lorries driving along the road up above, who's overloaded with rocks in his flatbed, now driving up on the road above.

'That lorry is in trouble.' Jane thought silently in concern.

And he was. The lorry was driving along at speed on the dirt roads, not watching where he's going. He ran over a sharp rock, which had slashed through one tyre and caused him to swerve out of control. The lorry now tried to stop or swerve away from the ledge of the cliff, but it was too late. The lorry tipped over and fell off the cliff, ending up at the bottom with a crash, clouds of dust floating everywhere.

"Oh, dear." Jane muttered, then she puffed up to make sure the driver was alright. "Is anyone hurt?" She calls as she pulled up.

The driver was thrown clear from the crash. He looked bruised and bumped, but was overall okay. "Rotten roads." He muttered. He looks to the wrecked lorry, which will be taken away to Brendam Docks.


Back with Lady, she's been shunting around different trains, keeping her mind focused on her work. But when she got the chance to settle before getting back to work, she was interrupted by Crovan, who now arrived on sight.

"You there, small tank engine. I hereby order you to take away my coach." Crovan demanded from Lady. Lady huffed, giving Crovan the cold bunker, and puffed away from the arrogant engine, Crovan glaring at her.

Lady made her way to collect some flatbeds, and she now made her way towards a container crane to have them loaded. She then met with Salty, now assisting the dockyard diesel with a heavy goods to be shipped out. After doing so, Lady backed away from the goods, only for Crovan to roll up alongside.

Lady finally sighed in exasperation. "Enough is enough, Crovan. I'm not going to shunt anything belonging to you, Crovan. And I won't be doing anything for you. Do it yourself." Lady huffed, and she puffed away.

Over on the other side of the docks, the wrecked lorry was loaded up onto a flatbed. As Henry pulled up to the docks, he began to laugh at the wrecked vehicle.

"What is this lump of steaming scrap metal doing here?" Henry teased.

"I'll be back." The lorry snarled back at him. "So, you can wipe that silly smile off your smokebox!"

"Pah!" Henry laughed, and wheeshed steam at him, just as Diana arrived with Lady alongside. Toby and Percy also saw this.

Then, Butch the Breakdown Truck arrived, with the second lorry on a flatbed, who looks to be broken down and his truck bed looks to be snapped in two.

Butch is a hybrid of a Scammell Constructor and Scammell pioneer truck. He was constructed out of parts from a diesel, a lorry. and a crane. Butch's front is painted yellow and his trailer is navy blue, with "SODOR HEAVY RECOVERY UNIT" written on both sides in white.

"What in the world happened to that lorry?" Lady asked.

"He was overloaded with oil barrels and he broke his rear axle and suspension springs." Butch explained to the others.

"Not very useful now?" Diana laughed happily, she alongside Henry and Lady all laughing in response.

"GRRAAAH!" The lorries growled in response.

Just then, James and Braedey both whistled excitedly from the other side of the docks. "They're bringing in the third lorry on a crane!" Braedey called out, now seeing the lorry covered in seaweed and looking like he's been busted up badly.

"What happened to that one?" James now asked to Salty, who just reversed up.

"Stupid Lorry was being stupid nearby, then drove by and ignored a 'Do Not Pass' warning sign, and fell down onto a barge, and that barge sank." Salty explained, much to Braedey and James laughing happily.

The first Lorry didn't answer; it was shivering from the cold water and no thanks to the sea air blowing by it. Later, Thomas, Jane, Kieron and Diana had arrived. They all looked at the three lorries and laughed.

"Well, well, well, déjà vu!" Thomas chuckled.

"Yep. The brother's Grimm." Jane added in.

"Smashed, Broken, and Sunk!" Diana included in next, and she meant Lorries 2, 3, and 1 respectively.

Sir Topham had some stern words for the Lorries. "I've heard you all have been extremely rude to my engines with your harsh words. I had brought you all here to help the railway, NOT delay the trains!! You have done nothing but cause trouble!!"

"We're sorry, sir." The first lorry muttered.
"We'll be good now!" The second lorry added.
"Please give us another chance!" The third lorry included.

"I'm afraid not! You have caused more trouble than George and Bulgy! You shall be sent back to where you came from at once!" Sir Topham turned to see the blue lorry parked nearby. "You there. Do you have a name?" He asked.

"I've never had a name before. But I think I'll go with... Edwin, as in Edwin Foden, founder of Foden Trucks, the company who had built me." The blue lorry gave his name, and the stout gentleman nodded gently to him.

"Very well, Edwin." Sir Topham nodded back. "I have heard from my engines that you have been trying to keep these three lorries in order, and you've all been assisting my engines. I'll contact your owner to make some arrangements for you."

Sir Topham Hatt had sent off the three lorries away to where they came from, and they were on the next boat out. The three lorries never returned, and the engines worked very hard to make sure they never will. Crovan, meanwhile, he was given a tongue-lashing by the Governor of Sodor, and they promptly left the island.

As for Edwin, he was welcomed by many of the engines thanks to his friendly attitude and assistance for the North Western Railway. Eventually, Sir Topham had purchased Edwin from his old owner, and the lorry even got a repaint with the name 'NWR Cargo' printed in yellow on both his doors.

Now, Edwin is a proud lorry to be on Sodor, and be friends with the engines of the North Western Railway.
