Chapter Fifty-Three: ๐——.๐—š.๐—ฆ.๐—ฆ.๐—˜ - A Very Fowl Engine

Ever since Belinda have arrived on the island, James had been feeling better than before, he and Belinda even double-heading some trains every now and then. Belinda got along with many, even meeting some of the Josephine Railway engines as well, and they quickly made themselves good friends with Belinda as well.

However, all good things have to come to an end...


On what could be a regular Friday morning, Benjamin was doing some shunting for the others down at Barrow-in-Furness, as well as doing some small work here and there for the engines of the NWR. It wasn't much for the Class 04 shunter diesel, but any work is good enough for him, especially with his new engine installed and running.

"Nothing like a good morning to shunt about trucks and coaches for the others to take." Benjamin mused to himself, now getting some coaches ready. "All set."

As he backs away to get some fuel, Benjamin could hear the sound of a steam engine approaching, but he also could hear some rather unwanted words. The shunter diesel sat silently as he hides among the many trucks, looking around to see what or who's around. As he sat silently and waited, he saw a black LMS Fowler steam by the yards, heading past Barrow-in-Furness for Vicarstown.

'Hmm... that engine is definitely suspicious. The log of and markings look to be faded, and the number isn't one I recognise.' Benjamin thought to himself as he now collects some empty wagons. 'I should go and tell the others about this.' With that, he heads off back to the Josephine Railway.

As he arrived, Benjamin looked around to try and find any engine to talk to about what he's seen. He soon found some of the other engines by the water tower and coal bunkers, and he made his way over.

"Hey, Benjamin. What's going on?" Austin called. "You alright there?"

"You look glum. What's up?" Anna asked next.

"I noticed something at Barrow-in-Furness when I was shunting in the yards." Benjamin answered, and he then explained to the others about the LMS Fowler engine that passed Barrow for Sodor. "On top of the fact the engine didn't stop to say anything to the signalmen, there was no crew onboard, and it looks like the logo of British Railways on his tender seems to be clawed and faded."

"That does sound rather unexpected and strange." Belle commented. "A lone LMS Fowler with no crew heading off to Sodor."

Ella looked uncertain. "What do we do?"

"Not sure, Ella." Jane answered back. "But we should keep an eye out for anything suspicious on the island."

"But we're needed here." Austin countered. "Who can go to Sodor?"

"We can." Braedey answered, he and Anna smiling in response. "Anna and I can double-head a train bound to Vicarstown, then I can follow on while Anna goes on back to the island."

"Sounds like a good idea." Ella acknowledged.

Sure enough, after making some arrangements, Anna and Braedey both head forth with the double-header express train, heading forth from their railway to Sodor. The crimson GWR engine and red LSWR locomotive were looking at one another in concern regarding this LMS Fowler locomotive that Benjamin told them of.

"Braedey, what do you think about this Fowler engine?" Anna asked to Braedey, the two engines passing over the Vicarstown Bridge. "What's on your mind?"

"I don't know what this engine is up to, but I have a bad feeling inside of my boiler that this locomotive is up to no good." Braedey answered ominously to Anna.

Eventually, the two arrived at Vicarstown, Anna taking the next train back as Braedey left the station for the yards. He had asked some of the nearby trucks and coaches around the area if any of them have seen a black LMS Fowler engine pass by, and they explained that they saw the specific locomotive without its crew heading to the West of the island.

'Hmm... What is the story with this locomotive?' Braedey thought to himself as he continues down the mainline. 'Why is it here?'

"Braedey." A voice called, and Braedey saw Gordon riding alongside him on the next line with his express. "What brings you here to Sodor today?" He asked.

"Gordon. Quick question: have you seen a black LMS Fowler locomotive with no crew onboard travel this way?" Braedey asked.

"No, not yet. Why do you ask?" Gordon asked curiously to him.

"I think it be best you'd inform the others. I have a bad feeling this engine might be trouble." Braedey advised, the blue LNER A1 locomotive puffing away with his express for Knapford, whistling in acknowledgement to Braedey.

'With more eyes out and about, others will be able to find this engine and learn more.' Braedey thought as he stops by Crovan's Gate to take on more water. 'Just hope the others will spot this LMS locomotive and fast.'


Meanwhile, the LMS Fowler engine was crossing the island, as if it was hunting for something or someone. It would take sidings a and passing loops to hide from other engines as they pass by, then continue onwards.

'This island, it is awash with all of these outdated and useless steam locomotives.' The engine now thought to itself as he made his way towards Brendam. 'These old kettles should be scrapped and be rid of at once, and to make way for the modernity of the new world.' He eyes some engines

Eventually, the LMS Fowler made his way to the docks. He hides among the trucks and takes a look at what's about. He saw James getting some flat trucks ready, Belinda also getting tar wagons prepped for her train, Salty handling the goods in succession, and with both Peter and Murdoch taking their heavy goods trains.

'Such archaic means of locomotion.' The LMS engine thought with a scoff of disgust. 'They really think they can survive here on this island far from the strength of British Railways, they've got another thing coming.'

The LMS locomotive eventually spotted one engine in particular he's looking for. Emily, a GNR Stirling Single 4-2-2 steam locomotive. He eyes the engine as if he were studying the female locomotive with interest.

'Perfect... That's the first engine I should go for.' The Fowler mused to himself with a sinister smirk on his face. 'All I have to do is wait for the right opportunity.'

Over with Emily, she had just arrived after bringing in some goods, and she's now waiting for her next train. She saw James and Belinda go by with their goods, the GNR engine whistling to them, and they whistle back in response. Emily made her way over to a few trucks and coupled up to them, then she whistled happily and she left the docks, unaware of the LMS locomotive that is watching her leave.

"Oi, you over there." A dockyard manager called out to the LMS locomotive. "We need an engine to take some coal trucks to Knapford. You're the only one available to take those trucks."

Fowler breathed a sigh, now heading off to collect the coal trucks that he was told to take. He coupled up to the trucks, and he slowly made his way out, grumbling to himself as he left the docks.

'I need to think of a plan if I plan to collect that one old engine here on this railway.' Fowler thought to himself as he stops at a red signal by the Brendam-Wellsworth junction. 'But how? And what method can I utilise?'

As the signal turned from red to green, Fowler puffed away with the trucks behind him. Unbeknown to the LMS locomotive, he was eventually spotted by Gordon, who was about to take the junction forth to Brendam. The blue locomotive narrowed his eyes in suspicion of the engine, so he continued on forth to Brendam. When he arrived, he soon informed James, Belinda, Salty, as well as anyone else, then the dockyard foreman told them that he saw that LMS engine leaving the docks with some coal trucks.

"Gordon. What's up with this LMS engine?" James now asks as he backed down onto some trucks.

"Braedey told me this engine is running without a crew onboard, and it also ran through a red signal." Gordon informed to them.

"This engine doesn't sound friendly at all." Belinda commented.

"Yes. Best we all keep our eyes out and see what this engine might be up to, especially with what Braedey told me about this particular locomotive." Gordon also included before departing with the express.

"And if this engine is nothing but trouble?" James asked to his sister.

"We'll tell the authorities and those we can find." Duck now stated as he pulled up with some goods wagons.


Meanwhile, Braedey had made his way to Knapford, and he explained about what was going on to Thomas and Percy, the two having arrived with quarry trucks. The two tank engines now looked concerned after what the crimson GWR locomotive told them.

"So, you think this LMS engine could be troublesome?" Percy asked to Braedey after the latter explained all.

"Worse. Devious, scheming, and vile." Braedey answers back. "Do not talk to him, or even get close. Best to keep an eye out in case. If something does happen and you see it, you report it at once to Sir Topham Hatt." He added.

"Alright, got it." Thomas acknowledged before leaving to go and get Annie and Clarabel.

"By the way, Braedey. Should we get some help from someone?" Percy suggested. "Maybe Thunderbolt?"

"I understand. I'll go ahead and see if I can possibly send a message out to that LNER locomotive." Braedey acknowledged back before departing the station.

Everyone else across Sodor have been informed about the unusual LMS locomotive, so they kept an eye out. But to everyone's surprise, the engine seemed to have vanished from the rails. Nobody couldn't find that LMS engine anywhere, and was confused as to where the locomotive could have gone to.

A little later, down over at Elsbridge Junction, James, Thomas, Henry, Toby, Gordon, Edward, and Belinda all had gathered up to talk to one another regarding this LMS engine. The others were concerned and uncertain about this.

"So, nobody has caught sight of this locomotive since earlier today?" Gordon asked in concern.

"No/Nope/Haven't seen it." The others answered back.

"Braedey did say this engine could be troublesome. But how bad could this one be?" James now asked.

"Braedey did say it's serious." Thomas spoke up in answer. "Whoever this engine is, Braedey did look to be concerned regarding it."

"Yes. I did take notice that this locomotive was not pleased about our railway." Edward now noted. "He did seem to have a stern and hateful expression on his face."

"Why would a steam engine hate Sodor?" Belinda questioned in confusion. It didn't make any sense to her at all.

"I don't know, Belinda, but I have a feeling that this particular steam engine might have been brought up in an unwelcoming environment." Toby now suggested. "Perhaps he views other steam engines unfit for duty, unlike himself."

"But Toby, that sounds unlikely." Henry interjected. "That locomotive is an LMS Fowler engine. They were only built between the 1920's and 40's. They were all regular common engines, and were just as useful as any of us."

"That maybe, Henry." Edward now spoke up.

"Well, I hope we get some answers before something bad happens." Thomas muttered, just as his guard's whistle blew. "Oh! Sorry, I gotta dash." With that, the blue tank engine puffed away in quick succession.

"I agree with Thomas. We'd best get back to work." Belinda agreed, and she steamed away for Brendam, following after Edward and Henry.

"Keep an eye out for anything." Henry whistled, the others whistling in acknowledgement back.

Gordon watched them go, then he too puffed off back to Knapford to collect his Express. Unbeknown to the engines, hiding in the goods shed nearby Elsbridge was the LMS Fowler, his eyes narrowed darkly...


That evening across the island, everyone was settling into their sheds, but they were all tense and nervous about this LMS locomotive running about the railway, all of them uncertain about this engine's endgame or motives.

Down at some sheds at the docks, Emily was staying there for the night since she couldn't reach Tidmouth Sheds earlier. As she slept peacefully within the safety of the sheds, she was unaware of an engine puffing towards her and coupling up to her, as well as some kind of fluid being poured right into her boiler, making her fall into a deeper asleep. Once confirming that the GNR Stirling Single has fallen asleep, the engine got hooked up, and immediately steamed out of the sheds, taking the female engine along down the mainline right across Sodor.

The locomotive who was steaming across the island with the slumbering Emily anticipated that nobody will be able to see what's going on, as the engine charged on to leave Sodor before anyone could see them. But the engine was wrong; as it passes through Barrow-in-Furness, Henry was about to depart from the station when he noticed the engine was THE LMS locomotive, and it had an unconscious Emily coupled up behind it! As soon as the engine was out of sight and going down the line, Henry immediately raced out of Barrow-in-Furness, and charged forth to Sodor to warn everyone.

Down at Tidmouth Sheds, as the sun was slowly starting to rise, the engines were starting to wake up, the firelighters getting their fireboxes going, as the warmth spread through their boilers. But as they were getting themselves ready for the day, the sound of a frantic whistle blowing snaps them awake from their drowsiness, and they saw Henry racing in and coming to a half just before the turntable.

"Henry! What in Gresley are you doing?!" Gordon demanded with a yawning groan. "It's too dangerous to be running about the yards like that!"

"Especially an engine your size." James moaned.

"We don't have time to worry about that! I just saw the LMS engine last night!" Henry now announced, which now got everyone's attention. "I saw him pass through Barrow-in-Furness, but he also had Emily with him! He must've kidnapped her!"

"What?! Kidnapped?!" Thomas, Belinda, and Percy all spoke out in unison.

"But how?" Edward now asked in concern.

"I don't know how that engine did it. She must be unconscious or something." Henry answered back to Edward. "But that engine..."

"Okay. We all have no clue as to who this LMS Fowler is, what his agenda or what he wants, or why he even kidnapped one of our fellow Sudrian engines." James now spoke up, Belinda smiling back to him.

"We can answer that question." A male voice spoke up.

Everyone look over to see the silhouettes of two steam engines chugging into view towards the sheds, but due to the harsh light of the rising sun, they couldn't see who the engines are. As the locomotives got closer, they reveal themselves to be Thunderbolt the LNER P2, and Braedey the Crimson GWR 4900.

"Greetings, everyone." Thunderbolt announced to the others, then does two short bursts from his whistle and a long one at the end that echoed like thunder.

"Thunderbolt? What are you doing here?" Gordon asks in surprise.

"He's here because I've asked him." Braedey answered to the blue LNER A1. "We need some help regarding this LMS Fowler engine, and fortunately, he knows a lot more than we do."

"Yes. And you said that Emily was kidnapped, Henry?" Thunderbolt now asked.

"Yes. I saw it happen last night at Barrow-in-Furness." Henry acknowledged in answer.

"I see. He must be heading off towards Doncaster." Thunderbolt mused.

"Wait. Who is this engine? And why would he be going to Doncaster?" Gordon now abruptly asked.

"Because this engine is heading forth to his base of operations, and to meet up with his members of the treacherous and sinister D.G.S.S.E." Thunderbolt stated darkly and ominously.

Thomas puffed up closer to the turntable. "Who is the D.G.S.S.E?" He asked in concern.

"The D.G.S.S.E stands for 'Diesel Group for Scrap of Steamies Engines', a right-wing organisation of diesel locomotives with the sole intention of scrapping engines, regardless if they're steam, diesel, or of any kind." Thunderbolt explained to them. "Their leader is the LMS locomotive you've been looking for, who's name is Fowler, and is in charge of this group."

"Wait. A steam engine who scraps his own kind?" Belinda now asked in confusion.

"Doesn't that make him a kind of hypocrite?" James added in.

"You could say that, but that doesn't matter now." Braedey spoke up. "Emily is in danger, and she needs our help."


Meanwhile, a sense of drowsiness began to fade away from Emily's mind, her eyes slowly starting to open, her now hearing the sounds of loud chugging, but it wasn't from her own pistons. Emily groaned as her eyes began to flutter open, then to her surprise, ahead of her, she saw the back end of a black coal tender, as well as the moving scenery going past them.

"Where... where am I? Where are we going?" Emily now asked, a low grunt being heard from the lead engine.

"I was really hoping you'd stay unconscious before we arrived." Fowler grunted to himself, now tugging at the coupling between his tender and Emily. "But no matter. We're almost there."

"Where? Where are we going?" Emily now asked in concern and worry. "I want to go back to Sodor-"

Fowler chuckled darkly. "You're not going back to Sodor. In fact, you won't be seeing that ridiculous island of nowhere and it's pathetic railway ever again." He adds in, his chuckle sounding rather sinister and sent a chill through Emily's frames.

Eventually, Fowler led Emily off the mainline, the latter seeing the silhouette of Doncaster in the distance, just as they go by some forest areas before they made their way to open landscape. As Emily now looks around in concern and fear, she saw them approaching a large sign and barb-wire fence towards some kind of place. The sign has the image of a diesel locomotive, as well as the letters 'D.G.S.S.E' above it, and some writing underneath it.

'What is this place? Why do I get the feeling of something unsettling here?' Emily thought to herself in utter concern, trepidation, fear, anxiety, and every other fear she could feel within her form.

The whole area looks to be run down and shabby, with insufficient and damaged equipment. There's a five-row engine shed with a turntable to accomodate the engines, a fuel depot situated nearby, as well as what looks to be an armoury, but the big eyecatchers were the huge scrapping sheds situated in the middle of the area, which had an elevating turntable, plus rows upon rows of derelict steam engines, diesel-hydraulic and regular diesel locomotives, along with old wagons and coaches, plus older machinery and vehicles around the area, the place looking like a junkyard or derelict city.

'This place... it's like a scrapyard. No... it feels much worse...' Emily thought in concern. She wanted to yell and scream at the sight of the derelict engines around the place, but she couldn't find her voice.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the D.G.S.S.E." Fowler announced. "For your sake, it's known as 'Diesel Group for Scrap of Steamies Engines'. This place shall be your new home... forever and always." He added sinisterly.

Emily was now getting scared and fearful. She wanted to snap her couplings and run away from this place, but she couldn't: she had no fire in her firebox and no steam at all. She was so focused on her fears, she did not notice the locomotive in front of her uncoupled and rolled forward, spinning around on a turntable.

"Welcome to our headquarters, steam engine." Fowler began. "I believe it is time for you... to meet my fellow acquaintances. Boys... reveal yourselves from the very darkness of the shadows!" He announced, blowing a deep and sinister whistle. "Let yourselves be known!"

At once, the sounds of rumbling engines can be heard echoing around the huge scrapping shed. A moment goes by, then a blue BR Class 28 with yellow front and rear, a black cab-forward BR Class 08 shunter, as well as two other BR Class 08 shunters, both in faded olive and grey, and two more BR Class 08 diesels alongside in green-grey with yellow cabs and yellow hazard stripes on their fronts.

'This engine... he's the leader of these diesels?' Emily thought to herself in uncertainty.

"As far as you should know, I am Fowler, leader of the D.G.S.S.E." Fowler announced to Emily. "We are formed since the 1960's for one reason, and one reason only; we have the sole intention of scrapping any engines, regardless if they're steam, diesel, or of any kind. Even those who stand in the way of our way of progress to a just society, one where diesel-kind reign supreme."

"But... you're a steam engine." Emily countered.

"Ah, yes. Many have asked me that question." Fowler spoke out nonchalantly. "When the dieselisation era began in the 50's and 60's, I've made a deal with Dr. Richard Beeching, the man responsible for the Beeching Acts, to see if I can help. And I did: throughout the Midland Region, I've assisted the goods trains, but behind the scenes, I've delivered obsolete steam engines to scrapyards. With one engine sent away for scrap, I get a lease on life. A life for a life, one can say..."

"You... you'd kill your own brothers and sisters, just to live on?" Emily asked in utter disgust and shock.

"Not just me. All these diesels around us, they all have the same agenda as I do: the purging of steam traction from our railways to make way for all diesels." Fowler clarifies, the diesels flashing lights and blaring horns in response. "But for those diesels who stand in our way, we force them to see things our way. If they don't... we make an example out of them to all others to witness." Fowler added in.

"Shall we show her what we do?" One green-grey hazard-sign diesel suggested to Fowler.

"I agree." The second green-grey hazard-sign diesel agreed with this.

"I cannot see why not. Malice! Wicked! Restrain our guest and move her from the turntable." Fowler orders to the two green-grey hazard-sign diesels. The two diesels buffer up from in-front and behind Emily, moving her from the centre track to the far left. "Levi! Go and get the traitor." Fowler ordered to the cab-forward diesel. The cab-forward 08 shunter now rolls forward onto the elevated turntable, which lowers down to ground level, and he rumbles out of the scrapping shed to go collect the 'traitor'. "Roderick! Transform." Fowler orders next.

"Ooh..." Roderick the big blue diesel smirked deviously. In response, mechanical gear shifting emanated from within his form, and suddenly, a huge grey hydraulic mechanical claw now appears up on top of his roof. "This is my favourite part." He chuckled, the claw snapping three times for emphasis.

'That claw... it's like Diesel 10's.' Emily thought in worry.

Levi, the cab-forward shunter diesel, soon arrived back to the scrapping shed, pulling behind him a beaten-up and rather battered blue BR Class 50 diesel, with yellow front and rear ends, the rest of his body in a rather decrepit and battered stated, parts of his windows shattered or missing, with his blue paint faded and hidden under layers of grime, dirt, oil, and dust. He also looked worn-down and tired, his eyes weary and with dried tears on his face, a black eye also there with bruising, him even losing a tooth.

"Got him, boss." Levi spoke out, now moving out of the way as the other two 08 diesels push the Class 50 closer to the elevated turntable. "Ready to go."

"How... how could you do this to a diesel?" Emily asked in shock and horror. "What did he ever do to you?"

"A steam engine showing sympathy for a diesel? That is rich." One of the olive/grey diesels chortled. "And that something, Herbert?"

"Knock it off, Harold!" The second olive/grey diesel grunted back, silencing his twin.

"You see, my dear steam engine, once any one of you appear on our list, we make sure to hunt you down, and deliver the most gruesome, horrible, and inconceivable amounts of pain, before your very soul is begging for the sweet embrace of death." Fowler explains, Roderick rolling onto the platform, the elevated turntable now lowering down to ground level. "You see, this Class 50 here, he had betrayed the diesels of British Railways, by allowing a steam engine to escape from scrap, and now, that engine is out there, out on who knows what kind of backwater heritage railway. In response, this engine is to be scrapped by us of the D.G.S.S.E. He has been bashed about by our bruisers Wicked and Malice, as well as having trucks and wagons slammed into him from all sides by Harold and Herbert, while myself and Levi have caused trauma to him through psychological methods of pain. Yet... we have kept him alive..."

"That is, until now." Roderick chuckled darkly as he raises his claw and snaps it twice, the other diesels laughing alongside him, then Roderick thrusts his claw forward, now starting to rip into the diesel!

All Emily could do was just watch on with eyes filled with utter horror and terror, hearing the pain-filled screams of the Class 50, seeing parts flying and being ripped out, sparks coming off the diesel's body as his engine was being torn apart, oil and fuel spurting out and spilling across the floor, all the while with Roderick and the other diesels grinning like the madmen they are, the blue Class 28 continuing to rip his claw into the Class 50 like a savage and wild animal. Emily felt terrible for the poor Class 50 diesel, all because he did something good to let a steam engine free, but that got him into trouble with this group of crazed locomotives. She now felt something for diesels picked off by this group of hunters: guilt. Something even James felt.

Eventually, the screams fell silent and Roderick moves back to reveal his handiwork: the whole engine bay and even the engine block itself have been ripped up and torn out by Roderick's huge claw, fuel and oil all dripping down the sides onto the ground in puddles.

Emily could only just look on in horror of this attack on the diesel locomotive. After that, Roderick waved to Levi, who acknowledged his movement and began to take the body of the Class 50 away to the line of old and decrepit diesels and steam engines.

"Now do you see what we specialise in, steam engine?" Harold chuckled darkly. "We do that, and worse, to those who step in our way. And you are next!"

"Enough, Harold!" Herbert grunted. "So, boss? Shall we begin?" He suggested to Fowler, Emily freezing in place.

"No." Fowler spoke back firmly, the diesels looking on in surprise at their leader. "She can be of use to us." He now said.

"But boss, didn't you say-" Malice began.

"Shut it, Malice." Roderick snapped his claw at the Class 08, making him flinch, as Roderick placed his claw back on his roof. "Fowler is right. A Stirling Single missing from Sodor is definitely going to get attention. We can use her for ransom." He suggested.

"Or better... a lure." Fowler stated, smirking deviously. "If a Sodor engine is taken, no doubt this will bring all of them to us. We will have a buffet- No, a feast. A metal feast ripe for the taking to scrap!" He declared, the diesels cheering out in response.

"Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap!" The diesels and Fowler all chant out unison, even revving their engines in unison, Fowler chugging steam from his pistons in time with the diesel's engines revving. "Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap! Scrap!"

"Boys!" Fowler now stopped them with a sudden yell, the chanting and revving all going silent. "Take the steam engine to the line of scrap engines. Let her rust away with them all."

"With pleasure." Malice, Wicked, Harold, and Herbert all said in unison, but then look at one another with raised eyebrows and scowls on their faces, all of them wanting to take the steam engine away. "Why you-"

"I'll do it!" Levi spoke up, now coupling up to Emily, and he began to push her out of the scrapping shed.

"Roderick. Boys. Clean up that mess you left." Fowler now stated, his eyes gesturing to the mess of metal and stains down on the ground where they gutted the Class 50. "I'll leave you to it." With that, he backs away from the edge, the other diesels begrudgingly cleaning the mess.

Outside the scrapping shed, Levi had pushed Emily around the yards, now going over to where a line of old diesels, machines, and rusted steam locomotives sat, all of them derelict and dilapidated, many of them in a state of disrepair and neglect; definitely not a place for a steam engine who's trying to not be scrapped.

Levi shoved Emily over behind some old flatbeds, then got uncoupled. "Now you stay put like a good girl, and maybe, we'll consider sparing you." Levi then smirked. "NOT!" He laughed mockingly before reversing away, his laughter fading away. "May you rust in pieces!"

Emily sighed deeply, now seeing the situation and the predicament she's currently in. She looked around to see if there's anything that could possibly help her, but she knew she couldn't go anywhere, not with a fire going in her firebox, and definitely not with any steam in her system. She looked at the rusted and twisted remains of engines and machines all around her, her wheels trembling with fear as she remembered what she had seen inside of the scrapping shed.

'Guys... please help me.' Emily thought to herself.


Back on Sodor, down at Knapford Station, Thunderbolt had met up with Sir Topham Hatt, the other engines all at the station as well, listening intently to what the big streamlined LNER engine has to tell them, including the rap-sheet of those involved with the D.G.S.S.E itself.

As it turns out, those involved with this rather sinister organisation include Dr. Richard Beeching himself, plus Bowler/D261, Old Stuck Up, D199/Spamcan, Splatter & Dodge, Devious Diesel, even Arry & Bert.

"You're telling us now that those diesels are involved?!" James asked in surprise. He still didn't forgive the two diesels for attempting to scrap him in the first place.

"As well as Diesel?" Gordon asked next.

"As it turns out, Harold, Herbert, Arry and Bert are apparently quadruplets." Thunderbolt now revealed to them, to their surprise. "As for Diesel, he was one of the first of the followers. Fowler, Roderick, and Levi are the first three who lead this group. Malice & Wicked, plus Harold & Herbert are considered the bruisers."

"Anything else?" Braedey now asked.

"There are other diesels, such as a Class 44, a Class 31 numbered 'D701', a maroon red Class 52, as well as a BR green Class 40 numbered 'D782'." Thunderbolt stated next. "Myself and the Railway Inspectors Unit have managed to handle those diesels and put them in Railgate Prison, but the leading diesels are the ones we have been trying to hunt down for some time."

"Do we know where they are?" Sir Topham Hatt asked.

"They are located in a dilapidated yard on the outskirts of Doncaster, a fair distance from Sodor." Thunderbolt informed, his crew showing the map to Sir Topham. "So far, thanks to this aerial images, we've scoped out the areas and know where most engines go when they're being scrapped, and their remains."

"That place must be a nightmare." Thomas muttered.

"Very well. We need to think of a way to get there and stop the D.G.S.S.E, bring them to justice, and rescue Emily." Sir Topham declared, then looked to the green LNER streamlined locomotive. "Thunderbolt. Since you have dealt with sinister diesels before, you shall lead this operation, and I'll go with you."

"Very well, sir. But I will require some assistance for this operation." Thunderbolt spoke up. "Toby, since you are the quietest of steam engines, I'll require you. Thomas, you too. Braedey and Henry, your strength will really be needed for this."

"Understood." The engines all acknowledged in unison. Sure enough, Toby and Thomas were loaded onto well-wagons and were chained down for the long journey.

"Best we get them all loaded and move out during the night." Braedey suggested. "That way, we can sneak up to the place."

"I see. Let us do this." Sir Topham declared.

"For Emily!" Henry added in.

"For all of Sodor." Braedey included.

"Diesels of the Modernisation Era, now cringe in fear. Mighty Thunderbolt is here!" Thunderbolt declared, blowing two short bursts from his whistle and a long one at the end that echoed like thunder.

With that, the engines puffed out of Knapford and head on forth across Sodor's rails, going forth to the mainland.


That evening, Emily hadn't managed to try and get any sleep over the last few hours ever since she got placed in the railway sidings here at this scrapyard that the D.G.S.S.E own. She could hear the occasional rumbling of the diesels going about the yards nearby, her eyes now looking about the area.

"I never thought I'd ever see a steam engine like you in my lifetime. Or at all, in my case."

Emily nearly jumped off the rails in fright. Where did that voice come from? She looks left and right in quick succession, trying to find the owner of that voice. She then looked over to her left, and to her surprise, there next to sat a derelict BR Class 52 'Western' diesel. The diesel has worn-down faded BR blue paint, his yellow cab front and rear also faded. His paint also has layers of dirt, grease, grime, and oil across it, even oil stains coming from his exhaust vents, while his chassis and wheels were rusty brown and red, indicating the diesel had not been taken care of, his cab windows broken and shattered. The diesel's face looked dirty and worn, even having a bruise and black eye, with tears in his eyes as well as he looked at Emily with weary eyes.

"My... my name is Emily." Emily gave her name, her voice now back after going silent after what she saw.

"Emily... like the British courtier and part of the royal household Lady Emily Marie Kingscote." The Class 52 mused. "Such a lovely name..."

"Who are you? I gave you my name, so you give me yours." Emily asked softly.

"I was only given a number, but it's been forever since I've actually had it. So, I'm known as Maverick." The diesel answered and gave his name to Emily. He then took note of Emily's paintwork. "You have such a nice colour of emerald green. My old driver's wife used to wear an emerald necklace, the gem the same colour as your paint." He smiled softly, as if reminiscing some old memories, but then sighed sadly. "But those were days of an era long gone. A time when I was... foolish."

"What do you mean?" Emily now asked.

"Back when the Modernisation Plan was underway since 1955, my class of engine was built between '61 and '64, a class of Type-4 diesel-hydraulic locomotives built for the Western Region." Maverick explained. "I was one of the 74 that were built. We were either built at Swindon or Crewe; I had the latter. We were built to assist the Hymek and Warship class of diesels since they were underpowered for top-link services, and BR Western Region needed a high-powered locomotive for these trains. However, my class of engine had a design fault: the most serious continual problem being a mismatch between the Maybach MD655 engines and the Voith L630rV three speed hydraulic transmissions. Our class of diesel was eventually withdrawn between '73 and '77, our class being replaced by better and more efficient diesels. I don't even know how many of my siblings are still alive."

"So, where did you work?" Emily now asked.

"I worked in places around the West of England, parts of the Midlands, and even travelled to London from time to time." Maverick answered. "However, my attitude to steam engines at the time was... atrocious, to say the least. I saw the steamies as nothing but just scrap metal and always talked down at them, thinking of myself as better than them. I didn't realise that my own words would come back and get me in time. By the time of the late 60's, I became rather worn-down, and I've seen more well-equipped and prepared diesel locomotives, some that did my jobs better than I could. I tried my best to keep up and work on ahead as hard as possible, but it was all in vain. My manager told me that I was being replaced and I'd have to be sent away. My crew and I were distraught, but then, I also felt the same way the steam engines felt when I mocked them for being ready for scrap. This was my comeuppance. Eventually, I was withdrawn from service. I was sent about the area, but then, I got caught by the D.G.S.S.E and have been here ever since the 70's." He sighed.

Emily looked over at Maverick with eyes that show of sympathy and empathy. She understood the feeling of being replaced. Time after time before she became a part of the NWR fleet, she had been replaced by many diesels and other locomotives alike.

"I understand. I know what's like to be replaced." Emily said to Maverick. "Many of my friends from Sodor have been in the same position long ago, but we all now work together to help, and be really useful engines."

Maverick shows a small smile. "I wish I had friends like yours. I've not had anyone that I'd call a friend."

"Well... maybe I can be your first friend." Emily offered, Maverick looking on in surprise at her. "I'm the first engine to talk to you, so maybe, I can be your very first friend." She added.

Maverick now felt tears start to run down his cheeks as he smiled softly at Emily. "Thank you..." He smiled.

Just then, the faint sound of a steam engine chugging could be heard amongst the wreckage, Maverick and Emily both looking around to try and find where it's coming from. As they look around, they saw a wall of smoke being moved by something, revealing itself to be Toby.

"Emily. Emily, are you there?" Toby asked softly.

"Toby? What... what are you doing here??" Emily asked in surprise.

"We're here to get you out of this horrible place." Toby answered with a smile. "Braedey, Thunderbolt, Thomas, Henry, even The Fat Controller. We're here to get you out and back to Sodor."

"Emily? Who is this tram engine?" Maverick asked.

"This is Toby, one of my friends from Sodor. Toby, this is Maverick, a diesel who's been here for a long time." Emily now gave introductions. "But how did you get in without anyone hearing?" She now asked.

"You know that I make less noise than any other engine because of how quiet I can be." Toby remarked with a smirk. "That's why most cattle and sheep get surprised by me when I wheesh steam or whistle at them."

"Nice. But you need to be careful. Roderick, the big blue MetroVick diesel, he's armed with a big metal claw that'll rip you apart in seconds." Maverick advised to Toby. "Trust us. We've seen what it can do."

"No joke." Emily agreed, shuddering from the memory of what happened to the BR Class 50 earlier.

"What's the best plan?" Toby now asked.

"Earlier, I heard Roderick was talking to Malice and Wicked, all three of them having a meeting over by the secondary scrapping shed at the back of the yards." Maverick spoke up. "If you can catch them by surprise, you can get Roderick to smash his claw into something inside the shed. His arm's hydraulics have been set to such a high level of pressure, it'll cause some damage."

"Very well." Toby acknowledged back, then he puffs off to do what's needed.

"Toby might be an old tram engine, but he's got the strength and power of a tough fella." Emily reassured to Maverick. "But, if we're going to get out of here..."

"If we are to leave together... I'll do my best to try and get you out, even if I must tear my own engine block apart." Maverick finished for Emily. "I'll try my best..." He groaned as he felt his brakes slowly release from his wheels, all the while with him attempting to try and turn his engine over.

As this happens, Toby slowly made his way through the remains of twisted scrap and broken machines, making his way towards the secondary scrapping shed. As he made his way over to some rusted engines, he could see the shed up ahead, and he can see Roderick, as well as Malice and Wicked alongside him.

Toby listened closely to the conversation between the three diesels, not liking where this could go, but remaining as quiet and as still as he can.

"Glad you two could meet up with me. We've got a lot to discuss." Roderick began to say to them. "Now this is something nobody else must know."

"Sure. What you wanna talk about?" Malice asked.
"I'm down to know more." Wicked added in.

"Listen, guys. Fowler is the one to form the D.G.S.S.E, thanks to him and Dr. Beeching, and their ideas for a just society for all diesel-kind." Roderick began to say.

"But doesn't it seem weird that he's a steam engine who's the one calling the shots like a diesel?" Malice interjected.

"Yeah. If anything, you should be boss." Wicked agreed as he looked to Roderick.

"I have considered my position among you within the D.G.S.S.E and where I stand on the matter regarding about Fowler, and I have been thinking rather long and hard about it. Perhaps as long as we've been in acting since the Beeching Acts." Roderick stated to the two diesels.

"So, what are you going to do?" Malice asked.
"Yeah. What's your plan, boss?" Wicked added.

Roderick now has a sinister smirk on his face. "I believe it is time to snuff off the fires that burn inside all of the fireboxes of steam engines. Even if Fowler is scrapped, we will continue on with his plan. The time has come for the great extinction of all steam engines of Sodor." Malice and Wicked both look at him, wondering what he'll do. "THIS is a job... FOR THE BOSS!!" Roderick laughed evilly and snaps his claw four times to emphasis his point, the two diesels agreeing with him.

"I've got to delay him! I've got to distract him!" Toby said quietly with determination. He looked around him, trying to think of something that he could use to try and distract him, then he remembered his golden bell. He pulls on the rope, and he begins to ring the bell quickly.

Roderick and the two diesels can hear the ringing, now startling them. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The former yells out as he honks his horn to call the others.

Roderick abruptly raised his claw at tremendous speed, but inadvertently smashing into a structural beam above them, and it brought down the shed roof on top of the three diesels with a crash! Roderick was now infuriated, and this resulted in his claw bursting through the roof, sparks coming off the claw as well.

Toby laughed quietly to himself, seeing what happened to the three diesels, thanks to his quick thinking and his brass bell, as Roderick struggled to control his claw, which was still snapping out and struggling to even get free.

"What in the name of British Railways?" Roderick now grunted and snapped angrily. "Useless hunk of metal! You do what I tell you, you stupid piece of machinery!"

"Good show." Toby smiled to himself, and with that, he steamed off to rendezvous with the others, leaving Roderick and his lackeys still trapped under the old shed roof.

Just outside the perimeter gates of the scrapyard headquarters of the D.G.S.S.E, Thunderbolt, Henry, and Braedey arrive on the scene, with Thomas just behind Henry. Thunderbolt looked to Braedey, the latter giving a look of acknowledgement. The big streamlined LNER P2 blows two short bursts from his whistle, and a long one at the end echoing around the place. The echoing whistle could be heard throughout the facility, getting the attention of the diesels situated in the area, even startling them in the process.

"Charge!" Thunderbolt announced. Henry and Braedey power on ahead, the two with snowplows equipped to their fronts, and they smash through the front gates.

"Who goes there?" Fowler demand, he and Levi rolling forward as the steam engines stand before them. "What do we have here? Some engines from Sodor?"

"I am Thunderbolt. We have the area all surrounded, members of the D.G.S.S.E." Thunderbolt announces out.

"You have stolen a steam engine that belongs rightfully to the North Western Railway." Braedey added in, steam shooting out of his pistons like a mad bull.

"I believe you are mistaken, big red." Levi spoke up. "That engine is now property of the D.G.S.S.E. So there you go!" He laughed.

"The controller of the North Western Railway is here with us, and the Railway Inspectors Unit, along with the entire British Railway Police, will be here in less than 20 minutes." Thunderbolt now announced.

"You're bluffing." Levi countered back.

"Wanna bet?" Braedey suddenly blows his whistle, now using his cracked and broken whistle from Diesel 10's visit to the Josephine Railway. "ATTACK!"

Suddenly, Braedey and Henry charge ahead, Herbert and Harold going ahead to cut them off, but due to the snowplows, the two 08 shunters were knocked off their wheels. The cab-forward diesel immediately reversed away, Fowler glaring at the cowardly Levi, only for him to focus on Thunderbolt, the LNER P2 slamming into him and sending him sliding across the rails, nearly bashing into some buffers behind him.

"You've heard of Kung-Fu? Well, get ready for sledge-hammer!" Braedey snaps, the snowplow breaking off.

"Braedey, incoming ahead!" Henry called.

Braedey looked over and he could see a familiar Class 44 diesel he saw from his very first visit to Sodor. "You again..."

"Time to pay you back for humiliating me all those months ago!" The Class 44 declared as he charges.

"Show me what you got!" Braedey snapped.

Braedey abruptly shot forward at speed in a cloud of steam, ramming right into the Class 44's front buffers, knocking the BR Class 44 backwards at a pile of scrap as he continued to push the diesel right through the piles of scrap, making the metal tumble and fall to the ground. The Class 44 diesel was taken aback, but he began to push back, sparks now flying off his front and rear wheel bogies, his engine rumbling and growling in the process, trying to push back against the crimson engine who charged him.

"Bring it on!" Braedey snapped angrily, and he gave an almighty shunt, sending the Class 44 sliding down the tracks with screeching wheels and brakes. "You want to try that again? You wanna? Bring it!"

Thomas soon found Emily, just as Maverick, with a feat of power he never felt before, he managed to fire up his engine after a long period of time of being idle, his Maybach MD655 roaring to life with clouds of black smoke bellowing from his exhaust vents until they clear up.

"Wow..." Thomas muttered in surprise.

Emily smiled upon seeing the blue tank engine. "Thomas! Thank goodness you're here." She called.

"Emily! We need to get out of here and fast!" Thomas spoke back.

"I'll handle... that." Maverick struggles to roll forward with metallic groaning and screeching coming from his wheels and bogies, all the while as he switches track to Emily's line, then reversed and coupled up to the GNR Stirling Single's front buffer. "Let's go." Maverick now began to roll forward, Thomas reversing back as he allows the BR Class 52 to follow after him.

"Thunderbolt! We've got Emily! She's being helped by an escaping diesel!" Thomas called to the streamlined LNER P2 engine.

"Everyone, fall back!" Thunderbolt called.

Braedey immediately shoved back the Class 44, now sending the diesel flying into one of the engine sheds, smashing through the back and derailing the diesel. Henry also sends forth some flatbed wagons and old scrap trucks over at Fowler and the diesels, blocking their path. Once done that, they go ahead and leave the area. Toby meets up with them, along with Thomas, Emily, and Maverick.

"Who's the diesel?" Henry asked to Emily, looking over at Maverick.

"Let's just say he's a new friend." Emily answered. "We need to get out of here before those diesels get back on their wheels and chase after us. They're planning to scrap all steam engines from Sodor."

"We'll have to rendezvous back with Sir Topham and the R.I.U further down the line before Vicarstown." Toby informed, he and Thomas coupling up behind Braedey and Henry. "They'll be waiting for us when we get there."

"We have no time to waste! Chocks away!" Thunderbolt declared as he began to puff away.

"CHOCKS AWAY!" The other engines announced as they follow after the LNER P2 locomotive, heading off onto the mainline of British Railways, going back to Sodor.

Among the wreckage and scrap piles, Fowler managed to push through the scrap remains, now seeing all that the steam engines have caused. He saw the steam in the distance, and he felt his boiler burn over.

"Members of the D.G.S.S.E! Look! See what these steam engines have done to us?!" Fowler yelled out, the diesels either getting the debris off them, with Roderick using his claw to throw the shed roof off him and the two twins. "These engines had just barged into our home, attacking us, and they left us in this state! We must fight back for the right of all diesel-kind!"

With that, Fowler charged on ahead, with Roderick, the Class 44, Levi, and the other four BR Class 08 shunter diesels following on after the LMS Fowler locomotive.

Down on the mainline heading towards Barrow-in-Furness, Thunderbolt lead the engines ahead, Braedey and Henry chugging along as both Thomas and Toby hang on tight, with Maverick growling and rumbling along as he pulls Emily behind her, his engine straining and groaning as he kept his speed up with the others.

"Keep going, Maverick. You can do it." Thomas called.

"I know I will. I'm doing this for those who I couldn't save." Maverick grunted as he powered along. "This is my redemption for everything I've done years ago."

"You're doing great, Maverick. You're doing-" Emily was then cut off when she heard the horns and roaring engines of the diesels behind her, Fowler leading them. "Guys! We've got company, and it's not friendly!"

Thunderbolt now blows his signature whistle as it echoed all around. In response, just as the engines go through Barrow-in-Furness, police officers and those of the R.I.U arm what were electrical taser weapons, and fire them at the diesels, getting the four 08 shunter diesels and stopping them in their tracks as the others continue forth down the line.

"We can't lose them!" Thomas called out.

"We will, when we reach Vicarstown." Thunderbolt reassured to him.

Eventually, the steamies and Maverick crossed over the Vicarstown Bridge, Fowler, Roderick, Class 44, and Levi all charging on after them. As they got closer and closer to the station, the signalmen could see the lead group of engines, and they changed the points, now allowing Thunderbolt and the others to take the platforms to the far side of the station. Just as Fowler and his followers were closing in, the signalmen switch the tracks back to the way they were, making the evil engines race into the other platforms. Fowler was just about to plan something, only for him, Roderick, Levi, and the Class 44 to slam on their brakes and come to a screeching stop, now seeing Joey with all the many engines of the R.I.U, along with the British Army Forces, and with Sir Topham Hatt standing before them all.

"Leader and members of the D.G.S.S.E, you are under arrest." Joey declared, a stern expression on his face. All Fowler could answer in response was a low growl...


A few minutes later, Fowler, Roderick, Levi, the Class 44, along with the 08 shunter diesels, were all loaded up onto well-wagons, all of their wheels removed, and they were all chained down. Roderick even got his claw removed and sent off to be scrapped. A criminal investigation down at their headquarters had revealed well over 4 to 5 decades of incriminating evidence, on top of information that stems from the management of British Railways and with Dr. Beeching's signature all over it, plus lists of the individuals and engines involved in the operation, the engines that were scrapped at the site, along with other incriminating files.

"With all of these allegations and evidence provided against all of you, by the order of the Railway Inspectors Unit and the British Transport Police, you all are sentenced to 30 years in Rail Gate Prison." Joey the police engine stated to the engine on the flatbeds.

Rail Gate Prison is the symbol of the Vehicle criminal justice system on the mainland, located 12 miles west of York, in Wetherby, West Yorkshire. It keeps Non-Faceless Vehicles and rolling stock in prison for committing a crime.

"I'll turn all of you steam kettles into scrap for this! Just you wait!" Fowler declared firmly. "The D.G.S.S.E will take over the tracks of British Railways, and the great extinction of steam locomotion will happen!" That got some dirty and dark looks aimed at Fowler from the engines around the station.

"That might happen in places, but not here on Sodor." Sir Topham Hatt stated firmly as he walked up. "The engines here on my railway will never be scrapped, not while I am the controller of the North Western Railway!" He looked to Mack, who was leading the train. "Mack, take these engines away to Rail Gate." He ordered.

"Yes, sir." Mack acknowledged, and with a rumble of his engine, he rolled away with the police engines now following on after him.

"Well done, Thunderbolt." Sir Topham thanked to the LNER P2 locomotive. "You saved one of my engines and brought in those criminals with little to no damage."

"I'm just here to help, Sir Topham." Thunderbolt answered with a casual tone, knowing the life of a superhero is that of praises and more.

"You did come up with a pretty-well executed plan, Thunderbolt." Braedey spoke up.

Sir Topham looked over to Emily with a smile of relief. "Emily, I am very relieved to see you are alright." He said to her. "After today, you are to get a quick check-up and have a good rest."

"Thank you, sir. But I'd like to thank Thunderbolt, Toby, Thomas, Henry, and Braedey for saving me." Emily said to them. "And I'd like to thank Maverick here for also helping me."

"Yes. He's been a big help." Thomas added in. "Maverick was one of the diesels caught by the D.G.S.S.E, and he wants to redeem himself for his past actions."

Sir Topham looked over to Maverick with a generous smile. "I thank you, dear engine, for your efforts to rescue one of my own engines from being scrapped." He thanked.

"You're welcome, sir. It's the least I can do, especially to make up for all the mistakes I have made in the past." Maverick smiled.

"As a reward for your actions out there, I will have you taken to the Works to get repaired and be rebuilt with a new engine and even a new coat of paint, whatever you want." Sir Topham now said to Maverick. "You will forever be part of the North Western Railway fleet."

The engines all blew their whistles happily in chorus and cheer for Maverick, the rusty and ragged BR Class 52 smiling with pure happiness, happy tears forming in his eyes. He could not believe it: he now has a new home, and where he'll feel welcome and he'll be rebuilt! He then blew his horn as loud as he could, with the engines whistling back.

"Hear that, Maverick?" Emily smiled happily. "You have finally been redeemed. And your new life will soon start up again."

"I could say your story is like a Phoenix, the mighty bird born from the ashes of its death." Braedey now commented, the others agreeing.

"Thank you. All of you." Was all Maverick could say.

So, over the next month or so, Maverick had been sent off to the Works to get rebuilt and restored, his engine being taken down bit by bit to be rebuilt and fixed up, while he was given the needed treatment to fix him.

Eventually, after a little while, Maverick emerged from the Works, as good as new and looking very smart once again, but no longer bearing his BR blue colours: he now has a maroon red colour.

"Wow, Maverick. You look so smart." Thomas commented in surprise.

"Why did you choose red?" Emily now asked to Maverick.

"I want to try a new coat of paint, and I wish to start anew." Maverick answered to the Stirling Single locomotive. "Also, I'd like to thank you for becoming my first friend, Emily. I owe you everything."

"And I like to thank you for saving Emily." Henry added in as he puffed up alongside Emily. "I wouldn't know what to do if she got hurt."

James and Thomas smirked. "Am I sensing something more profound than friendship?" The former joked.

Henry gave a blank stare. "James, we're married." That got the attention of Maverick, Thomas, and James, as they all look on in surprise. "I... never mentioned that? Oh, how embarrassing." Henry muttered to himself.

"That'll definitely be a story I'd like to hear one day. But right now, I've got to get going on trial." Maverick rumbled his engine to life. "Thomas, please lead the way to Brendam."

Thomas smiled and blew his whistle, starting to reverse down to the mainline, Maverick honking his horn as he followed on after him, Emily and Henry whistling out for their new member of the North Western Railway...

Maverick the Redeemed Diesel.

A/N: I'd like to give a shout-out to Hnorris16 for the idea.
