Chapter Thirteen: The Police

After encountering Godred's Ghost on the Peel Godred Branch, both Braedey and Diana weren't feeling their best. They never ventured off down the branch, and kept to the mainline. Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Franklin understood why they didn't want to go there again, and they changed their schedules to keep the two engines away from that branchline.

The other engines seemed to give them no end of grief, saying there was no such thing as ghosts, and the two were being silly. But, Toby, Thomas, Edward, Henry, and the Josephine Railway engines gave the two some comfort. Both the GWR 4900 and Caledonian engines were happy to have the others watching out for them.


Today, Diana was sent down to the Farquhar Branch to assist Thomas, Toby, and Percy, along with Belle and Liliana. It would be a change of scenery, and plus, she would be with friends to help her out.

Diana slowed to a stop one morning at Ffarquhar Station, pulling up to a siding to clear the track. She had to admit, Thomas did have a very nice branchline, and it was very calm and inviting.

The station has one passenger platform with a run-round loop. A milk dock, cattle dock, coal staithes, and an oil depot are provided, with two good sheds (one for local traffic, and one for goods in transit). The station forecourt is a regular calling place for buses whose timetable and that of the Branch are coordinated to make connections with all trains possible.

Diana smiled when she saw Belle and Liliana sitting nearby. "Hey, girls. What's going on?" She asked.

"Well, we are glad that you've come along." Belle sighed in relief. "We have to move a shipment of rocks from the quarry away, and to Elsbridge for Henry to take away."

"Okay. What's our plan of action?" Diana asked, then she saw Toby trundle in with Henrietta. "Hi, Toby."

"Fancy seeing you here, Diana." Toby greeted, pulling up to the platform. "You here to assist Belle and Mavis?"

"Mavis? I thought Liliana-" Diana stopped when she now realised something. "Oh, right."

"Yeah. I know I'm not the strongest engine. I can only take one or two of those stone trucks. A whole train is just too heavy for me to take." Liliana admitted.

"I understand." Diana spoke back to her friend. "I'll take care of it."

"Thanks, Diana." Liliana smiled.

A few minutes later, Belle was making their way down the line, heading up to the mine. The track winds itself through some of the hills and fields of green. This was her first time down this section of the line, so it was all new to her. Fortunately, over the years, the bridges and tracks have been strengthened up so they could now take heavier loads and engines.

Belle soon approached a dirt crossing. She saw a police officer standing by the crossing ahead, and she slowed down to a stop before the crossing. Belle had learnt a thing about this section of the line, and she had some concerns.

The officer looked to Belle in confusion. "You can proceed ahead." He said to the tank engine.

Belle was confused. "But, sir. I thought engines that don't have cowcatchers and side plates aren't allowed up this section of the line." She said to the officer. "I mean, Thomas told me about how he got called a rule breaker for travelling down this section of line because of that. I'm perplexed as to why Sir Topham Hatt would send me up, when he could've sent Toby up."

The officer gave a chuckle. "It's quite alright. I've heard about that story from my grandfather, who's a close friend of Thomas. And that was before that old constable stepped in. The rule has been revoked for years now. It's alright for engines without cowcatchers or sideplates to travel down this section of line."

Belle smiled. "Oh. Well, thank you, sir. Now, I feel better." With that, she whistled to the officer, and she steamed away, the officer waving to her as she left.

Eventually, Belle arrived at the branchline's quarry. She immediately set off to work, sorting out the trucks, pushing the empty ones under the chute to be filled with rocks, and getting the filled trucks in line for the journey back.

Ffarquhar Quarry is the quarry at the end of Thomas' Branchline, owned by the Ffarqhuar Quarry Company.

Mavis, who was watching from her shed, couldn't help but he impressed by Belle and her shunting skills, and she guessed she has experience with working in yards.

Mavis is a BR Class 04 0-6-0 diesel locomotive. She is fitted with additional cowcatchers and sideplates so she could run near public roads. Mavis is painted black with yellow hazard stripes on her front and rear. She has her name and "The Ffarquhar Quarry Co. Ltd." written in white on her cab and sideplates respectively.

Mavis rolled up to Belle, after the tank engine shunted the train of quarry trucks for the journey into line. "Wow. You do this job easy." She complimented. "I'm very impressed."

"Well, it helps when you've been station pilot for over 20 years, and have racked up some experience over that time." Belle admitted with a sigh. "I'd better get this all underway."

"You want me to take the train?" Mavis offered.

"Why don't we double-head?" Belle offered back to the diesel shunter.

"Sounds like a good idea." Mavis replied to her. "We'd better tell the foreman about the arrangements."

A few minutes later, Belle and Mavis were both coupled to the trucks, and they began to make their way down the line from the quarry. The two used their brakes and reversers to slow themselves down on the hills, the trucks not wanting to play a trick on Mavis after being told off, and the two engines made their way down the tracks to Ffarqhuar.

"There you two are." Diana called to the two engines. "Great job."

"Thanks, Diana." Belle smiled, she and Mavis uncoupling from the line of quarry trucks. "You'd better go and get these to Elsbridge and quickly."

"Right. Let's go." Diana smiled. She coupled up to the trucks, and she began to head off down the line.

Diana headed off down the tracks, going along at a gentle pace, only heading at about 20mph. She passed along through Hackenbeck, going through the tunnel. After going through the tunnel, Diana passed by the small Mrs. Kyndley's Cottage, and going through the station of Maithwate. She soon goes through Elsbridge Crossing, passing over Elsbridge Viaduct, and she eventually arrived at Elsbridge Station, moving the trucks into a nearby shunting yard.

Diana smiled, then she saw Henry arriving on the scene. "Hello, Henry. Here's your trucks." She greeted.

"Thank you, Diana. You seem to be doing better than you did before." Henry greeted back, coupling up to the trucks, adding them to his long heavy goods. "And I've seen Braedey is doing better as well."

"How so?" Diana asked.

"He's been taking a mixture of goods and passenger trains around Knapford and parts of the mainline." Henry explained.

"Well, that's good to hear." Diana sighed, as Henry pulled away from Elsbridge Station. Once the green engine was gone, Diana steamed away back down the Ffarqhuar Branch.


That evening, Belle stayed with Toby and Thomas at the sheds at Lower Tidmouth. Percy was taking the mail train this evening, so it was going to be the three engines at the sheds for this evening.

"Thomas. I've been needing to ask." Belle said to her cousin. "I encountered the officer down at the crossing before the quarry, and he said that the law regarding engines without cowcatchers and sideplates has been revoked." She looked to Thomas. "Do you know about this?"

"Yes. I do know about this." Thomas replied to her.

"So, what happened to the law?" Belle asked. "When was this?"

"It happened in 1965, I think after when Toby arrived on the branchline." Thomas explained, then he began to explain.

In 1965, Sir Topham said to Thomas that the law had been revoked after he told the tank engine that he spoke to the head of police, and has talked to him. The constable wasn't too pleased when Thomas passed by the crossing. He headed off into town to report this, but since it was Sunday, he booked all the cars parked outside, which got him into trouble with everyone from the church, even his superior. The law of not letting a steam engine up the quarry line was outdated and redundant, since it was revoked by the council for years. After that, the constable was demoted to 2nd-class constable, and was transferred to Wellsworth.

"And what's happened to him now?" Belle asked.

"He's retired." Toby replied simply. "But he never learnt his lesson."

"Well, he's one thorn in your side that's gone." Belle sighed to herself.

After that explanation, and learning about something regarding the Ffarqhuar Branch, Belle went off to sleep, Thomas and Toby following in, going to sleep.


The next morning, Braedey was down at Brendam Docks, sorting out trains for the others to take later on. He didn't mind working at the docks, especially since the smell of the salt air was a change to the smell of cut grass and such.

Braedey soon had to take a goods train for Henry. He didn't mind this, for it was an easy goods run. Plus, if the trucks try anything, he'll give them a shunt to tell them to stop. The goods were bound for Crosby.

Braedey headed off down the line, a smile on his face, as he travelled down the line. He was enjoying himself as he went along at speed. But, his smile faded when he looked down the line, just before the junction going off to Wellsworth and the mainline. He could see what were flashing blue lights on a police bicycle that's blocking the line ahead. He slowed to a stop, then he saw the policewoman standing on the tracks.

The policewoman looked to be in her mid-30's with curly blonde hair reaching down to her shoulders, while having green eyes behind thin-frame glasses, and white pasty skin. She has a firm body and shape. She has on a blue police long-sleeve shirt with a white tie on, a dark brown belt around her waist, a baton on her right hip, with black fingerless gloves, dark grey leggings, and grey shoes.

The woman glared at Braedey, the crimson engine unsure of why she's so angry. "I have asked Sir Topham Hatt to remove all of his engines from the railway, and yet, five years later, after all of what I've done, he brings more engines to the railway? What has this island come to nowadays? Why must we use such useless and antiquated machinery when we are just as capable of moving it with our own hands?" She spat out in frustration.

"Madame, you need to please move." The foreman asked pleasantly.

"No! I shall not move until you get rid of this lump of metal." The policewoman demanded at the fireman.

"Hey! Don't talk back at my fireman like that!" Braedey snapped.

The policewoman smacked her baton against Braedey's buffer beam. "Watch yourself, kettle!" She fumed, putting her baton away.

"Oi! You can't just block the tracks." Braedey's driver yelled from the cab.

"I am an officer of the law. I can do whatever I want." The policewoman stated as if it were prideful.

Braedey wheeshed steam with a frown. "Get out of the way, Madame. This train is bound for Crosby." He said.

"Don't give me any of your lip, you old kettle." The policewoman fumed at Braedey, as if unfazed by him. "You and your motley crew of machines have damaged the landscape of this island, and I believe that all of you should be scrapped!" She declared, then wrote something down in her notepad, tearing it out, and thrusts it into the driver's hands. "Good day!" And with a huff, she walked back to her bicycle, and she rode away.

The driver looked to the note. "'Hazard to the island?' Is that woman crazy?" He asked incredulously.

"And on top of that, she held us up and blocking an important section of track." Braedey added in frustration, how heading off down the line. "The others are not gonna be happy about this."

Braedey managed to make up for lost time being delayed, and got to Crosby only a minute late. After that, he started to help out around the yards, only for the policewoman to be around, issuing tickets at him and his crew, much to their frustration and annoyance. Later, Braedey did stopping trains around the Elsbridge Loop Line, only to see the policewoman driving her car along the roads, blaring her siren at the crimson engine and the passengers, all of them complaining about how rude she was.

'This has to stop. She's taking it all out on me and the others.' Braedey thought to himself in frustration, now charging ahead and leaving the policewoman in a cloud of steam.


That evening, Braedey was now infuriated and had enough. The other engines could tell that Braedey was not happy, but they weren't sure if they should talk to him right now.

Diana decided to break the silence. "Braedey? Did something happen today?" She asked innocently.

Braedey turned to Diana, then breathed a sigh. "I've just been in a bad mood today." He admitted.

"By what, exactly?" Gordon piped in. "You're not the kind of engine to get into a bad mood." He added.

"Well, I was stopped before the junction to Wellsworth by a policewoman." Braedey replied, and he explained about what had happened to him and his crew during the whole day.

"I know her. Her name is Miss Benson." Edward spoke up, the others looking over to him. "She's been around since she was a young little girl. Her father is an anti-machine person, a Neo-Luddist of sorts. It means it's someone opposing any form of modern technology. She was taught in his ways, and now, she hates ant and all machines."

"You have to be kidding." Austin spoke incredulously to Edward. "She thinks us engines are inferior and useless?" He asked.

"Not just us engines." Edward countered back. "She despises any kind of transport machinery, like buses, cars, taxis, trains, boats, even airplanes." He counted off.

"She has to be screwed in the head." Max spat out angrily. "Without us engines, Sodor would've been a horseback Island, and it wouldn't be as popular as it is now."

"She thinks that us being here have ruined the island's image, ruining it with our, and I quote these, 'disgusting and ugly rails', our smoke being 'clouds of the devil', and our whistles as 'screams of demons'." Edward ranted on. "She has tried many things, like setting up barriers on the lines, trying to steal or 'confiscate' any of the equipment, or even try and force a derailment."

"But, hasn't Sir Topham Hatt done anything to try and prevent this?" Belle asked to Edward.

"He and his father have been trying their hardest to keep her away from the railway, even try and get her removed from the police force." Edward replied. "But, she had wiped any and all evidence that she was even involved with those incidents."

Braedey and the Josephine Railway engines were all fuming in anger and frustration. A woman who hates any and all machinery, yet has a position in the police, and she's able to get away with all of what happened beforehand? This woman has to be stopped at once.

Braedey looked to his crew, and they smiled gently, for they have a plan on their smokeboxes. This plan was going to get this woman, and make sure she's caught.


The next morning, Braedey and his crew decided it was time to make sure that Benson was put in her place, and they'll pay her out. With their headlamps, the interior was replaced with a hidden video camera, so they could record what happens while out on the line. Once armed with these cameras, Braedey and his team headed off down the line, their plan in motion.

For Austin and Max, they were handling the shunting down at Wellsworth Yards, the two of them began to move trucks about the yard. As they do so, they could see Benson driving on her police bicycle, making rude remarks, and even writing it down in her notepad. But, unbeknown to the policewoman, she was recorded on camera, as she rode away.

Later, Diana and Braedey were taking stopping trains, travelling back and forth. They soon caught sight of Benson riding along on her bicycle. When she dumped her bicycle on the platform at Elsbridge to file a report on the engines, her bike ended up falling over onto the tracks in front of Braedey's path. So, acting like nothing happened, Braedey ran over the police bicycle, crushing it under his wheels. Soon, he left the station, just as Benson stepped out of the station building. She looked for her bicycle, then looked down at the rails. The police bicycle was in pieces.

Benson was furious by what happened to her bike, and she wanted to yell at Braedey, only to see he was gone. She fumed in anger, then stormed off to steal a bike from the nearby bike park, and she pedalled off down the road, the action all caught on Diana's camera. The blue Caledonian engine smirked to herself, knowing this woman won't be around for much longer.

Belle, meanwhile, was down at Crock's Scrapyard, moving some trucks of scrap metal in line for Edward or Boco to pick them up later. As she sorted out the trucks, she could hear some incoherent yelling coming from the scrapyard's front gates. She looked to see Benson ordering the scrapyard manager to rip apart all of the vehicles, including the tank engine. The manager didn't seem to listen, and he just ignored Benson, as she argued and argued with him, to no avail. Belle had her driver and fireman film the argument from her cab, and it was funny to watch. Soon, Belle chuffed away down the line, as Benson continued to yell and scream at the scrapyard manager.ย 

Liliana managed to get some images of Benson abusing some of the engines as well, along with the staff at the stations, which was definitely shocking to her, and she was more than annoyed at seeing how rude this Benson woman was. Now, with all this video footage, as well as the other's, it'll be enough to put this woman out of the job.


Later on in the day, Braedey, Diana, Max, Austin, and Liliana, along with James, Thomas, Edward, and Percy, were all up at Knapford, the Josephine Railway engines talking to Sir Topham Hatt about Miss Benson and her abuse of power against all of Sodor. Their crews provided the camera footage for Sir Topham to look at, all of it now compiled into a film for everyone to see.

Before they could play the footage, the sound of a bicycle approaching could be heard, as well as a police car, everyone looking over to the station entrance, and they could see Miss Benson pedalling in, the police commissioner driving in with his car. The two entered the station, Benson sweaty and exhausted.ย 

"Commissioner. What brings you here?" Sir Topham greeted to the head of police.

"It would seem that Miss Benson here has logged a complaint against the North Western Railway for a number of complaints." The commissioner explained to Sir Topham, looking through the list of crimes, while Miss Benson stood by with a smug smirk. "With an assortment of crimes such as disturbing the peace, trespassing on properties such as the quarry and coal mines and other such locations, causing a racket with the sounds of chuffing and whistles going off, being a public nuisance, as well as a number of other crimes."

The engines were all appalled and bewildered by these false accusations against them and their railway. How deranged and unhinged was this woman, exactly?

Miss Benson took two steps forward. "Sir Topham, this railway and all the machines around us has caused nothing but a blemish against the whole island's image. These engines have ruined the island with their horrid smoke and poisoned the minds of the children around us." She ranted on. "I told you five years ago to take these lumbering piles of steel away, and you did not do so. Now, you have these new engines running the rails, and you've ignored my orders to get rid of them all." She then got some hand-cuffs. "As a result of your actions, Sir Topham Hatt, you are hereby-"

"Hold it right there!" Mr. Franklin stepped into view, snatching the cuffs out of Miss Benson's hands. "You can't just arrest Sir Topham from these falsified crimes." He stated.

"These crimes DID happen, and it's from these engines and the staff." Miss Benson spoke back firmly, pointing at Braedey and the engines. "Unless you have any solid evidence..."

"Actually, Sir Topham, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Commissioner..." Braedey spoke up, everyone looking to the GWR 4900 locomotive. "Myself and my crew have had confrontations with Miss Benson here while she was trying to impede in our duties. So, we rigged up cameras inside of our headlamps, and we have some footage that should heed your attention."

"Oh, is that so?" Miss Benson asked in sarcasm. Do these engines really think they could get her in trouble? "Then, show it."

Soon, the footage on the tape was being shown off to Sir Topham, Mr. Franklin, the police commissioner, and Miss Benson. As the footage was shown off before everyone's eyes, they all could see the trouble Benson had caused across the mainline and branchlines, and the woman in question started to sweat in worry and her pride starting to break down. She tried to sneak away, only to be caught by Mr. Franklin, who placed the cuffs on her.

Sir Topham turned to Miss Benson after the footage was done. "My engines are an integral part of this island's history and its function." He spoke severely at her. "Without them, this island and the inhabitants that live here wouldn't stay alive for long. In addition, these engines wouldn't have been saved by myself or by others if it wasn't for this land. This island is their home."

"After your performance and what we have witnessed on that footage, Miss Benson, I shall be taking away your badge and license as part of the Sodor Police Department, and you shall be deported from the island at once." The police commissioner announced firmly.

With that, and with Miss Benson screaming out in anger and yelling out that railways are the morning but banes of existence, the commissioner dragged Benson away to his car, locking her up into the back of the vehicle, and he drove off to the police station.

Sir Topham turned to the Josephine Railway engines, then tipped his top hat to them. "I have to thank you engines for removing her. She has been trying to order me to remove the North Western Railway for the past five years, but to no avail, especially after she tried to rally a riot. She got serious backlash from many of the communities, saying the railways are beyond important for their survival."

"You're welcome, sir." Braedey smiled.

"Just doing our part to help out." Austin added.

"Hey, it's the least we can do." Liliana chimed in.


Sure enough, there's been no more sightings of Miss Benson anywhere nearby the trackside. Also, the police seemed more cheerful, and waved to the engines as they went along their rails.

The engines were happy to know that she's gone. The police commissioner informed to Mr. Franklin and Sir Topham, as well as the engines, that Miss Benson had been deported from Sodor, and she's now back in the U.K, and she's locked up in prison, and she'll be serving a very long community service sentence, and she'll be learning to appreciate machines, and what they do for the world around them all. But it's unlikely to happen.

The engines were glad to know that Benson was gone, and they all don't have to worry about her anymore.
