Chapter Fourteen: The Smelter's Nightshift

The engines on Sir Topham Hatt's Railway looked forward to the Halloween season. They all go and get to see Sir Topham Hatt's fireworks display at Callan Station and Castle. They also love to see children dressing up as wizards, witches and ghosts. It was also the first time the Josephine Railway engines got to see how they celebrate Halloween. It was rather interesting and also fun for them all.

That evening, the engines all gathered at Tidmouth Sheds, with Braedey, Diana, Liliana, Austin, Belle, and Max alongside them, and they all listened in to one of Edward's infamous ghost stories.

"They say that on Halloween, the ghost engine returns to the Smelters Yard, looking for its lost 'WHOO!! WHOO!!' whistle..." Edward said spookily.

"OOH! AAH! SPOOKY!" The engines said, all of them shivering a little.

Braedey and Diana were still a little spooked about what happened to them with Godred's Ghost back on the Peel Godred Branch, so they were frightened by the story. Austin and Max, the two of them having not dealt with the supernatural, didn't seem to be spooked. Belle and Liliana were a little spooked, but shook it off as cold air.

Later in the evening, Sir Topham Hatt arrived at the sheds with Mr. Franklin alongside him. "Thomas and James. I have a special job for you." He said to the engines. "You are to collect some iron from the Smelters."

"On Halloween?" Thomas asked with some worry.

"Don't worry. You all will be back in time for the fireworks." Sir Topham Hatt reassured to him.

Braedey could see that Thomas was spooked about the Smelter's Yard. "Sir Topham. I'd like to help out Thomas and James for this job." He offered.

"Same here." Belle called in. "I'd like to help."

Sir Topham looked to Mr. Franklin, who nodded to him. The stout gentleman looked to the two engines. "Very well. You two shall go with Thomas and James to the Smelter's." He said. And with that, he and Mr. Franklin left for the castle in his car.

"Thomas isn't worried about missing the fireworks!" James teased out loud. "He's a scaredy engines!"

"Be quiet!" Thomas snapped back. "I am not scared!" But, he was scared, a little.


The Smelter's Yard. Otherwise known as the Sodor Ironworks. The Sodor Ironworks is a large metal foundry, where scrap is delivered, melted down and repurposed. It is located South of Killdane, along the Killdane Branchline.

The main building on the site is a large warehouse known as the Smelter's Shed. Inside the shed are a number of different tracks, as well as a turntable, the manager's officer, and a large claw hanging from the roof. The outside of the ironworks is littered with many twisted pieces of rusting scrap metal and ruined parts of machines, including those of old steam engines. Because of this, many engines find the Ironworks to be rather spooky, especially during the night, when falling sparks illuminate scary shadows inside the shed.

At the Smelters, all Thomas could think about was Edward's ghost engine. He kept his eyes out all around the large building, hoping he wouldn't see the ghost anywhere, as he shunted the trucks and flatbeds of scrap steel into their right places. Belle would comfort him by his side every now and then, and Thomas would thank her for that.

James knew Thomas was scared and frightened, so he teased him even more. "What's that up there?" James asked, he and Thomas looking up to something hanging from the roof. "Is it a spook?" He teased.

"It's just a piece of twisted scrap metal." Thomas replied nervously, looking up at the piece of rusting scrap-metal hanging from some chains in the rooftop. "Isn't it?"

James was having fun. He kept on teasing Thomas. "Careful the Ghost Engine doesn't get you." He mocked, as he pulled a line of trucks into a section of the yard.

"There's no such thing as ghosts!" Thomas snapped back in fear.

Braedey felt sorry for Thomas. "It's okay, Thomas." The crimson engine soothed, pulling up next to the blue tank engine. "Nobody is brave all the time."

"I know. But I'm not scared." Thomas insisted.

"Braedey isn't saying you are." Belle countered, chuffing up with some trucks of scrap. "He is just saying that everyone gets scared."

Thomas looked to the two engines in silence, then he shunted a Breakdown coach and a flatbed of steel away into a nearby siding.

Soon, the job was nearly complete. The foreman said that the scrapyard crew need only one engine to finish up the job. Braedey and Belle wanted to pay James back with all of his teasing earlier.

"Sir. I'll do the rest of the work." Thomas called.

Braedey and Belle were rather surprised. "Are you sure?" The latter asked.

"I'll be fine." Thomas smiled. "I'll be back before you know it." He added.

"Or not at all, if the ghost engine gets you." James laughed, Braedey and Belle rolling their eyes at this.

So, Braedey, James, and Belle left the Smelters Yard, with their trains of iron coupled up to them, leaving Thomas alone in the Smelters. As soon as the three engines were gone, the large iron sliding doors to the Smelting Shed closed up with a loud CLUNK and they locked.

When Thomas was all by himself, every sound and every shadow around him he saw looked and sounded spooky. Sparks flew down from the rooftops above, as shadows danced across the walls, and the smoke from the fires nearby made the mood even more eerie and spooky. Thomas was beginning to feel very scared.

"Th-there's no such thing as ghosts." Thomas stuttered to himself, his voice echoing all around him, as it continued to echo around the Smelting shed. He then heard a scuttling sound in the distance of the shed. "Who's there?" He called, but there was no response.

Thomas was so busy looking for ghosts, he didn't watch where he was going. Thomas backed into a section of the Shed, the lights were as red as molten lava, no thanks to the fires of the smelting pits nearby, and the eerie smoke wafting off from the fires.

Thomas started to back into some chains dangling from the rooftop, but he didn't notice. The chains felt like ghost fingers across Thomas' boiler and side tanks. He knocked into a small pole, and a cloud of dust dropped on top of him, costing him front funnel to footplate in white dust.

"Something's got me!" Thomas wheeshed some steam, and this set off a chain reaction, and it all set off a rusty old steam whistle!!


"IT'S THE GHOST WHISTLE!!!" Thomas screamed out in fear, and he surged forward. He charged to the shed doors, as they opened up, and Thomas steamed away, as fast as his wheels can carry him. He didn't slow down, and he kept on going, the blue tank engine speeding across the stone bridge by the watermill.

"The Ghost Engine is after me!" Thomas cried out.

Meanwhile, not far ahead at Wellsworth Station, Belle and Braedey were at the water towers taking on water. They had dropped off the iron where they were needed, and they were heading off to meet the other engines to see the fireworks at Callan Station and castle. James had gone ahead, but the two knew he he was heading down the line to drop off the iron at the shunting yards. He'll be at the station soon.

"It was naughty of James and Lucy to tease Thomas like that." Braedey said to Belle.

"I'm sure that red knucklehead was only teasing him." Belle replied with a smirk. "I wouldn't be surprised if James got spooked on the way over."

Braedey laughed at this. "That would be funny."

"I just hope Thomas hurries up, though. I wouldn't want him to miss the fireworks." Belle added.

"HE'S AFTER ME!!" Suddenly, Thomas shot by the two engines, and he raced off into the darkness, leaving a trail of smoke behind them.

"I don't think he'll be late at all." Braedey snickered.

With James, he had dropped off the trucks of iron he had, and he was now making his way to the fireworks. He smirked to himself, thinking he spooked Thomas out good, especially after the ghost story Edward told them about earlier.

"What a clever engine I am. What a clever engine I am." James chuffed smugly to himself.

But, he could hear the sound of an engine approaching him. The engine was coming in fast, and it wasn't slowing down. James slowed down, and came to a stop in concern and confusion. He didn't know who was coming towards him. Then, he heard a single whistle, making him start to shudder in fear. Suddenly, racing out of the darkness of the night heading towards him was a white tank engine!

"IT'S THE GHOST ENGINE!" James yelled out, and he shunted himself backwards as fast as he could, wanting to run away from the small ghost engine.


Soon, Braedey and Belle arrived at Callan Station in time for the fireworks. But, as Braedey looked about at all of the engines around him and Belle, they saw that two of their friends were missing.

"Where are Thomas and James?" Braedey asked. "They'll miss our on all of the fun."

"I don't know. Maybe they got lost down the line or something." Belle suggested. She could tell Braedey was concerned for them. "Hey. Why from you and Diana go and find them? I'll cover for you both." Belle offered.

"Thanks, Belle." Braedey smiled.

A minute later, Braedey explained to Diana about the situation and the predicament. The Caledonian engine was happy to help out. The two engines soon headed off to look for their friends, as the other engines stayed behind to watch the fireworks.

Braedey decided to go towards the mainline with Diana taking a look at the branchlines. The two engines made their way down the tracks, keeping an eye out for either Thomas or James, but it be the red GWR 4900 locomotive that would find one of their friends.

Braedey was down along the mainline towards Maron, then he saw James, and it looks like his tender had derailed, while he remained upright. But, James looked rather spooked and freaked out over something, his face looking pale.

"Hello, James. What's going on?" Braedey asked casually.

"I... I just saw... the ghost engine." James panted in fear. "From Edward's story. It... it was chasing after me..."

"The ghost engine?" Braedey asked in surprise. "You saw it?"

"It tried to take me away." James muttered. "I had to run away as fast as I could. I crashed as it ran by me."

Braedey then had a thought on his smokebox. He looked to James. "Come on, then. Let's get you back on the rails." He said, now heading back to switch onto James' line.

After a little bit of shuffling about, James' tender was put back on the rails, and fortunately, there wasn't any damage. Braedey soon began to push James down the mainline carefully, heading off down towards Tidmouth.


With Diana, she managed to get down to Tidmouth a few minutes ago, and she made her way over to the sheds, trying to look for either both Thomas or James. As she arrived, she found Thomas all alone in his berth at the sheds.

"Are you alright, Thomas?" Diana asked.

"I'll... I'll be fine." Thomas sighed. He looked to the Caledonian locomotive. "Braedey and Belle were right. We're not brave all the time."

Diana smiled gently to Thomas. "But at least we can bounce back from anything we fear." She said to him, and Thomas smiled back in response.

Just then, Braedey and James chuffed up into view, the crimson locomotive pushing the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway engine next to Thomas. James then saw that Thomas had dust all across his form, and he realised something.

"Thomas? You were the ghost that chased me?" James asked in surprise, Thomas showing a smirk.

"Funny. I might have guessed it." Braedey deduced. "Seems like the ghost engine spooked you both."

James now felt guilty about what he did back at the scrapyard. "I'm sorry for teasing you, Thomas." He said to the blue tank engine.

Thomas smiled to the red engine. "But, we do learn to say sorry to one another." James smiled back to his friend. "Come on, James. We can see the fireworks just as good from here." Thomas and James puffed out of their berths, stopping just by the turntable. Thomas was right, as the fireworks shined in the dark sky above their smokeboxes.

Braedey and Diana smiled at the two now getting along instead of teasing one another. They winked to each other, and they headed off back to Callan Station, leaving the sheds and both Thomas and James to mend friendships.
