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The school bell rang, signaling it was time to go.

I quickly grabbed my bag off of the table and ran out the door. Since my last period of the day is library duty, I get to leave earlier than everyone else. That also means I'm always the first one to the meeting spot.

I busted through the school doors and immediately walked down the stairs over to our group's meeting spot. An old tree right by the bottom of the staircase. We've been meeting here to walk home since freshman year.

The rest of the group should be getting here any second. I looked up to see a familiar cherry red impala pulling up... oh shit. The car stopped right in front of me and I saw the familiar face inside.


He was wearing sunglasses and blasting music, and even though I was trying to ignore him, I have to admit, he did look kinda cute.

Fortunately, everyone else showed up after about 5 minutes. They seemed to be talking about something that happened between Jasmine and Ruby.

"Then she jumped on me and I was like-" Ruby was cut off by Cesar.

"Hey, is that Oscar?" He walked up to the car while the rest of us stayed back.

"What's up ese?"

"Nothing really, just walking home with my friends. Why are you over here? You don't usually go on this street? "

"Eh, I just wanted to see if my little brother and his friends wanted a ride home or some shit." Spooky smiled as he looked straight at me. I blushed and looked down. Last night we talked until the morning. He offered to take me to school, but Latto was home and I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Hell yeah!" Ruby and Jamal ran over to the car and jumped in while Monse just rolled her eyes. I slipped in the back next to Ruby and Cesar got in the front next to Spooky.

I talked to Monse for a while before tuning everyone out and grabbing my phone to write some more.Β  I'm really into writing. I love to write music. It's therapeutic.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
By the time I looked up, we were in my driveway and everyone was gone. I panicked a little, forgetting where I was until a voice brought me out of my trance.

"You good Princesa"Β  When I looked over to my right, there he was. When did he get back here?

"Oh I'm fine. How long have we been in my driveway?" I asked while looking at the sky. It seemed to be a little later than it was when we left, but it wasn't night yet.

"About thirty minutes ago, I was going to drop you offΒ  but you were back here humming to yourself and typing. The others said that you were in "the zone." He used air quotes on the zone part. I chuckled a little bit.

"Thank you, I guess; I should probably go, but I have to cook dinner." I went to grab the door handle but Spooky stopped me.

"Wait, what if I cooked for you?" He smiled at me.

"Alright", I smiled back at him as he got out of the car. I actually kinda like him, you know, as a person. I mean, who doesn't find Spooky attractive?

He started up the car and we drove over to his house. Surprisingly, the 100 niggas that are usually out here weren't here, so I could comfortably walk up the driveway to the house.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat at the table, watching as Oscar sat down a plate of food in front of me. The plate consisted of parmesan crusted chicken, freshly steamed garlic butter asparagus, and steamed potatoes. I was expecting pasta or something, but this man can really cook.

"You looked surprised Cesar didn't tell you I could cook? " He laughed as he sat down in front of me. It's crazy because I've never seen him smile this much in all the time I've known him.

"Nah, he did, but then again, he is also the guy that thinks McDonald's is the best food on earth. So I assumed his bar was pretty low for good food." He burst out laughing. I joined him.

"Ouch, you didn't have to do him like that." He said, cutting into his chicken. I shrugged and did the same. I took a bite, and oh my fucking God, it was so delicious that I had to hold back my moan.Like, I know I'm big or whatever, but this was actually good food. He let out a small laugh at my reaction and took a bite of his.

"So tell me something, why do they call you Smiley?"Β  I smirked and thought of a response.

"I'll tell you if you tell me why they call you Spooky." He looked surprised for a second, but quickly masked it.

"Alright you go first"

"Ok, well, people started calling me Smiley because I used to smile all the time. I've been told that i give off happy vibes or something like that. It's actually how I met the guys. Ruby liked me, so he introduced me to them, and we all clicked. They say they just felt really comfortable around me." I took another bite of my chicken after telling my story.

"Alright, so what about you? We had a deal." He looked shocked.

"You actually don't know? Wow, no one ever told you? "Β  I shook my head, then I remembered he dosent like that.

"No, I just always knew that was what to call you."

"Well, I don't want you calling me that. Call me by my government. " I smiled at how sweet he was.

"So that means you're gonna call me Violet? "

He smiled and shook his head no.

"Nah, I like Princesa better."

"And why's that?" He grabbed my hand and looked at me in my eyes. I felt my knees get weak from his touch. It's kinda hard to believe that somebody like Oscar would be interested in me.

"Because you're a princess and you deserve to be treated like one" His eyes darted from mine to my lips.Β  Without warning, he placed a sweet kiss on my lips. He bit my bottom lip gently, making me gasp, giving him an entrance. Our tongues danced with each other in perfect sync, like they were meant to move with each other. I didn't want this moment to end. I felt like I was melting with him. It was so different from anything else I've ever experienced. We eventually pulled away for air. I took a sip of the water that sat in front of me. Oscar laughed as heΒ  got up from the table and walked away behind my chair

"Come on Princesa" He grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. I sat down on the couch next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. He instinctively pulled me in closer and stroked my lower back while he searched for a movie to watch on TV.

We spent the whole night watching movies until I eventually fell asleep.
