
π•†π•‘π•™π•–π•π•šπ•’'𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕀𝕖 (π•’π•œπ•’ π”Ήπ•£π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕕)

I can't believe I agreed to come here. Seated at a large wooden table across from the woman I once recognized as my mother and her "boyfriend," Sebastian, I picked at my food, counting the seconds until I could escape this hell hole. The entire house clashed with me and my mom's tastes, which, admittedly, might be a bit tacky, but everything felt out of place. Marble countertops and various shades of white and beige were never my mom's style. I reminisced about the days when we first decorated our home, dancing and singing old R&B songs as we painted each room in vibrant colors. I don't want to come off as ungrateful; I love my mom, and I'm happy for her. I just wish I could have shared this experience with her.

"So, Violet, it was quite a surprise seeing you here. You rarely visit, especially since your mom and I made it official," Sebastian casually remarked, slicing into his chicken breast. I bit the inside of my cheek, taking a deep breath before responding. It's not that I dislike him; SebastianΒ  is a cool guy. It's just he tries so hard to play the "father figure" role and it puts me off.

"Yeah yeah I know I just haven't really had the time you know I've been busy and stuff." I replied, unintentionally making eye contact with my mom, prompting a disapproving look that made me want to sink down in my chair and die.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2 hours later

I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about this conversation with my mom. It's not exactly a breeze to discuss matters where understanding different opinions is involved, especially with her. She's currently in the kitchen, putting all the food away, you know really embracing the whole quintessential "homemaker" role.Β  While her boyfriend's disappeared upstairs to engage in whatever activities middle-aged white guys do.

As I found myself on their back porch, a million thoughts flooded my mind. I decide to ease my nerves the best way I know , taking a puff from a rolled blunt. Inhaling the earthy smoke, I watched the rhythmic movement of the waves in their glowing pool.

"You're not that slick. I can smell the weed from the kitchen," my mom announced, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I quickly put out the blunt and stashed it away.

"Sorry mama... you had me a little nervous about our talk I had to ease my nerves a bit" I laughed awkwardly as she let out a short chuckle and looked at me.

"Oh, trust me, it's cool. You put it out before I could even ask for a hit. I know your little boy toy and his crew got some good stuff, maybe not Prophet-level, but still pretty decent." I rolled my eyes at her little spiel.

"He's not just some 'boy toy'; he's my boyfriend... I think I might be in love with him."

"Bullshit Violet! You don't love him you just wanna be with him to piss me off." She scoffed and looked away from me. I held my tongue I knew if I said anything it would be a fight and I really don't need my mom getting thrown out of her rich suburban dream house. I clenched my fist and focused my eyes on the pool.

"Anyway, that's not what I wanted to discuss with you. I've been thinking for the past three months, so much has happened for you especially with me leaving and you being at the house with onlyΒ  Alicia.Β  I really doΒ  think you're old enough to finally know about your dad hes-."

I quickly turned around at the mention of my father. "Mom its good I-I really don't need to know about him believe me. I mean he left a looong time ago so why should I care about some deadbeat asshol-" Almost as quick as lighting my mom smacked me across the mouth with the back of her hand.

"YOU TAKE THAT SHIT BACK YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR FATHER WANTED TO BE THERE FOR YOU. Β‘PERRA INGRATA!" Tears filled the rims of my eyes I couldn't help itΒ  but I refuse to let them fall at least not in front of her. How dare she call me ungrateful for not wanting to know who my dad is. He hasn't been here for the past 18 years so what makes her think he wants to be here for the next 18. I refuse toΒ  do this shit with her. She can't just disappear for a couple months to go cosplay as a rich white lady then come back and blow my world up with a nigga I consider a ghost, it isn't fair.

"I knew coming here was a mistake.I wiped my eyes grabbed my phone and purse and quickly walked back inside. I could hear my mom rushingΒ  after me as I sped walked through her house making a b line for the front door. I watched as Sebastian quickly ran down the stairs to help my mom.

" Lia, what's going on here?" He tried to grab my mom's hand, but she swatted him away. I turned around fumbiling with the knob due to all the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Violet please im soΒ  sorry babyΒ  I didn't mean it!"Β  I could hear the desperation in her voice but I refused to turn around.Β  I finally got it unlocked and left out the houseΒ  leaving my mom screaming something behind me.

"He's in San Quentin State Prison, his name is Markquees Williams! Please go see him he really wants to meet you before he gets out! " With that, she went back in the house looking defeated.

The name slightly rung a bell but ignored it. I need to find a way home or at least back to the Freeridge area. I could try walking but thats a solid 10 miles with me speed walking. I could always ask Sebastian for a ride or take one of his cars but I dont really think thats on the table right now. I wouldΒ  call Oscar but he went out with his friends to celebrateΒ  one of the members birthdays.

As I was walking along a main road my phone was damn near dead and my legs felt like shit. I was about to turn a corner when a black charger pulled up next to me. I ignored it and continued walking, I know its probably some guy trying to mess with me. Like I expected some guy called out the window of the car to me.

"Hey, hey miss! You good?!" He said sounding concerned.

I ignored him and kept my mind on the path in front of me . The guy continued to follow me slowly trying to keep some type of distance.

"Bruh I hope you know I ain't some type of creepy stalker nigga." I laughed a bit but quickly changed back to my straight face. Who knows he could be using this to try to kidnap me.

"Oh so you find that funny? Okay okay well can I at least get a name?" For the first time since he started following me I turned to look at him. I mean the dude definitely didn't look like a kidnapper. He was kind of a caramel tone with seemingly long curly hair thrown into a messy bun. He looked kinda familiar, probably some kid from school.

"Sir what could you possibly want this late?" I said looking at him with a raised eyebrow purposefully ignoring his question.

"I could tell you if you were inside my car. I promise im not some Jefferey Dahmer type nigga. Scouts honor" He said placing his right hand over his heart jokingly. I chuckled and walked around the car and opened the passenger side door. Am I probably gonna regret this? Yes but will i get a ride home, yes sir.

"Alright im in the car now tell me why you're riding up this street at 12 AM" I said eyeing him up and down suspiciously.

"Nah i wanna know why YOU were walking up this street at 12AM. You know the only people who do that shit is prostitutes and pan handlers. You dont seem like either one of those not saying I dont think you would make a good.... anyways." I rasied my eyebrow at his last statement but I let it slide.

"Uh not that it's any of your buisness I got into a pretty bad argument with my mom and she lives out in Brentwood. I kinda didnt secure a ride home while in the mist of leaving so now im stuck walking."

"Mhm well im here now I gotchu you can tell me about whats going on, on the way to your crib because I cant leave a pretty lady out here by herself." He said starting the ignition

"I might be a pretty lady but I am certainly capable of handling myself.

In an amused tone, he laughed as he kept an eye on the rode, I took a moment to examine his features while he wasn't paying attention, as he had long lashes that stood out because of his low hazel eyes, and he had hella tattoos and piercings. I couldn't take my eyes off his arms because he looked to be covered in ink. And dont let me get started on his body jesus.

'You know its rude to stare." My cheeks flushed a light pink color as I quickly looked away. He chuckled and kept quiet keeping his eyes focused on the rode.


I peaked out the window after a bit i noticed we were finally back in Freeridge but it looked like we were heading more and more towards Prophet territory, I kept my mouth shut about it as we continued riding up the semi busy road.

"You hungry?" I shook my head no keeping my eyes glued to the windshield watching for where we were going. I watched as we drove up on the entrance to my block, i didnt want it to be any trouble especially since a whole party of drunk Santos are gonna be out there and I kinda dont want this nice stranger to get fucked up.

"Hey you can drop me off up here i can walk the rest of the way there its not that bad of a walk." He pulled the car over and turned towards me with an almost unreadable look.

"You know I know youre not from prophet territory right?" I didnt say anything I just kept a straight face and looked at him with a blank stare.

"I dont care about all that Prophet vs. Santo shitΒ  it aint got shit to do with me. I just live in the prophet territory even if I was a prophet I would still have picked you up and took you home I ain't a grimey nigga if you couldn't tell by now.

"I know I just didn't want it to be any problems I really wanna keep the peace. Plus I figured you were from the prophet territory when we started getting close to their block." I said letting out a nervous laugh at the end.

He grinned a bit revealing the prettiest set of teeth I've ever seen. I mean this man is just so...I can't even explain he's so attractive withoutΒ  trying.
"Oh word? Well I kinda figured I had to take you somewhere andΒ  you didnt really give me an idea of where to go other than Freeridge. So I was taking you to my place."

I thought about it for a second I mean it couldn't hurt to spend another night out the house. But that would mean I had to be in prophet territory and I can't risk Oscar finding out. He probably won't know if i spend one night plus it's not like I'm gonna fuck this guy. Not that I don't want to

"You know what we can just go there I think my cousin brought her man over and I don't think I wanna hear whatever the hell them two are doing"Β  He laughed as he took the car out of park and merged onto the road. I just sat there watching through the windshield pondering on if this was a mistake or not.

"Home sweet home" The guy said walking into the small home I stayed silent looking around the house. It was nicely decorated and pretty clean for just one nigga to be staying there.Β  I sat down on the nearest couch making sure not to sit on the pillows that wereΒ  lined up perfectly on it. I immediately pulled out my phone to check and see if spooky texted me and to my surprise I had none from him but I did have three texts from my mom followed up with 5 calls. I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone.

"Boyfriend piss you off?" Mystery guy came back into the room this time he was shirtless and in pajama pants. I immediately looked away in order to keep my eyes from traveling down his toned body and examining all the tattoos that adorned his chest and stomach.

"Nah my mom but then again when doesn't she piss me off." I let out a dry laugh and sighed.Β 

He didn't say anything he just came and sat down next to me.

"You know you never gave me your name. I think I've proved I wasn't a creep more than enough tonight." I scoffed and smirked at him.

"Fiiine I guess I'll tell you my name. I'm Smiley how are you." I playfully stuck out my hand like I wanted a handshake. He smiled and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Smiley, I'm Dee. Now was that so hard?" I rolled my eyes and stood up off the couch.

"Mhm I guess not, so do you have any clothes I can sleep in im gettingΒ  kinda sleepy."

He nodded and modtioned for me to follow him. We ended up in his room he went over to his closet andΒ  russled through a drawer pulling out a pair of black and pink shorts and a white tank top.

"Uhh these should work for you." He handed them to me, I inspected them sniffing the clothes to see if they were clean.

He burst out laughing looking at me like IΒ  was crazy.

"Don't worry they're washed I promise. Go put 'em on." I just shook my head and went into the bathroom next door closing and locking the door behind me .

I slid off the jeans I had on and kicked them to the side. I was worried about the shorts because my thighs are on the bigger side and shorts are one of the things I can't wear for real. I slid them on and to my surprise they fit pretty much perfectly. I did the same with the tank top it didn't fit the best my titties were practically coming out the shit but it'll do.

"Hey everything pretty much fit" I said yawning coming out the bathroom. I walked back into the bedroom to see Dee laying peacefully on the bed with his eyes closed and his hands folded behind his head.

"Oh shit my bad" I whispered more to myself I tried to slowly close the door but he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You good you can sleep in here I'll take the couch my other room is kinda under a remodel right now..." He grunted as he got up stretching a bit. I said nothing to him as he walked past closing the door behind me.

I sighed and laid down on the bed in the exact spot he was in. I closed my eyes and next thingΒ  I know I'm dozing off.
