
ℝ𝕦𝕓π•ͺ𝕀 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕀𝕖

"Ughhh, I hate people!" Monse slammed the front door. She stormed over to the couch and moved my feet to sit down.

"Um, girlie, you good?" I slowly put down my phone and erased the text I was typing. I'm currently chilling over at Ruby's house, waiting for him to get back here with Jamal. He left like 20 minutes ago, so I assume he's not coming back any time soon.

"It's Cesar. He's getting on my nerves. I keep asking him what he's going to do for prom, and every time I ask, he dodges the question. " I immediately tensed up thinking about what happened a couple days ago. I've been trying to push it away, but I can't stop thinking about it.

"Well, maybe he already assumed y'all were going together since y'all are dating anyways." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"But I want him to ask me." I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. She eventually started laughing with me.

"So what are you going to do for prom since your boyfriend has already been there and done that?" I shrugged. To be honest, I haven't even been thinking about prom. Maybe I should, though. Since Spooky is older and out of school, I know I can't go with him, so I might just go with my friends.

"Eh, I don't know. I might just go with Jamal and Ruby as friends, since you and Cesar will be doing couple tingz. " She laughed and slightly blushed at the mention of Cesar's name.

"Does Latto know about your relationship? She's going to freak out, especially since she messes with Sad eyes.I wonder how she's gonna feel about you both dating in the same gang. "

At the mention of Latto, I started thinking about my little cousins coming out here. Honestly, I'm okay with Lucas being here. He's like my best friend, but Alani is a different story. I don't have a problem with her, especially since she likes me. It's just that she's so pretty. She's always been smaller and prettier than me, and I've never heard the end of it. Especially from my mom, but let's not get into that.

I'm not a hater whatsoever; it's just that she's gonna be here around my people and what if they think she's prettier than me? What if Oscar thinks she's pretty? It sounds so vain, but it's true. It's going to be everyone's first time meeting her. They've already met Lucas since he originally came down here with Latto when she got kicked out. He was quickly sent back to Atlanta,though, because Lani started missing him.

The sound of a door opening and shutting shook me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw Ruby 'walking' towards us. Well, trying to anyway, what he was actually doing looked more like a sad limp. I scooted over so he could have space. Ruby sat down and immediately winced.

Me and Monse laughed at how funny he looked. For some reason, I knew he was gonna come back like this. Usually when he goes to pick up Jamal, he's back in 5 minutes. This time it took 30. I wonder who he actually went to see.

"Stop!It's not funny!" Ruby whined. I just shook my head and pulled out my phone to see if I had any texts from you know who.

Instead, I saw a text from somebody else who I was desperately trying to avoid.

Can we talk please...

π•Šπ•‘π• π• π•œπ•ͺ

I sipped my beer as I half ass listened to Roberto talk about our next plan for the Prophet$. After we blew up their warehouse, they shot up one of our plug's businesses. So now we have to find a way to get rid of them. I honestly don't give a shit right now. I'm thinking about mi amor. I started to doze off until what he said next made my heart skip a beat.

"Aye, I think we should start fucking with their streets and territories." Everyone started agreeing with him. It wasn't long before the room was full of chatter from the members. I quickly got up and slammed my fist against a wall. Everyone stopped and looked at me.

"Are y'all dumb or something? We ARE NOT fucking with their streets or territories! I won't have innocent people from their side or OURS getting caught in the crossfire! Do you not remember what Little Ricky said? "No se pierden vidas inocentes"

(No innocent lives lost)

Everyone got quiet. Some looked shocked, and others, especially Roberto, looked pissed. But I don't care. I won't have that shit. They need to remember the core values we have.

"So, what are we supposed to do now, Spooky? Just let them fuck with our shipments!"

"No, we act smarter." Some of them looked either lost or confused for a second, but the others quickly got my message and started to agree.

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Almost everyone was gone already and the guys that were still here were about to leave. I was sitting in my chair drinking a beer watching as everyone either sped away in their cars or walked away on foot. I was about to get up when I noticed Cesar was leaving the house too.

"Where you going?" He scratched his neck nervously and smiled.

"Nowhere just to hang out with the guys at Ruby's." I nodded my head, already uninterested. I need a nap. My body hurts.

"Alright, be safe, mijo." I got up and walked back into the house.

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My stomach started to growl as I laid down on the couch. I quietly cursed to myself under my breath. I got up and grabbed my keys. I might as well get something to eat since I don't feel like cooking.

I left the house and got in my car. As I drove down our block, I happened to look over and see Cesar and Smiley sitting on her front porch hugging and shit. I don't know how to fucking feel right now. One part of me wants to stop and do some shit I might regret. The other part wants to mind my business and respect their friendship.

I decided to keep driving. I looked back and thought I saw Smiley looking at me, but I didn't think much of it.
