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"I wanna touch on you. You see me in my room? I wish you were here right now, all of the things I'd do." I sang at the top of my lungs in the passenger seat. Oscar laughed as he focused his eyes on the road. We're on our way somewhere. He said he had a surprise for me. I hope he doesn't kill me or anything. You never know, folks can be crazy.

"We're here."

As we pulled up to Freeridge Park. I immediately recognized the new shiny play ground the city built 2 years ago. They rebuilt the whole park but it wasn't long before the gangs came and marked their 'territory' again. "Hmm I wonder if we're going to workout or something?" I thought as Oscar parked the car.

"Come on, Princesa. Don't worry we're not working out or some shit like that i could tell you were ready." My face heated up with embarrassment as he laughed. We both got out of the car he wrapped his arm around my waist as we strode away.


My legs were burning as we walked up a big hill. When we made it to the top, I was met with a blanket laid out with all my favorite snacks in front of a gorgeous view. I couldn't stop the happy tears from escaping my eyes. I quickly wiped them before looking over at Oscar.

"I thought you would like it, Princesa. I wanted to do something special for you. Since our first date being official."Β  I could hear the smile in his voice as i continued to stare at the picnic still hazed.

I quickly hugged Oscar and kissed him I've never had anyone do something like this for me. I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

"You didn't have to do this, baby. It's so beautiful, thank you. "

"Come on Princesa, let's go eat, the tamales are getting cold"

I can't believe he remembered when I said I loved Abuelitas tamales. Now that I think about it, that's what she was making yesterday when I was over at Ruby's.


The couple talked and ate for hours just enjoying each other's company. Little did the young girl know the "big, scary gang leader" was quickly falling for her more and more. The thoughts about yesterday's events with Cesar seemed like a distant memory when she was with the older man. It was like she felt safe with him no matter what the truth really was.

Now they were in the car on the way home. JhenΓ© Aiko's P*$$Y Fairy was blasting through the speakers courtesy of Smiley and her playlist. Oscar just watched the young girl sing along in the passenger seat. He noticed how good she sounded. He smiled as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Β 

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Before I knew it, we were pulling back up to the Santos house. As we pulled up, I could see Ruby and Jamal in the yard along with the other members. I wonder if these niggas ever go home. Jamal was playing cards with some of the members and Ruby was lecturing Jose on something. I got out of the car and almost immediately was confronted by dumb and dumber.

"Hey y'all, what's up?" Jamal shook his head and Ruby just smiled.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Jamal yelled,Β  he was quickly elbowed in the side by Ruby.

"Lower your voice, dumbass, but yeah, why didn't you tell us?" I was about to answer when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked up at Oscar. I wonder when he got here.

"What's up? Where's Cesar and the other one?" You could tell they were scared, but what else was new? Ruby finally spoke up while Jamal fixed his face.

"Umm, Cesars inside and Monses at home. She should be coming in a little bit."

Oscar nodded and let go of my waist. He walked over to Jose and said something, but I couldn't hear it. All I know is that he nodded and screamed "TODOS VOSOTROS, LEVANTAOS Y VÁMONOS!!"

I'm guessing he told them to leave, because all of a sudden, the Santos started getting up and leaving. Some were dapping each other up as they left. Within minutes, all the santos were gone, leaving me, Ruby, and Jamal, just standing in the yard.

Im just gonna head home. I don't have the energy to deal with these two.


"Wait, so he did what?" Latto asked, eating another spoonful of the spaghetti I made for dinner.

Today she got off early, so I decided to wait for her so we could talk. I miss her. Sometimes it gets lonely being here all alone. I've been here by myself since my mom decided to move in with her boyfriend half a month ago. I would go visit her, but they live in Brentwood, and I never feel comfortable over there.

"Girl, he planned a whole picnic and everything for me. It was so cute, he even got all of my favorite foods."

"I would say it must be nice, but I don't like the outside and shit." I burst out laughing so hard I almost dropped my bowl.

"Wait, aren't you talking to one of Spooky's members?" Latto started smiling hard as hell, as she shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm talking to Victor's stupid ass" She rolled her eyes playfully as she smiled. Aww, she's simping hard it's cute.

"Ouu, I see you out here simping," I teased her playfully. She scrunched up her face.

"Unt unt never that." As she said that, her phone started buzzing. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID. She rolled her eyes, got up, and walked out of my room.

I wonder what that was all about. I laid back against the headboard on my bed and texted a group chat I was in.

Moments later, Latto came back into the room with an annoyed expression.

"What's wrong? Who was that?"

"My OG"Ohh, now I know why she was mad.

"What was she talking about?"

"The twins are coming down here for the summer."
