
π•Šπ•‘π• π• π•œπ•ͺ (surprise bitch)
πŸ› π•žπ• π•Ÿπ•₯𝕙𝕀 𝕝𝕒π•₯𝕖𝕣
𝕆𝕦π•₯π•€π•šπ••π•– ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕑𝕙𝕖π•₯$ π•žπ•’π•šπ•Ÿ 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕀𝕖

"I really like her man," I said to Victor. He smiled and shook his head as he loaded his gun.

We're currently sitting in front of the Prophets' main warehouse. We're about to blow this shit up. Since they decided they wanted to shoot at us, we going not one but about 10 steps higher and blowing they shit up.

"I swear you always talking about this Hyna. When am I going to meet her? " He asked, looking at me with a big ass smile on his face. I know he's happy as hell that I'm with someone since I don't usually do love shit. I haven't even told the rest of the gang yet, but they're catching on I guess. I've never felt this way about someone before, I gotta put a claim on her soon.

I only told Victor, or 'Sad Eyes', because he's my best friend and we've been homies since the sandbox days. He's the most loyal out of the whole gang and the closest to me. I remember when I got locked up, he was the one who took care of Cesar for me and made sure he was okay. The crazy thing about it is I never asked him to. I didn't even know if Cesar was okay until he visited and told me.

"I don't know, whenever we make it official, you've probably already seen her though."

"Word? Ight well,can I at least get a name? " He asked as he pulled out another gun from under the seat.

"People call her Smiley" A look of realization crossed his face.

"Ohh I think I might know her. Does she live with or have a cousin named 'Latto'? "

Yeah, she mentioned living with her older cousin. Plus, I think I've seen her a couple of times. How do you know her cousin?"

"Remember the hyna I told you about, Alicia? That's her." I remember he told me about a girl he met at the strip club a couple months ago.

"Ooh the stripper bitch." I laughed as he punched me in the arm playfully.

"Don't do that, man; she's a nice girl, and I like her a lot."Just as he said that, the warehouse doors opened up and our target stepped out.

"Ight we can talk about your stripper girl later. King is out there. Let's head out."

I'm ready to blow some shit up.


ℝ𝕦𝕓π•ͺ𝕀 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕀𝕖

"Ouch, Abuelita," Ruby groaned as she stuck another pin in the dress she was making. I came over to hang with Ruby, but we kinda got roped into being mannequins for Abuelita's dresses.

"Maybe if you'd stopped moving, you wouldn't get pricked, mijo." I laughed as I looked down at my phone, texting Spooky.

"And... done! There you go, you big baby." Abuelita pulled the dress off of Ruby.

"Who are you texting anyway?" Ruby came up behind me, I jumped and quickly moved my phone away.

"Godamn Ruby, you scared the shit out of me!" I said, trying to catch my breath.

He hopped onto the couch and laughed.

"Who was it? Your boyfriend or something?" I stayed silent. Is Spooky my boyfriend? I mean, we have been 'talking' I guess for 2 months and a half. I mean, he acts like my boyfriend, but I don't know. A surprised look slowly crossed Ruby's face, turning his small smile into a way bigger one.

"Wait... that was your boyfriend. Omg, who's the unlucky guy." I shook my head and put my feet back up on the couch.

"Ha ha, very funny." Just as I said that, the door opened and Monse, Cesar, and Jamal walked in. Monse and Cesar seemed to be arguing 'silently' while Jamal just shook his head.

"What's up guys?" Jamal said, sitting down next to me on the couch.

Ruby said quickly, "Smileys got a boyfriend!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing. Even Cesar and Monse paused their bickering. I reached over Jamal and punched Ruby in the arm.

Wait, wait, wait! For real! Who is it? Does he have money?" Jamal screamed and jumped up off the couch.

"Yeah, who is it?" Cesar asked teasingly. Monse slapped his arm.

"If y'all don't stop harassing this girl, she'll tell us when the time is right."

"Ruby was just playing. I do not have a boyfriend... yet, "I said the last part in my head as I read over the last text Spooky sent me.

Spooky Scary Skeletons❀️πŸ₯Ί- You know you're mine right just in case you forgot

Me- I know Oscar

Spooky Scary Skeletons❀️πŸ₯Ί- Nah that ain't good enough.Β  I wanna see you, come over here there's some people IΒ  want you meet

Me- Okay I'm otw

I got up off the couch and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed 2 granola bars to eat on the way. Don't judge me. I haven't eaten today. I came back out into the living room.

"Alright, I'm out, y'all." Jamal and Ruby waved and Cesar stood up.

"I think it's probably time for me to go home too. I'm tired as hell." Monse eyed Cesar suspiciously before turning to me.

"Don't forget you're supposed to come over tonight."

"I won't, I'll be over at around 11:00" I waved bye as I walked out of the front door.

I waited by the steps for Cesar. Maybe we could walk together, so it wouldn't be weird. The door opened and Cesar stepped out, rolling his eyes at something Monse said. His annoyed expression changed into a small smile when he noticed me waiting for him.

"Hey, we walking together?"

"Yup, let's go" I started walking towards the sidewalk on the left.

"Wait, isn't your house the other way?" He asked catching up with me.

"Yeah, but I'm going to yours." I said casually as i pulled out my phone.

"Wait why? Violet, you need to tell me these things."

I ignored him and smiled at something I typed on my phone.

"Cesar chill I'm just going for umm...a meeting with Spooky." He looked down at me suspiciously but left it alone.


As we walked up to the house, a series of whistles and cheers could be heard. I looked over at Cesar. He just shrugged his shoulders. Spooky walked over to us and dapped up Cesar before leaning down and deeply kissing me. I could hear whistles and random cheers. Some of them were in Spanish. We pulled away from the sweet kiss, both of us smiling.

"Wait, you told them about us?" I asked quietly with a big smile.

"Of course I did. You're my lady. Don't forget that shit. " I looked over at Cesar and by his body language, I could tell something was wrong. I wonder what it is?
