Y6- Trust

Mattheo Pov

He walked out of Dumbledore's office right when the subject of killing his father was brought up. He could feel the excitement rushing through him. But he wouldn't kill his father... at least not yet.

Draco caught up to him as he left the headmaster's office.

"Oi Riddle! So are you gonna do it or not?"

Mattheo eyed him coldly.


And with that he walked off leaving Draco standing there. Mattheo had probably hurt the boy's pride by just leaving him like that. But who cared at this point?

Mattheo walked to the astronomy tower making sure that absolutely not a single soul was following him. If he got caught, then there would be trouble.

He concentrated and contacted his father throughย legilimency. He felt his cold voice going through his head like he was standing right here, right next to him.

'My boy... what news do you have for me?'

He explained through his mind exactly what had happened in Dumbledore's office. But he felt himself leaving out the part when Esmerelda had had her outburst.ย 


He didn't even know himself.

He was strong enough to put barriers in his mind so his father wouldn't see everything and discover things he didn't want him to discover.

'I had a feeling that old hag would do something like this. I want you to go with them and earn their trust, act like you're on their side to find out information. And I want you to spy on that girl. What was her name...?

Esmerelda Morgan.

'Right... keep an eye on her. She could have an outburst any time now. But if I find out that you're keeping any information from me... than you'll be in for a treat.

Alright. Mattheo answered back.ย 

And with that he could feel the connection that was there just seconds ago throughย legilimency with his father break off completely.ย 

He would meet up with Dumbledore later, alone, to tell him his sudden change of plans.ย 

He wanted Esmerelda, Larisa and Lorenzo to make up again with each other. If they did, then his secret mission of earning their trust would go much, much easier.

Mattheo took out a cigarette, lit it up and started to smoke as he looked out into the distance out of the astronomy tower. He heard steps behind him but didn't bother to turn back thinking it must be Lorenzo or Draco.

"You know, smoking is quite bad for you."

He turned around, a bit surprised on the inside but his face and body language gave nothing away.ย 

It was Esmerelda.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"Nothing... well actually I wanted to have some alone time up here to get the peaceful air in my oxygen system. But turns out someone else is already here polluting the air." she answered with a smile. It looked like one of those teasing smiles.

"You should make up with Lorenzo and Larisa." he tried again to convince her.ย 

She rolled her eyes. "Not this shit again, I already told you Riddle, stay out of my personal life!"

She was getting angry, he could feel it. But instead of just walking away or trying to calm her down, he felt himself smirk at her reaction.

"This isn't funny!"

"No it's not... but you know what's funny?" He walked closer to her and didn't stop until she was backed up against the wall. He leaned his face closer to hers. "When your eyes shine when you get extremely angry, like you're about to make something explode again."

"Wow, that's so funny that I feel like laughing my ass off." she rolled her eyes.

Mattheo smirked as he leaned in even closer to her while she was still pinned up against the wall.

"Get away, pervert."ย 

Esmerelda pushed him away from her.ย 

Damn. She had gotten feisty since the incident just today.

She started to walk away then. He would've grabbed her wrist or something but he just didn't feel like it today and instead just watched her walk off down the astronomy tower.

Esmerelda Pov

She could not fucking believe she just did that with Mattheo Riddle.


She was getting independent.

Larisa would be proud of her. Ifย ย Esmerelda talked to her. Which she absolutely would not. Not in a million years at this point. And she definitely would not be talking to Lorenzo again any time soon either.

When he had called her a bitch in front of nearly every student ever in Hogwarts she could still feel the anger she had felt then at that moment.

She didn't even know whether Larisa and Lorenzo were even thinking about her. Maybe they had forgotten. But then today Dumbledore suddenly decided to announce that the three of them were going to hunt for Voldy Moldy's horcruxes.ย 

When the time came for them to leave, it would be one hell of an awkward mission. If the three of them were still not talking to each other. Which would probably still be the case.

Esmerelda sighed as she let all of her thoughts swim through her head. She then decided to go to the library which was basically her second room now since their fight.

Madam Pince would sometimes have to drag her out of there when she stayed wayy too long even for the librarian's liking.

Esmerelda grabbed a book about werewolves and sat down on her favourite spot which was in the very far corner of the library, where nobody, absolutely nobody, would disturb her.ย 

She thought about when she went to the astronomy tower to get some fresh air but Mattheo was already there. He had stood still for almost 5 minutes without moving a muscle, just leaning against the wall.

She wondered what was going on his mind? Maybe he was just as troubled as she was feeling right now... if not more.

But she would never say that to him, he looked the guy who hated gaining pity from other people and he might misunderstand what she would be trying to say.

Esmerelda was still very surprised how she had talked to him normally today, without getting nervous at all. The first time she had talked to him, she was so nervous she thought she would've died right then and there from nerves.

She wouldn't be nervous to talk to Mattheo anymore now. It didn't look like he wanted to hurt her. He even told her that his father was looking for her when he wasn't meant to.
