Author's Note

Hey! Just to let you know, this is my first ever story. I just wanted to thank you for actually trying out my story.

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This story will not exactly be following the timeline of the Harry Potter books/films because this is my au.

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There will also be quite a bit of swearing so just warning you.

I will also not be writing any smut scenes because I'm not really comfortable and underage for that. But there will be a lot of scenes with sexual tension and kissing etc etc.

Just to clarify things, Y6 means year 6.ย 

A few trigger warnings:

torture, sharp objects (knives), violence (like a lot) and deaths.

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And in this story, Lorenzo has a twin sister named Larisa just to get along with the story.

And also the way Esmerelda is going to look may be different from your imagination. So this is how I imagine her: long wavy brown hair and Grey eyes.


The only characters that I own in this book are Esmerelda Morgan, Marcus Morgan, Melinda Morgan and Larisa Berkshire. Credits to @yasmineamaro for Mattheo Riddle and @babynaomi for Lorenzo Berkshire.
All of the other Harry Potter characters belong to J.K Rowling.

So enjoy :)
