Y6- Detention

"Ugh! I hate Snape!" Esmerelda dropped down on the couch in the slytherin common room.

There was no one there apart from her and Larisa. Everyone was down in the great hall for dinner.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Larisa walked over to Esmerelda lying down on the couch.

"He gave me detention! All I said was that he needs to manage his hair, it's way to greasy, and boom detention!"

Esmerelda looked over at Larisa and noticed that she was trying hard not to laugh.ย 

"It isn't funny."

"I know, I'm sorry." Larisa said trying to be sincere.

"The sad fact is it's in the forbidden forest."ย 

"He really hates you, doesn't he?" Larisa asked as she went over and sat down next to Esmerelda who had gotten up as well.

"Tell me about it." Esmerelda mumbled.

"When is it?"

"Right after dinner, curfew." Esmerelda said as she dropped dead on the couch again.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Esmerelda walked out of the castle gates after curfew. It was dead silent. You could've heard a pin drop down on the ground. She walked towards the large figure holding a lantern in front of Hagrid's hut, who looked to be Hagrid. Snape had told her would be with her during her detention.

"Hey Hagrid." Esmerelda said to Hagrid who's back was turned towards her.

"Oh 'ello Esmerelda!" Hagrid turned around and said cheerfully, he had a large bucket in his hand. "Come along, there's someone waiting for us in the forest."

"Someone?" Esmerelda asked as she grabbed a lantern that was sitting on a table in front of his hut. She hadn't brought her wand since Snape had specifically asked her not to. How annoying.

"Yep, I have to do some important things with Fang over here." Hagrid pats Fang's head. "So you'll be passing your detention time with him."

"Do I have to do something with him?"

"Yep, you'll have ter give Aragog and his buddies their desert! Which is of course rabbit skin since they can't eat human flesh here now."

"Who's Aragog?" Esmerelda asked but before she got her answer, Hagrid handed her over the bucket.ย 

"Now yer be careful alright? And don't worry this guy can be fully trusted." And with that Hagrid walked off with Fang right behind him.ย 

Esmerelda looked around but saw no one. All she saw were trees and bushes and branches. She walked a bit further until she had to put the bucket down for a few minutes to rest her arms.ย 

As she picked up the bucket again, she heard a rustle of leaves behind her. She turned around and there was a tall male figure walking towards her. When he came closer, Esmerelda recognized him as Mattheo. She groaned inwardly. This was going to be so much fun.

He walked over to her but didn't say anything then he started to walk forwards and gestured for her to follow him as well. With her lantern and bucket she started to walk behind him. Not too close, but not too far that she would lose him. She would rather stick with him then get eaten by some strange monster.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived in a hollow sort of hole in the ground. Esmerelda put down the bucket with a loud thud which earned her a glare from Mattheo.

"I need to go get something, stay here and don't move." he said.

"H-Hey! Don't leave me here alone!" She started, but he was already gone.

What the fuck?! Why would he just leave her like that? He probably had a wand to protect himself, all she had was a bucket full of rabbit skin and a lantern.

She stood there waiting for what felt like an hour when she heard something move above her. She looked up and her soul nearly flew away from her body.ย 

They were spiders. Huge, terrifying spiders. If she didn't haveย arachnophobia before, then she definitely did now.

"So this is the little girl Hagrid sent to feed us." the largest one of them all spoke in a rusty cracked voice as he crawled over to her with his enormous spider legs.

"D-Don't tell me y-you're Aragog?" she stuttered.ย 

"I see I'm famous among Dumbledore's students as well." he said.

"Uhm, Hagrid sent f-food for you." she pushed the bucket towards the spiders.

"Rabbit skin again." another large spider crawled next to Aragog. "We've been eating this stuff for a while. I think it's time for some change." the spider looked over at Esmerelda as it slowly started to crawl towards her.ย 

Esmerelda slowly started to back away, she felt more and more spiders, some tiny some huge, surround her. Where the fuck was Mattheo?

"We're finally going to try some human after a long time!" Aragog spoke.

Esmerelda let out a terrified scream as she started running towards a gap where there were no spiders yet. As she kept on running, she heard at least a hundred spiders crawling towards her.

She kept on running until she bumped into a solid figure. She looked up to see Mattheo staring straight ahead.ย 

"I told you to just stay there and not cause any trouble." he said coldly.

Esmerelda hid behind Mattheo clutching onto his arm, she didn't even argue with him.ย 

Mattheo grabbed his wand out of his pocket and lit it up with 'lumos.' When all of the spiders saw his face, they all stopped in their tracks.

"Go back." Mattheo said calmly.ย 

Aragog and his mates started to crawl back cautiously until they finally turned their backs and fully ran away.ย 

"T-Thank you." Esmerelda said as Mattheo held up his wand in front of him to light the way.

In response, he tugged his arm away from her as he started to walk.ย 

"Follow me and don't wander off anywhere."

"You're the one that left me in the first place." she mumbled under her breath.ย 

They both made it back to the entrance of the forbidden forest in one piece where Hagrid was pacing back and forth and mumbling under his breath with Fang staring at him confused.

Esmerelda and Mattheo walked up to him and he looked up at them as a relieved smile crossed his face.

"Blimey Esmerelda, yer gave me a scare with that scream o' yours."

"Sorry Hagrid, but I definitely haveย arachnophobia now."ย 

"Yeah sorry 'bout that." Hagrid then turned to Mattheo. "Thank you for yer help Mattheo."ย 

Mattheo nodded in response and started to walk up to the castle with his hands in his pockets.

"Distant that one." Hagrid observed. "Now go straight to the castle and tell Snape that your detention's over."ย 

"Alright, I will." Esmerelda said and with that went straight back to the castle, wanting to get back into her warm bed in the dormitory.
