Y6- First Interaction

After waking up, Esmerelda and Larisa walked out of the girl's dormitory and out into the Slytherin common room. It was a saturday afternoon and most of the students were either out studying, playing some Quidditch or just hanging with friends.ย 

It had been a week since Mattheo Riddle had joined Hogwarts. Lorenzo had talked to him and seemed to be comfortable being in his presence but Esmerelda and Larisa had stayed a good 10 feet away from him. He just didn't seem the type to become friends with.

Being Voldemort's son seemed to get Mattheo some sort of privilege from all of the professors. They were afraid of him. Even Snape who Esmerelda thought was immune to fear was uneasy around him. The only professor that wasn't even the slightest bit afraid of him was Dumbledore.ย 

"Have you done your Transfiguration homework? It's due on monday." Esmerelda asked.

"Yeah, I did it yesterday because I had a free subject."ย 

Esmerelda and Larisa walked out of the Slytherin common room.

"Where do you wanna go?" Esmerelda asked.

"We could just take a walk around the castle and get a breath of fresh air."ย 

Esmerelda nodded as both her and Larisa walked out of the castle gates and into the yard where many students from the 4 houses were chatting and hanging with friends.

"So have you talked to Lorenzo about dating Draco?" Esmerelda asked randomly to start up a conversation.

"No because I don't want to date him. Esme, it's just a stupid crush please forget about it."

"Alright, sorry." Esmerelda let out a laugh.

"Not gonna lie, I still can't imagine how Enzo is so comfortable around You-Know-Who's son." Larisa said changing the subject up.


Esmerelda and Larisa walked and talked some more before going back in the late afternoon/early evening since it got too cold. They decided to go back to the common room to get warmed up before the feast was set.ย 

Esmerelda was reading and Larisa was doing her potions homework when Lorenzo walked in looking tired and cold.

"Hey Enzo, are you alright?" Larisa asked her brother.

"Yeah I'm fine, we were just practicing quidditch with the new kid." he said and walked up to the boy's dormitory.

Larisa looked at Esmerelda who shrugged and continued her reading. Larisa too went back to doing her potion's homework.ย 

"Esme, what happens when someone takes the draught of living death potion?" Larisa asked as she looked up from her question sheet.

Esmerelda lowered her book and sighed. "You really are terrible at potions aren't you? When a person drinks it, they fall in a very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely."

Larisa put up a thumbs up as she continued writing.ย 

Being done with her book, Esmerelda got up and walked to the exit of the slytherin common room. "Lisa, I'll be back I need to return this book real quick."ย 

Larisa did another thumbs up and continued to write.

Esmerelda walked through the cold corridors of the castle. It was getting dark out quickly, the dinner feast would be out soon. She would have to hurry. When she got to the library, madam Pince was sitting at her usual spot on the front desk.ย 

"Hurry it up girl, I'll be locking up the library soon. And while you're at it, tell the other lad to just pick a book and get out. Will make my job easier." she turned away and looked at the clock. "5 minutes."

Esmerelda nodded and quickly hurried to the section where she was meant to put her book away. When she put it away, she grabbed a transfiguration book out quickly and went to her desk.ย 

"I would like to borrow this."ย 

"Sure." madam pince scanned the book. "Here, and I told you to get the other lad out too!"

"Oh sorry." Esmerelda said as she turned right back around to look for this mysterious 'lad'.

She was walking between each of the book aisles when she suddenly felt a cold presence behind her. She quickly turned around and behind her was none other than Mattheo Riddle.

"U-Uhm, madam Pince w-wants you to leave the library." she swallowed. Why was she so scared of this guy?

Instead of turning around and leaving, the 'mysterious lad' started to slowly walk towards her. Esmerelda started to back up slowly until she bumped into the bookshelf behind her.

Mattheo started to walk even closer to her. There was no expression on his face. It was the same cold and distant it had been when he had first arrived at Hogwarts.

"H-Hey! Don't come closer!" she closed her eyes.ย 

He kept on walking until he stood directly in front of her. She still didn't open her eyes.

He bent down to her level and whispered into her ear. "You're standing in front of the book I want, faggot."

Esmerelda's eyes flew open and she realised how close they were. His breath had sent shivers up her spine.

"S-Sorry." Without looking back, Esmerelda turned around and dashed out of the library despite madam Pince's shouts behind her to not run inside a library.

Only until she was certain she was away from the library as she could possibly be, did she realise how embarrassing that situation was. What did she think he was gonna do? Forcefully kiss her?

She would never be able to face him again, not that she would want to anyways.

Esmerelda hurried to the slytherin common room to put her book away and walk with Larisa to the great hall for dinner.

When she got there, Esmerelda found Larisa sitting on the couch and staring into the fireplace.

Esmerelda put her book down on the table near the girl's dormitory and went over to sit next to her best friend.

"Larisa, you will not believe what just happened."ย 

Larisa looked over at her and grinned. "Tell me."ย 

When Esmerelda was done explaining every last detail, Larisa looked shocked and happy and impressed all at the same time.ย 

"I would've totally just grabbed him by his collar and kissed him." Larisa said.

"No way, that was so much more embarrassing then it should've been. I should've just moved out of the way."

"Don't worry about that, he'll probably forget it soon. Maybe he's already forgotten it. People like him don't hang out with people like us. We're not popular. But whatever, let's go eat I'm starving." Larisa reassured her best friend.

Esmerelda smiled as they both got up and walked to the great hall where it was already getting filled with students.ย 

As Esmerelda and Larisa sat down, she caught Mattheo looking her way, and as soon as he had looked, he looked away. She just deemed that to be a coincidence.ย 

With a flick of his finger, Dumbledore made food appear on the table and everyone started to dig in. When everyone had finished with their food, all of the students got up and went to their own houses.

As Esmerelda lay in bed, she kept thinking on how she was going to get over today's embarrassing moment.ย 

But Larisa was right, he wouldn't remember. Hopefully.
