Y6- Answers

It had been a few weeks since her fight with Larisa and Lorenzo. She hadn't talked to either of them. Draco and Mattheo were were in on this too but she barely knew them and didn't talk to them anyways.

She was in the Great Hall and making her way over to some random Slytherin girl to sit next to. Most of the other students had already sat in their respective tables but she had gotten late since her class was far away.ย 

Suddenly someone grabbed her arm. She turned around.

It was Mattheo. Of course it was him.

"What do you want?" she asked a bit angrily but didn't shout or anything since they were in the great hall and she didn't want to make a scene.

He just kept looking at her with that same cold and distant expression he had on his face nearly everyday.

"Are you going to say something?" she said, her anger being replaced with annoyance.

"Make up with Berkshire." he just said and started to walk off.

What the fuck.

She started to speed walk to catch up to him.

"Hey! You don't just get to meddle in with my life!" she said angrily. "You lied to me as well... I didn't even know who you were until a few months ago!"

"Just make up with them, they did nothing wrong."

She stared at him in disbelief.ย 

"Did nothing wrong? They betrayed me!" She yelled.ย 

Most of the students were looking at them.

Some just happy they had gotten drama.

Some shocked because she had just talked back to the Mattheo Riddle.

She saw Lorenzo and Larisa hurriedly make their way to Mattheo and her.

"Esme.. let's talk about this somewhere else." Larisa said quickly.

"No! He's the one that started it here, not me!" Esmerelda pointed at Mattheo.ย ย 

She knew she was being unreasonable here. But she just couldn't help it. The anger and sadness was too fresh for her.

"We can't talk about it here... or else you'll get discovered." Lorenzo whispered to her.

"Esme please can we talk it out?" Larisa pleaded with her.

Some part of her wanted to go with her. But she held that part back.

She started to walk towards the Slytherin table. "We are done talking about this. You both betrayed me... now deal with the consequences."

Larisa's eyes had tears in them.

"What the fuck Esmerelda!" Lorenzo shouted at her. "We're trying to reason with you here and you're just overreacting about the whole situation!"

Lorenzo had never gotten mad at her before. But what he said just made her snap.

"I'm not overreacting about anything! You and your sister betrayed me!" she yelled.

At this point the whole Great Hall was looking at the four of them. Larisa crying, Lorenzo and Esmerelda shouting and Mattheo just standing there.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Professor McGonagall make her way over to them.

"What is going on here!?" she asked them angrily.

"Nothing, professor." Esmerelda replied still looking absolutely livid.

"Well it sure doesn't look like nothing."ย 

"We're trying to reason with this bitch here, but she's making it difficult." Lorenzo said angrily to McGonagall.


He had just called her a bitch.

Lorenzo had just called her a bitch.

She felt that same burning sensation she had felt when Mattheo's broom had exploded out of nowhere.ย 

She heard McGonagall saying, "Mind your language Berkshire-" before it happened.

Dumbledore's lectern exploded into tiny pieces of dust.

She didn't need to look up to feel the whole room's eyes on her.ย 

It was so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop to the ground.

McGonagall looked astonished.

Mattheo was looking at her with narrowed eyes as he slowly shook his head.

Dumbledore was urgently making his way towards her.

"Miss Morgan, please make your way with me." he said softly to her.

The Great Hall broke into whispers as some students pointed at her.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore shouted and the room grew silent at once. "Professor McGonagall please take charge, I won't be long."

McGonagall nodded as she flicked her wand and food appeared on the tables. All of the students immediately dug into the food momentarily forgetting about everything that had happened only moments before.

Dumbledore gestured to Lorenzo, Larisa and Mattheo.

"I would like you to join me, and you too Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore said as Draco was being dragged to the front to them by McGonagall despite his complaints.

"Why do I have to be in this?" he asked.

"For personal reasons, now you all follow me." Dumbledore walked out of the great hall with the five of them behind him.

Esmerelda walked next to Dumbledore since she didn't want to face either Lorenzo or Larisa right now.

She was still absolutely furious at them. But she also felt kind of ashamed. She couldn't describe why she was feeling it.

They arrived at Dumbledore's office and he said the password and entered the room. He sat in his chair, flicked his wand and made 5 chairs appear at in front of him.

He gestured at them all to sit down.

Esmerelda sat down at the end and Mattheo came and sat next to her while the others sat in their seat.

"Esmerelda... the reason I have brought you here is because you owe me a new lectern." Dumbledore said jokingly as he laughed.

Esmerelda didn't want to smile, but she still smiled a small smile for him. She liked Dumbledore even if every other Slytherin hated his guts.

Dumbledore's expression turned serious.

"All jokes aside," he looked at Esmerelda, "I had a feeling that your power would show up sooner or later."

Esmerelda wasn't even shocked at this point. Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts. Of course he would know about her power. He had to... to make sure she was safe for the other students or not.

"And this subject may be sensitive for you, Mr. Riddle." he said as he looked at Mattheo through his half moon spectacles.

Mattheo looked at Dumbledore coldly. "Talk about whatever you want."

Dumbledore nodded. "As you have obviously found out you have a very unique power, Esmerelda."ย 

"Obviously, everyone saw what she just did in the great hall." Draco spoke up.

Dumbledore ignored him as he kept on talking.

"You are what you call an Obscurus, Esmerelda. An obscurus is aย type of powerful magical parasite that forms when a wizard or witch suppresses their magical ability. And you're special ability is to make things explode with your... anger." Dumbledore explained.

This information was new to her.ย 

She looked over at the others and they seemed shocked as well.

Apart from Mattheo.

He still had his resting cold face in check.

"And unfortunately because of this... Voldemort is after you."

"But there must be some way to destroy him!" Larisa spoke up for the first time in a long time.

"Yes you are right Ms. Berkshire there is. But that way is extremely dangerous."

They all looked at him eagerly, even Mattheo started to pay some attention to the old man.

"That way is... to destroy all of the horcruxes."

The girls both looked confused but the boys looked at each other warily.ย 

"There are seven horcruxes in total and I have finally located the second one. The first one was already destroyed in your second year by Harry Potter."

"Where is this second one?" Mattheo asked.

"It is in a cave not too far from here. I was originally going to send Harry but that task is far too dangerous for him."

They all looked at each other, knowing where this conversation was going.

"You want us to go destroy that horcrux... don't you?" Esmerelda asked.

Dumbledore nodded his head.

"Your father won't suspect any betrayal from you, Mattheo." Dumbledore said.

Mattheo sat there, looking deep in thought.

"I won't do it." and with that, he got up and walked out of the office.

"I'm not doing this either." Draco spat before walking out right after Mattheo.

Dumbledore sighed. "I had a feeling those two wouldn't be in on this."

"But professor, they're with Voldemort aren't they going to tell him everything we've discussed here?" Lorenzo asked suddenly looking worried.

"Don't you worry, I will keep an eye on them myself and you are not allowed to apparate in or out of Hogwarts."

The three of them looked relieved.

"I will inform you when the mission will begin."

The three of them nodded.

Dumbledore smiled at them and gestured for them to leave.

"Thank you for your time, if you leave now, there might still be some tasty treats left for you." he winked.

Esmerelda smiled as she pushed past Lorenzo and Larisa who were getting up and walked out of the office.


She had not expected all of that at all.
