Yes or no?

Y/n started walking towards the entrance of the building, but Johnny was curious about that unfinished sentence. There was no way he was letting her leave without listening what she was going to say to him.

He ran and stood in front of her, blocking her path.

Y/n didn't look at him, but could feel the blonde's eyes on her.

" What were you going to say?" He asked.

" Nothing." She quitely answered.

" You can't just say some unfinished shit and leave me all curious. Y/n tell me what were you going to say!?"

" Does it even matter anymore?" She had a small smile on her face, a sad one.

" What do you mean? Are you saying that I am not interested in you anymore? If you are thinking that, you are dead wrong. I am still waiting for your answer."

" Oh yea that answer. I was thinking of saying you....yes. I thought country club was the perfect spot, your family would be there, I could meet them, but -"

" But what? Don't tell me you are thinking of taking your yes back!"

" I guess I am." She shrugged.

Johnny face palmed himself.

" I knew you were coming. And I already talked with my mother, she said she wanted to meet you. So I think we should go in there, have a little talk. And then think again about saying yes to me today."

" I am going to meet your mother, only because you said she wants to. About saying yes to you, I think I have to re consider it again." She sarcastically smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

" As I said before, take as much time as you want."

" But you have some responsibility too Johnny. You need to do right things, reassure me that saying yes to you is worth it."

" For all I know, the look in your eyes, one week ago, it said that you also wanted me! You are just thinking too much! And through your thinking process,you are hurting yourself and me too! You do realise that, right? Or not!?"

Y/n decided not to answer that.

" Let's go meet your mother. I don't want to keep them waiting." She bluntly answered and left. Johnny shook his head and left after her.


Y/n was trying to find her mother in the sea of people present there. That's when she saw her, sitting at a table with two other people.

There was this beautiful women and a grumpy bald man.

Y/n was going to make her way towards them when someone grabbed her arm and interwined it with theirs. She looked to see who it was.


" That's my mom and step dad. Let's go like this. It will give a good impression to them." He whispered.

" Why give a fake impression?" She smiled as she tried to get her arm away from him but his grip was too tight.

" Not today Jones. You have to listen to me, today. Let's go." He plastered a smile on his face as they made their way towards their parents.

Y/n took a seat next to her mother, and Johnny took a seat next to y/n.

" Oh, here they are." Y/n's mother laughed.

" You were not lying when you said that the girl was beautiful, Johnny." His mother smiled. This made Y/n smile.
Johnny was already waiting for y/n's reaction on this, so he smiled when he saw that she was smiling.

" So this is that girl, your boy Brags about a lot, huh!" His step-dad spoke up.

Y/n saw Johnny clenching his fists from the corner of her eyes.

" Yes! This is my girl. Y/n Jones." Y/n's mother confidently answered.

" Where is his father?" He asked.

Both y/n and her mother looked hesitant. Johnny saw the tension.

" They don't want to talk about it. So why mention?" Johnny asked.

His step dad shot him a glare.

" So, y/n, what are your interests?" Mrs. Lawrence asked.

Y/n took a sip from her drink before answering.

" Good people." She simply smiled.

" Oh, that's nice. So how did you meet Johnny?" She asked.

" At school." She shrugged. She could feel the alcohol already kicking in.

" Y/n, answer properly!" Her mother whispered to her.

" What? I am." She answered back.

" Uh- mom, y/n is not at her best right now, maybe we can schedule a meeting some other day?" Johnny asked as he looked at y/n's state.

" No no. Why? You said you asked your mother to meet today, so lets settle this today." She answered.

"Settle what? " He asked.

" And you think these two can survive a life time together. What a joke!" His step dad scoffed.

" Mr. Lawrence,I think you are most of reason why Johnny is like this!" Y/n shot back.

" Y/n, enough." Johnny calmly told her.

" What? Why? This man hits you! It's not ok! You are not bad, just not under a good male influence." She answered.

" Let's take you out y/n." Johnny looked at her mother and she nodded and gave him permission to take her so he did.

" Well, that wasn't good." She laughed.

" You are drunk, y/n. It's not your fault." He answered as he held her close to him for balance.

" It was. I was misbehaving."

" You were right. You stood for me. But you are drunk, so it's better not to talk."

He took her to a nearby bench, they both took a seat next to each other.

" The stars look great tonight." Y/n smiled as she looked up.

" There are no stars today. What are you talking about?" He laughed.

" Why are you like this?" She asked.

" Like what?"

" are...I don't know. You make me happy, you make me sad, you make meย  angry, you make me jealous...." She sighed as she hiccuped.

" You have the same effect on me y/n. That's when you love someone." He smiled.

" You love me?" She asked, as she could not believe it.

" Yes." He smiled.

" Wow. When did that happen?" She laughed.

" Y/n you are clearly drunk. Of course you are going to talk bullshit."

" Listen Johnny. You hurt me today. You are literally the only one whose words can make me cry or smile."

" I know that. I am sorry for making you cry. I promise not to do anything stupid in the future."

" You promise?" She asked.

" Yes." He whispered. They both were so close, just inches apart. Y/n wanted to kiss him so bad at that moment, but stopped herself.

But Johnny didn't let anything stop him. He grabbed the back of her neck gently and placed his lips onto hers.

Y/n's eyes widened.

She kissed him back and allowed him to do so. That kiss had many emotions, anger, jealous, lust, frustration and of course, love.

After some time, they broke the kiss, their forehead touched each other's as they looked down.

" I love you, y/n." He whispered.

"I love you too,Johnny." She whispered back.

A/n: what if this was the end of the story lol. Of course not ๐Ÿค .

Just found out today is the 40th karate kid anniversary, so I am publishing today, instead of tomorrow!

Have a treat!
