Right or stupid?

Y/n was confused. And then she made the decision.

" Daniel's right. You shouldn't have done it." Y/n finally answered.

" Really y/n? I thought you were smarter than that." Johnny scoffed.

" Thanks y/n" Daniel smiled.

" Forget it. I should haveย  known better to expect anything from you." Johnny shook his head and left.

" Don't worry. You did the right thing." Ali placed her hand on y/n's shoulder.

" No she didn't." Bobby answered.

If Bobby said this, it means y/n was wrong.

" It's a sensitive topic. We don't want to interfere, but, you are pretty dumb,y/n" Dutch scoffed and the cobra kais left too.

" Don't listen to them y/n. They are trying to make you look guilty." Daniel smiled.

" Well, Bobby gave me a nasty look. I think we are done." Susan said, her voice almost breaking up.

"Oh god, Susan. I am sorry. " Y/n made her way towards Susan.

" Save it. You were wrong here." She backed off and left.

" She's dumb, I am with you y/n. Don't worry." Ali smiled.

" Are you okay?" Daniel asked.

" Yes. I am. Don't worry." Y/n answered and left.


She went back to her house. Yes, she walked. Upon reaching, her mother asked her how was it? She lied and said it went well, and that she is tired and then she went upstairs.

She was fighting literal demons in her head, while she layed on her bed.

She felt guilty for taking Daniel's side instead of Johnny when she knew Johnny was right in his place, and somehow Daniel was also right, but- seeing Daniel behave like this every time her and Johnny interacted,made her feel a bit angry at Daniel. She thought it wasn't always like that.

If Daniel trusted her enough with Johnny then he would never always suspect anything.

She felt bad for Johnny, for the first time. The topic was sensitive and she bailed. She wanted to do things right. She wanted to apologise to Johnny.


The next day, Y/n avoided Daniel, and y/n was avoided by Johnny. Even in the first lecture, he was just focused on his text book. He didn't even look at her for one time. Didn't annoy her, didn't make any jokes.

Y/n felt lonely. She was used to it, from the very first day, but then everything changed.

In the lunch break, y/n decided that she would apologise to him. That she was wrong for not speaking from his side. She went to their table. Johnny was quiet, actually, the whole table was quiet. Bobby was sad, of the break up. Y/n felt guilty, her situation made Bobby and Susan break up too.

She reached their table, and looked towards Daniel, who was sitting across the room, eyeing her every move.

She cleared her throat.

A/n: pretty dumb move y/n ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿค.

" Johnny. Can I talk to you?" She asked in a low voice.

He turned towards her and raised an eyebrow.

"Say what you want, here." He answered.

Y/n took a deep breath.

" I am sorry."

Y/n was going to regret saying sorry to him after what he had planned for her.


Y/n furrowed and looked around. All attention on them. Again.

" Yes. I remember. You said the exact words to me. How does it feel to get yourย  genuine sorry thrown away?" He asked, while standing up.

"Johnny, I'm sorry. I should've taken your side. You were right." Her voice was pleading.

"Oh, look who's sorry now. Little miss perfect finally realizes she made a mistake?" He mocked her.

"I just didn't want things to get out of hand." Y/n sighed.

"Well, congratulations, trouble. You managed to screw things up as usual." He shrugged.

"You know, Y/n, sometimes I wonder if you even have a brain in that head of yours. It must be tough being so clueless all the time." He continued.

"I... I didn't mean to upset you." She felt embarassed.

"Save it. I don't need your fake apologies." He scoffed.

" But i-".

" Attention everyone! Let's give y/n a huge round of applause for her ability to mess things up!" He laughed and everyone started clapping for y/n. She felt tears forming in her eyes.

Johnny noticed it, but didn't care.

" Awww. Why are you crying? You did nothing wrong because you are miss. Right! You wanna know why I switched so fast? You embarassed me in the field that day. It's payback for that. I embarassed you in exchange. Me...being good with you, was all just a little skit to get you around my finger. You really thought I would kiss you? Never. Not in my wildest dreams." He laughed.

That was enough to make her break in front of everyone.

He came close to her ear.

" Save those tears for another time. Because some more payback is left and you exactly know what I mean" he whispered in her ear and this made her cry more.

She left the cafeteria crying, with Daniel running behind her.

A/n: Do vote!! I just want this book to finish before my uni starts, because then I will have no time. Just some time in the bus๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ญ
