Going out

After leaving school, y/n quickly made her way towards her house to get ready. Of course there was time left but she wanted to look her best, even she didn't know why she wanted to look good, it wasn't a date anyway.

" What's the special ocassion?" Her mother asked, as she leaned against the door frame if y/n's door.

" Just going out."

" Oh? With your blonde boyfriend? Wow. So I guess you should say it's a date." Her mother exclaimed.

" Yea mom whatever."

Her mother helped her pick her outfit and a good to go hairstyle.

A/n: just imagine yourself in whatever outfit you want to.

Y/n was already ready,and was sitting at the dining table when she heard the door bell ring. Her heart started beating fast at the sound. She quickly ran towards the door and almost tripped.

She opened the door to find the blonde standing there, with a bouquet in his hand.

Her eyes went wide and he noticed her reaction and laughed.

" For you!" He giggled as he gave the bouquet to her and she almost squealed. This was the first time she ever got flowers from someone and she was sure she definitely didn't expect it to be Johnny.

" Thank you so much Johnny."

" I know you didn't expect these but here they are. I - I hope you like them. Bobby told me, girls love roses." He scratched the back of his neck.

" I am sure they do. Even if you brought me any other flower, I would be happy." She politely smiled.

She noticed Johnny was hesitant and he looked nervous around her, and oh! He was almost blushing.

But then she noticed something on Johnny's face, he had a little wound on his nose. She frowned.

" What's that?" She asked.

" What's what?" He asked.

She pointed towards his nose and he looked around nervously. He exactly knew what she meant. Although, before coming, he tried his best to treat his nose but boys will be boys.

" Oh, haha, just a little injury." Johnny nervously laughed.

" Which you didn't know how to treat, I guess?" She raised an eyebrow.

" Something like that." He shrugged.

" Come on in. The wound can get infected, I'll treat it properly." She offered and he came in.

" Oh my god, look who's here!" Y/n's mother squealed.

" Good evening Mrs. Jones!" The boy greeted.

" Good evening, good evening. I am glad you both are going out together. Y/n needed it."

" She did?" He asked, looking back at y/n who just looked away.

" Yes. She was pretty tensed in the past few days. I hope you both going out will reduce her tension." Her mother answered.

Johnny felt guilty about her being tensed. He knew he was the reason behind that tension.

" Don't worry Mrs. Jones. I'll take care of her." The boy smiled.

" Come on." Y/n gestured him towards the couch. He followed her and took a seat while y/n went away to take the first aid.

Her mother sat there on the couch.

" Maybe, someday, you can come at our house for the official dinner?" She asked.

Johnny was surprised.

" Ummm- yes sure. I would love to." He smiled.

" Perfect."

" Mrs, Jones, mind if I ask? Where's Mr. Jones?"

The mother's smile faded away.

" He's a busy businessman. He is always out on some business trips."

Johnny nodded and concluded that it might not be the best thing to talk about the man of the house.

Y/n came with the first aid box and was confused as to why were the boy and her mother's mood looked a bit off.

She took a seat next to Johnny and opened the box. She tried to find some antiseptic. Her mother had already left.

" What happened?" She asked.

" Just a little sparring accident. Nothing serious." He awkwardly answered.

" Are you sure? It looks pretty bad."

She gently touched his nose but he flinched.

" It's fine, really. Just took a hit during the training, that's all."

Y/n sighed and started cleaning up his would, her touch being gentle.

" You know you should be more careful. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to get ruined." She chuckled.

" Yeah. Wouldn't want that. " He smirked.

Y/n finished cleaning his wound and applied a bandage on his nose.

" There you go. All done. You don't mind the bandage, do you?" She asked.

" Thanks trouble. And no, I don't mind a bandage. It looks badass." He laughed, earning a warm laugh from the girl.

They both went out and y/n was excited, because Johnny brought his motorbike.

" You know, I always found your bike pretty cool!" She laughed.

" Yeah, it is. You like it?" He asked, as a small smile formed on his lips.

" Yes! Can we ride on that bike already?" She almost pleaded.

Johnny was surprised, usually girls are scared of riding on a bike but y/n was different.

" Yeah. Hop on." He laughed.

She squealed in delight and climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, wrapping her arms around Johnny's waist. The boys heart beat went up and down on her sudden action.

She enjoyed every bit of it, Johnny stealed glances at her , finding her laughs cute and warming. He realised how much he liked having her around.

" Having fun?" He asked.

" This is amazing! Thank you Johnny!" She answered.

A/n: fun memory unlocked: it was me and my bestie on her scooty and we had another friend on her scooty, I was sitting in the back and I was screaming like a mad girl, and we were laughing, especially me, my bestie warned me and laughed that said stop screaming so loud, people will think a girl is getting kidnapped! God, I still didn't stop. Probably my best memory. I had a fit of laughs.

Y/n wanted to have some more fun. She wasn't hesitant around Johnny today, or anymore.

"Johnny, can I ride your bike? Please, I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle!" She asked from behind.

Johnny looked at Y/n, surprised by her request.

"I don't know, Y/n. Riding a motorcycle isn't like riding a bike. It can be dangerous." He sounded skeptcial.

"I promise I'll be careful! Please, just this once? It would mean so much to me." She pleaded.

"I don't know..."

"Please, Johnny. I'll hold on tight, and I'll follow all your instructions. I just want to feel the thrill of riding a motorcycle myself."

"Okay, but you have to promise to hold on tight and do exactly as I say. Safety first, got it?" He asked.

"Yes, I promise! Thank you, Johnny!" She laughed.

He stopped the bike and helped Y/n onto the front of the motorcycle and gave her a quick rundown of the controls.

Johnny was behind her, his hands on her shoulders, guiding her.

"Okay, Y/n, ease off the clutch slowly and give it a little gas."

Yn nodded, following Johnny's instructions. The motorcycle jerked forward, and Y/n struggled to keep her balance.

"I-I'm trying!" She nervously answered.

"It's okay, just take it slow. You're doing great."

Suddenly,they approached a corner too fast, and Y/n paniced, almost losing control. Johnny instinctively pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist, stabilizing the bike.Their bodies pressed together, they shared a moment of closeness.

Yn felt his warmth, his heartbeat against her back.

" Thank you, Johnny." She answered, her heart still beating fast.

Johnny's hands lingered on her waist for a moment longer than necessary, and Y/n's breath catches. They share a brief, intense gaze before Johnny reluctantly lets go.

" You're getting the hang of it. Just remember to take it slow." He smiled.

A/n: god, I was foolishly crying while writing this bike almost crashing part, this just made me realise how lonely I am โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’•.

" By the way, where are we even going?" She asked, as she thought she still doesn't know where they were going,it was just Johnny giving her directions.

" Just follow my lead." He answered from behind.


They reached their destination, and it was the famous hang out place ' Golf n stuff '.

" Me and Daniel were thinking of coming here." She laughed.

" I have the lead now and let's just not talk about him." He answered.

They approached a carnival game booth, where oversized stuffed animals hanged as prizes. Yn's eyes light up as she scanned the prizes.

"I've always wanted one of those!" She said as she pointed out towards a stuffed animal.

"Leave it to me. I've got this." He laughed.

Johnny stepped up to the booth and payed for a round. The game attendant explained the rules to him.

As the game started, Johnny focuses intently, throwing balls at the targets. Y/n watched, impressed by his skill. With his final throw, Johnny hit the jackpot, and the bell rang indicating he had won the biggest prize.

Y/n cheered, clapping her hands as Johnny turned to her, triumphantly holding up the giant stuffed animal.

"For you." The blonde smiled.

Y/n took the stuffed animal, smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Johnny! You're amazing at this." She laughed.

Johnny grinned, feeling pleased with himself but also enjoying Y/n's happiness.

"Just remember, you owe me one now. A rematch, perhaps?" He smirked.

"You're on!" She smirked back.


After playing some fun games, they left for the parking lot.

" Hey Y/n. Umm... Can we talk?" Johnny asked, as y/n turned around, having a confused look on her face As she nodded.

He gestured her to sit at a bench nearby, so she did.

" I know this wasn't the best I could do to undo what I have done with you or said to you in the past. But I swear I tried my best, and I assure you this is not a payback. I want this to be a genuine start for our friendship." He weakly smiled.

" No need to worry Johnny. I believe you. You are not that bad." She answered.

" I am sorry." He said, his head low with guilt.

" Apology accepted." She smiled.

" But- one more thing. I don't want you to feel bad about it and I am being honest here, because I don't want to lie to you, but if anything bad happens with Daniel, know its me, but because he did something first." He said, while looking straight in her eyes.

" I won't let him do anything. No one needs to get hurt."

" And also, now that we are friends, you will see more of me at school, so I guess I hope that Larusso doesn't react bad to it. I won't hesitate to punch him in the face in front of you."

" I get it."

" So, friends?" He smiled.

" Yes, friends." She laughed as they shook each other's hand.

They sat there in a comfortable silence, until Y/n decided to ask Johnny about his new crush. She was eager to know about her.

"So, Johnny, rumor has it you've got a new crush. Care to spill the beans?" She asked.

Johnny knew she heard it in the cafeteria. But still, he didn't want reveal that the girl was y/n herself.

Johnny chuckled, glancing at Y/n with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, you've heard about that, huh? Well, a gentleman never kisses and tells." He laughed.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, playfully nudging him.

"Oh, come on! You can tell me. Is she in our class?" Y/n teasingly asked.

Johnny looked ahead, a small smile played on his lips.

"Maybe. Or maybe she's just someone I admire from afar."

Y/n laughed.

"Wow, mysterious. I'll have to keep an eye out for your secret admirer. Describe her."

"Well, she's... she's pretty amazing. She's smart, funny, and she's got this way about her that just draws you in. And she's beautiful, of course." He smiled.

"Wow, sounds like she's got it all. I hope she knows how lucky she is."

Johnny smiled, knowing full well that he was talking about Y/N.

" So, uh, any tips on how to approach her?" He asked.

" Oh, sure! Well, just be yourself. Maybe start with a friendly conversation, find out what she likes, you know, show genuine interest."

" Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. What if she's not into me?"

"Well, you won't know until you try, right? Just be respectful and honest. Confidence is key!"

" So, what kind of things are you into, Y/n?"

" Why do you want to know?" She had a confused look.

"Oh, no reason. Just curious, you know?" He shrugged.

" Well, I like music, movies, reading... Why do you ask?"

"Just making conversation. I like music too. What's your favorite band?"

"Probably something you've never heard of." She laughed.

" Try me." He smiled.

" Okay, well, I really like Genesis. They're pretty cool."

"Yeah? I'll have to check them out sometime."

"Yeah, you should. They're great."

"Thanks for the tip, Y/n."

"No problem. Why all the questions, though?"

" Oh, no reason. Just trying to get to know people better, you know?" He hesitantly answered.

"Fair enough. Well, if you ever need more recommendations, I'm your girl."

" Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled.

" So uh- umm... Do you like anyone?" He asked, catching her attention immediately.

" Oh umm...i- I don't know." She nervously answered.

" What kind of guys are you into?" He curiously asked.

" I don't know. Funny and kind, I guess?" She shrugged.

Deep down she wanted to describe him, but she was scared.

" Yeah, I get that. What about someone like me?" He asked, and this caught the girl off guard.

"Well, you're... you're different, Johnny. I mean, you're a good friend and all, but..."

Johnny leaned in.

" But what?"

" But I don't know if I see you that way." She was already blushing.

"That's too bad. I was hoping you'd say I'm your type." He smirked.

"Well, you never know what might happen." She nervously laughed.

They were so close, y/n wasn't used to this. And she didn't want to talk about this matter anymore so she was trying hard to think of changing the subject.

" Ummm Johnny. What really happened to your nose?

He blinked a couple of times and took a deep breath.

" I guess now that we are friends, it is safe to share it with you."

" Yes sure. Anytime." She smiled.

" It's my step father. Sid. He's a real dick and sees me as one too. If I stand up against him, he beats me." Johnny shrugged as if he was used to it.

" What? Wait wait. Step dad?"

" My father left my mom and I. Mom married that psycho to give me a good life. I can't hit him back."

" Oh god. I am so sorry to hear this Johnny." She sincerely said and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Next moment, she found Johnny hugging her tightly. She, without hesitation, hugged him back.

"There's so much going on in my life, I never tell anyone. But I also need some emotional support." His voice sounded shaky.

" Hey calm down. I know....I know how that feels." She answered, as she rubbed his back.

" Everyone thinks I am bad, you did too but- but all I need is a little love in my life. I never got it, that's why I am like this! I loved Ali but she left me over a stupid reason and - and I was insecure when I saw her with Daniel. Everyone leaves me Y/n. I am not bad." A little year fell fim his eye.

" Don't worry about anyone Johnny. I don't think you are bad. I did, before, but not anymore. I guess everyone has a reason to behave in a specific way. So do you. If you ever need any kind of support, tell me. I'll always be there. And don't treat your wounds by yourself, ask someone to do it." She advised before breaking the hug.

He looked at her like she was his everything at that point.

" I guess I'll just come to you." He smiled.

" Anytime." She smiled back.

And, after this, Johnny knew, he didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to lose her, but she was too perfect for him. He thought what if he somehow unintentionally hurts her?

He noticed that the conversation was getting a bit too emotional so he decided to change the topic.

" So, you did karate too?" He asked.

Y/n was surprised. How did he know?

" How do you know?" She asked, having confusion in her eyes.

" Does it matter?" He laughed.

" Yes."

" Well, to be honest, my sensei told me. I was shocked too, how would he know, our of everyone? And you did karate back then, wow." He answered.

" Your...sensei told you?" She asked.

The blonde nodded.

Y/n was trying to piece everything together. That day, Kreese at her house, and then her mom asking her to join a karate dojo again and now Johnny asking her this. Was kreese planning something?

A/n: Do vote!! This was the first part, the second one will be not that long. I hope you liked it. Well, what do you think Kreese is trying to do here?
