Pre-halloween and karate

Johnny stayed with her that night and left the other morning. Y/n was happy at what happened between them. She was happy that there was someone who loves her, and there is someone to whom she can give her love to. Again, she never thought it would be Johnny Lawrence.


Halloween was just one day away. And the students had to do the decorations on short notice. The cobras were given the lead for the decoration. The staff thought it would be a perfect punishment for God knows what for the cobras. To make them decorate the gym for the party. They wanted to see their creativity. But y/n was also a part of them, so of course they were going to get through the punishment.


" Heyyyyy." Johnny laughed as he took y/n in his arms, bridal style.

" You do realise this is not aย  hanging spot. This is school. You can't hold me like that in here." She shot him a glare.

" But....what if you were injured? And You needed some help?" He smirked.

" I think you are the one who needs help." She laughed.

" You can say whatever you want. In the end, you are mine!" He smirked and y/n lightly punched him in the chest.

" Ouch, you hurt me! Oh, by the way, our tomorrow's practice will be skipped because of halloween so today is mandatory." He informed her.

" Yea, sure no problem. About halloween, what are you wearing?" She asked.

" Clothes."

" Johnny! Put your common sense in some use."

" Gladly. It's a surprise. Me and the cobras are going to wear same costumes!" He proudly smiled.

Y/n just gave him a look.

" What?" Did I say something wrong?" He asked.

" Cobras? I thought I was one too." She said making a fake sad and offended face.

" Oh, you are. I didn't say that. But the costume will look weird on you so....."

" If you said that, it means your costumes are going to be weird too. So I guess, I will go with my own." She cheekily smiled.

" That's mean." He laughed as he dropped y/n on the floor.

" Alright, I'll see you at lunch?" She asked.

" Like always." He gently kissed her on her forehead and left.

She had a smile on her lips as she entered the class but it went away as soon as she saw Daniel.

Times have changed, earlier she would have a smile on her face when she saw Daniel but now, it was something else.

He also saw her and quickly glanced away.

Y/n had no intention of talking with him or doing things right. She was just fed up with his behaviour. She never interfered in his love life, never said anything to Ali, but Daniel? He always interfered. And she didn't like how he ruined her special moment if it was unintentionally or intentionally, she didn't care.

Throughout the class, y/n ignored him but Daniel took brief glances at her. He even got scolded by the teacher for not concerntrating.

As the class ended, y/n was about to leave when Daniel decided to make a move.

" Y/n." He lowly said.

Y/n just stopped there and didnt look at him but heard him. But she wanted to see how badly he was hurt.

" I wanted to apologise." He continued.

" Hmm." She nodded.

" For yesterday. I am not apologising for fighting with Johnny but! For ruining your date. I didn't know you were on one."

" I had a dress on, and Johnny had a suit on. Were you blind? You didn't see the set up?" She asked.

" I- I am sorry. Please accept my sorry. I know how much a first date means for someone and I ruined it." He had guilt in his voice.

" I am glad you understood. Bye." She said and was going to leave when Daniel thought of saying something stupid to her.

" I still don't regret fighting with Johnny." He shouted.

This was enough to trigger y/n as she sharply turn around.

" Listen Daniel. I don't know what your problem is but no one asked for your opinion. So I suggest keep it to yourself. That will be better for you." She sternly answered.

" You sound different. Johnny Lawrence effect." He scoffed.

" You never got to see my this side ever Daniel, that's why you are surprised. The old ones know." She sarcastically smirked.

" He will ruin you."

" I know and I am letting him. So no problem."

" Y/n, I care about you."

" Who asked you to?" Another voice could be heard. It was Johnny .

He entered the class and stood between y/n and Daniel.

" It was pretty easy for me to listen you bitch talking about me, in an empty classroom. You never leave a chance to corrupt her. Right?" He asked.

Y/n knew Daniel always got the best of Johnny and she didn't want another fight. So she tightly gripped Johnny from his arm and dragged him outside with her.

" Don't. It's of no use. Let's go." She said.

Johnny nodded. He didn't want to argue with her because he remembered what he said to her last night.

He would try to change for her.


It was dismissal time and Johnny was already in the parking lot waiting for Y/n.

She came but with a zoned out look. It was like she wasn't even in this world. Like she lost all connections to the reality.

" Y/n. Is something bothering you? Did that dickhead say anything to you again?" Johnny asked as he ran towards her.

" Uh- no. Let's go."

" Change your mood. Or else it will make mine worse."

She looked at him for a brief moment and automatically a smile came on her face. A genuine one.

" I am good, Johnny. Let's go. We are running late." She said and he nodded.


The whole ride she didn't say anything, nor did he. She just rested her head on his back.

After 40 minutes they reached the dojo and everyone was already there. They both made their way in. Andย  changed in their gi's.

" Listen up everybody! Tomorrow is off. And is the only day for your fun. After that it will be intense training. As the all valley karate tournament is also coming near. And! I will be announcing who will be participating in the tournament this year!" Sensei Kreese shouted and got everyone's attention after he mentioned the tournament.

" Johnny,Bobby,Dutch,Jimmy and Tommy as usual. But there will be one another addition. Y/n." He told them.

Y/n almost gasped. She wasn't ready for a while fucking tournament.

" Why me?" She asked.

" Don't question him." Johnny whispered to her.

" No no. Let her question me. It's good. I said that because it will set a base for you. If you fight in a tournament you will get it's idea. I believe even if after some years I told you that you will be fighting in a tournament you would have the same reaction, why me? So it's best you get to know about it early. No pressure on you for winning though." He nodded in the end.

" Makes sense." She muttered to herself.

She was actually excited about participating in a tournament. It was a big move but what Sensei said made sense. She had to get ready early.

" Congratulations. Maybe we can do some private sparring sessions." Johnny whispered to her and she playfully nudged him.

" Get a room." Bobby laughed who was standing besides y/n.

"On a serious note. We can train together. I know Sensei said there is no pressure on you for winning but I would love to see you winning." Johnny smiled and y/n nodded.

" What if I beat you?" She smirked.

" Happily." He smirked back.

A/n: Halloween is coming!!!! Yay! Means more drama!
