Laser tag

Y/n was getting ready for going out. She found it funny, two groups, rivals of each other , hanging out, together.

" Y/n! Your friend is here to pick you up." Her mom shouted.

Y/n rushed downstairs, said her mom bye and went outside to find a blonde there instead of a brunette.

He was there on his bike and wearing his signature red cobra kai leather jacket.

" What are you doing here?" She asked.

" Expecting someone else?" He smirked.

He was into something again. His eyes were red. Y/n didn't get a good feeling about it.

" Why do you forget that Daniel's taken. Of course he will go with his girlfriend. You can go with me." He smiled.

" I think my legs will come in handy. I'll just walk." And with that y/n started walking but Johnny too started his bike and followed her.

" C'mon y/n, don't be a kid, and get on the bike. I can give you a ride, I won't charge you, or won't do any other funny business." Johnny shouted behind her but she didn't listen and carried on walking.

" If you won't answer, I'll just follow you. I can't let a girl walk alone at night."

" Sweet of you Johnny. But if you keep following me around , people are gonna think you are a creep and you are following me around." Y/n answered but didn't stop.

" Or they could think we are a couple, and you are angry at me for something, and me being a good boyfriend, is trying to convince you." He chuckled.

Y/n stopped and turned around to face the blonde.

" That's creative, johnny. If only....."

" I could make it happen." He winked.

" You. Are. Weird. Lawrence."

" Ok but on a serious note. Hop on. We are getting late. I could get us there on time."

Y/n thought about it for a moment and eventually agreed and hopped on his bike.

She wasn't like other girls, who would cry and jump that they are scared of bikes. She wasn't. She found it pretty cool.

" I thought you would say that you are scared of being on a bike." Johnny laughed.

" Surprise, surprise, I am not." She rolled her eyes.

" Well at least I expected you complimenting my bike."

Y/n could sense the smirk on his face evn though he wasn't facing her.

" Yea, cool bike. I'll give you that." Y/n answered.

" So, if you are not scared of riding on a bike, then I think I can speed it up.....a bit." He smirked,speeding up the bike suddenly.

Y/n quickly held onto his shoulders with a surprised look on her face.

" Johnny...."

" Yes?"

"I didn't ask you to speed up. Keep it down." Y/n answered.

" Sorry, I can't hear you in the wind." He shouted while speeding up the bike,this time more.

Y/n, left with no option wrapped her hands around his waist, because his shoulders were not enough.

" You are doing this on purpose! You dick!!!" Y/n shouted.

" As I said...I can't hear you. I have temporary hearing loss right now." He laughed.

Y/n couldn't stop herself from a little laugh, so she laughed with him.

Checkmark, this was the first time, y/n happily laughed with Lawrence.

" I think I got my hearing power back. I can hear you laughing back there, Jones." He laughed.

" You do realise, you are doing this all because you are high, right?" Y/n asked. She was sort of scared this all wasn't real, this was the weed speaking.

He suddenly stopped the bike, making y/n bump into him.

He didn't face her.

" I know I am high right now, doesn't mean I don't know who you are. You are y/n Jones. The girl, who suddenly one day caught my attention while asking me to keep my laugh low, the girl on which I poured ink. The girl I insulted, the girl who slapped me." He answered.

" And the girl, who's bestfriend was tortured by you." She added.

" Yea, that too. This isn't some sort of apology. Don't dream. I am just proving to you that I am in my senses, it's not the weed speaking." He shrugged.

" Yea yea whatever. Now let's go, we are wasting our time here." Y/n sighed.

She never understand the blonde. One minute he's all rude to her the other he's literally trying to make her laugh? What's the matter? Surprisingly, she found herself getting more comfortable around him with the passing days. Cut the cafeteria event, that was something else.

But like right now, them riding on one bike, normally the old y/n would never.

She found herself smiling at the blonde. She noticed, while she wrapped her hands around him, how good his body was structured. Of course, he would have that body, he does karate, probably works out, no, definitely.

He was wearing no helmet this time. She noticed his hair. How his hair was getting messy with the wind. She never found blondes attractive but Johnny? He was something else. He had this charm.

Y/n would never deny the fact that she found him attractive but his personality? Very very unattractive.

They reached the spot in like 15 minutes.

Y/n noticed the way everyone was looking at her and Johnny. The cobra kais, her friends, almost like there jaws were ready to go 6ft under.

Then of course it was understandable, Johnny giving her a ride on his precious bike, normally he would never. So, why did he?

Daniel quickly made his way towards y/n, and Johnny passed her a small smile before going to his friends.

" What? Why? Where? When? How?" Daniel asked.

" He just gave me a lift. I was hoping for you, but then I remembered you were going with Ali." Y/n answered.

Daniel sort of understood the situation and decided not to think much about it. It was just a lift, right?

They all went in, and Johnny paid for everyone, although y/n and her friends protested, but Johnny respectfully denied their request of paying for themselves.

" How did I forget, he can pay for all of us, he got a rich dad." Y/n scoffed.

"Oh, is that so? Explains his clothes and his bike." Daniel answered.

" Yup babe. He's a rich kid." Ali added.

" Just like you." Susan giggled.

" And y/n." Ali shrugged.

" Let's do the rich talk sometime else. Let's go, or else they will start taunting us." Y/n suggested.

" Y'all coming are or are you all scared we will beat you here too?" Johnny shouted, followed by laughs of the cobra kais.

Y/n shook her head and went towards the laser tag room.

Jimmy was ruled out to make it even between the both teams.

A/n: 4-4.

They got their jackets and their laser guns.

" I want to beat them here." Daniel sighed.

" This is not a real place to beat them, but whatever you say." Y/n shrugged.

10 minutes into the game, and the cobra kais already had the lead of 60-30 They all were too fast and good at hiding.

Y/n and Johnny still didn't face each other.

The points were scored by y/n and Daniel by tagging Dutch and Bobby, Ali was too slow ,and Susan was just zoned out. Johnny didn't show up. But, still, they had the lead.

The cobra kais had better health points than y/n and her team.

Johnny was stealthily moving around, hiding behind the obstacles and using the dim light. He spotted y/n and grinned, and decided to tag her. He shot her from a safe distance and she turned around to see who tagged her but found nothing. Johnny quitely laughed at his hiding spot.

Y/n walked down a dimly hit hallway after getting tagged. She walked carefully, suddenly, someone jumped out of a dark corner and y/n let out a scream.

It was Johnny. He couldn't stop his laugh after seeing her scared.

" What the fuck!?" She shouted.

" What? I tagged you and I scared you." He laughed.

" So it was you. Nice." Y/n rolled her eyes and was going to walk away, when Johnny grabbed her wrist, forcefully pinned her to the wall of that dark corner, her arms above her, and his fingers interwined within hers.

Her eyes widened, and heart raced, as if it was ready come out at any moment.

He stared in her eyes for a moment,it looked like he was lost. Even though the area was dimly lit, y/n could see the small smile playing on his lips and an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

They were so close, yet so far.

"You know, Y/n, you're even more beautiful up close." He smirked.

"Is that the weed talking, Johnny?" Y/n sighed.

"Maybe a little, but I mean it. You're... captivating."

"Captivating, huh? You're not so bad yourself... for a stoner." She rolled her eyes.

He chuckled. And y/n noticed him staring at her lips. She gulped and he noticed the tension and smirked.

Y/n knew Johnny would never kiss her but if he does, there's no way she would let him. Because this all was just too confusing for her. She thought Johnny is playing tricks on her, he just wants to hurt her, if not physically then emotionally.

Their lips were just an inch apart, y/n was sort of shaking because she was nervous.

"Johnny- don't." Was all she could manage.

Johnny looked at her confused, and then backed off. The next they know Johnny was pushed apart from y/n by someone with full force.

It was Daniel.

" She said DON'T!" Daniel shouted.

Ali and Susan rushed towards Y/n.

" Hey, you ok?" Ali asked.

Y/n just nodded.

Even the cobra kais were just standing there, not defending Johnny.

Johnny turned towards Daniel, pure rage in his eyes.

Y/n knew this wasn't going to end good. Both the boys were wrong, but the thing was Johnny didn't kiss her, and backed off when she asked him to. But Daniel pushing Johnny was a wrong move, atleast for him.

They both looked like they were going to kill each other.

The blonde always wanted a chance and an excuse to beat the other one and the brunette never backed down from giving that chance or excuse to the blonde. So yea it was pretty fucked up!

"What the hell were you thinking, Johnny? You almost kissed Y/n!" Daniel shouted.

"I wasn't gonna kiss her, man! I was just messing around. AND, I backed off when she asked me to!" Johnny shouted back.

"Messing around? She was clearly uncomfortable! You need to learn some respect!" Daniel scoffed.

"Respect? You're the one always hovering around her like some kind of knight in shining armor!" Johnny raised his voice.

Everyone was just standing there. No one thought that it was a good idea to interfere this time.

Daniel stepped close to him.

"Because someone has to protect her from guys like you!" He shouted.

Y/n gasped. She knew what he meant but didn't like what Daniel said.

Johnny being the tough guy, stepped up too.

"Guys like me? What's that supposed to mean?"

Daniel shoved him.

"It means you're a bully, Johnny! Always have been, always will be!" He shouted.

Johnny scoffed.

" Stop it with the bully thing Larusso! You can't shove this one word in every conversation! And Why are you so worried about me and Y/n? You've got Ali, remember?"

"That's none of your business, Johnny. And it doesn't excuse your behavior." Daniel answered.

"Doesn't it? Seems like you're the one who can't keep his mind off other girls." Johnny smirked.

"Shut up, Johnny!" Daniel shouted.

They both turn around to face y/n, who was looking at them amused and was in complete discomfort about the fight they had going.

" She's the main focus here. So, y/n, what do you have to say?" Johnny asked.

Y/n looked nervous. Ali comforted her.

Y/n knew her one statement could change everything going on here. She didn't want to accuse Johnny, because he backed off when she asked him to, but then on the other hand, she didn't want to leave her best friends side.

A/n: Do vote!! guys, she is y/n, of course she's gonna take stupid decisions, or else how would the plot form?๐Ÿ˜‚
