β€· vi.

"If you have any problems, just let me know" they gave her smile and exited the office.

Their gazes met with a brunette leaning on the lockers with a leg holding her up. She was talking to someone with dark, indigo-black hair that she keeps in a pair of panda-like braided bun hugging a plush bear.

Amber pushed herself of the lockers and sprinted towards the twins. "Hey! You got the app yet?"

"Yeah, I wanna find-- Oh!" Lumine stop mid sentence as another approached them. "They are beautiful! Hi, I'm Xiangling! President of the cooking club," she greeted.

"I'm Lumine and this is--"

"Aether! I've so much about you, well not really but I will." Xiangling chirped.

"Hi..?" Aether grinned.

The classes started to fill and students started to fled the hallway. The sun shone the polished floor brightly.

Xiangling questioned them. "Classes are about to start, what's your first one?"

"I have.." Lumine opened the app, "English."

"I have Chemistry"

"I have Chemistry as well! Come on, I'll show where class is~" Xiangling grabbed his hand and run off.

Lumine clicked her tongue, "Xiangling, be gentle with him. KEYWORD: GENTLE"Β 


miyumiesyΒ presents ...

❝ chapter six : start of the day ❞

"We have exactly 30 minutes before, let's find your locker." she let go of the blond.


"The app. You see this?" Xiangling pointed towards the little screen under the handle of a random locker. The blond nodded. "Show your digital ID to this and this will open your locker.. now which one is the question"

After minutes of finding his locker, the blond placed his bag inside and took out his iPad, textbook and his stationary. Suprisingly, Xiangling's locker was five lockers away.

Aether approached Xiangling, hugging his books close to his chest. He glanced at her locker. It was decorated with a bunch of pictures of foods, aesthetic neon stickers scattered,Β  a couple of recipe books stacked neatly next to Guoba, the said teddy.

It was a lucky charm of hers. She would always hug it before and after class.

"Xiangling, are you done?"

"Hm? Oh yeah!" she slammed her locker shut, scaring the blond, herself and a few students passing by. Xiangling and Aether apologized even though the students were nowhere near them.

The duo strolled the halls and chattered. When they arrived, half of the seats were taken. Some were staring at Aether from top to bottom. Aether gave them a small grin uncomfortably which led the students looked away with blush tinted at the sides of their faces.

"Come sit with me, seats are not assigned fortunately." She showed him a seat near the window, it was not too far behind and not too near the teacher either.

The blond haired placed his books down and felt something below the desk. A drawer. Curious, he opened it.

A clean lab coat and a pair of safety goggles.

"Wear it" Xiangling offered as she slid into hers. The blond quickly put on his.

A few minutes later, a man entered the classroom.

"It's Albedo!"


"I'm not going to kid, I think I like, like him"

"The hell, why would you say that loudly?"

The girls whispered, loudly. The man displayed a small smile and grabbed a seat in front of the duo.

"I must ask.. what do girls even like about him?" A voice spoke from behind. Xiangling turned to her back followed by Aether, she laughed.

"Hey Mona! Didn't know you had Chemistry" she added. Mona had long black hair which she wears in two pigtails, and wears a compass-like gold earring on her left ear. She rested her head on her shoulder with a look you can tell from a distance, boredom.

She shrugged and kept an eye on the blond, "New kid?"

"Yeah, and I'm here to help"

"Did you finish yesterday's assignment?" Mona cocked her eyebrow.

"Sort of? You?"

"I did. my roommate did bother me but I managed" she shrugged. "Xiangling, you're gonna volunteer at the cafeteria again?"


"Tell me now then.. what is the cheapest food there?"

"You're so broke. Get a job!"

"I can't but still! My savings this week is still acceptable.."Xiangling scoffed,

"How much?"

Aether didn't want to bother them even the slightest. He turned his head at the window beside him, daydreaming god knows what. The class was starting to fill up and the volume increased rapidly.

The class went dead silent as the teacher entered the lab. Tall slender figure with a name tag dangling on his lab coat. Mr. Fredrick.

"Alright let's begin shall we?"

(unit one: over. ...)
