β€· ii.

Aether jolted at the sudden figure that fell off the tree they sat under. Amber and Lumine joined hands and screamed.

The figure was too big to even be an animal that lives in it. It or He had googles over his head and a baby kitten..?!

"Ouch.." he mumbled. He has a kitten with an injured paw looked back at him with sympathy.

"Oh my god! Bennett!" Amber yelled at him. "Are you okay?" Aether went closer to him, inspecting his scraped arms and a potential dislocated butt, since he landed on it.

"I'm fine! This happen lots of time!" the said Bennett assured him as he tried to get off his knees.

He had multicolored band aids all over his arms and knees. "I see, but still you need to be check out."

"What were you doing up there anyway?" Lumine asked, her face may seemed she wasn't interested but she is genuinely concern (internally).

The brunette beside her crossed her arms on her chest and tapped her foot, waiting for a explanation as well.

Imitated by Amber's looks, he answered, "This kitten here got up there yesterday, I thought it would get down sooner or later. When I checked this morning, it was still there.

I was worried, it didn't ate or drank anything so I went for a closer look. It had an injured paw."

"You have a uh.. blood here.." Aether pointed to his elbow. "Oh..Ohhhhhh! Yeah, I'll get this check LATER. This kitten is more important than my own life."

"That dramatic tone of yours might make you reconsider on joining the drama club" Amber said with a smug. "Haha very funny. Hello Aether & Lumine, I'm Bennett!"

"How did you?--"

"We have this thing called 'eavesdropping'--"

"meow.." the kitten interrupted.

miyumiesy presents ...

❝ chapter two : troublemaking pets ❞

Amber and Bennett led their way inside the massive building. The ceiling lights had turn off and the waxed floor has now been covered with dirty trails of dirt.

The hallways was filled with students you can't compare. But still, they silently followed the duo towards a room with a sign, 'Environmental Club'.

"Why are we here?" asked Lumine, "Didn't we agreed we'd go to the infirmary first?"

"There's a first aid kit inside, it's nothing serious and as Bennett said. The kitten is more important than his own life" Amber shrugged.

They went inside the club. It had posters of animal anatomy spread out in the vacant wall. The stools stood perfectly on the table but some were laying on the floor.

"I'll go find the first aid kit," Bennett said. He handed the kitten to Aether and dashed off. "Take care of it for me!"

Lumine sat on one of the stools that was placed down with Amber as she was texting. "Amber, are you in this club?"

Amber placed her phone down and faced the blonde. "I'm not, I'm in the Kyudo Club! I'm actually the vice-president. I'm thinking off joining other clubs later"

"How many clubs can you actually choose?"

"2 or 3? I don't know. I see Aether is playing with the kitten splendidly"

Lumine turned her head towards his direction. The white kitten was still in his grasp, as it was holding his cheeks with it's other paw.

"You wanna know something? He is actually greater than me at handling children and animals." Lumine said.

"He does seems to--"

"NO NO NO GET BACK HERE!" a voice yelled at the very back.

"Bennett? Anything wrong?" Amber asked in concern.

He immerged from the back door, panting heavily. "They escaped!"

"Holy. This must be Oz's doing! Haish, that darn bird! Lumine, help me." she sighed as she rolled her sleeves up

"Sure," she stood up.

"but what escaped?" Aether asked, still holding the kitten.

"Pets! Pets aren't allowed on school grounds, or any animals to be exact. So the board agreed to let the animals be with their owners but they have to stay in this club.

They can be with their owners when the owners get them but during classes they stay here."

A small light blue azure parakeet with midnight blue tips flew out of the room with a 10 inches tall tortoiseshell Norwegian forest cat chasing it.

"That's.. a massive cat.." Lumine stuttered. She hid behind the brunette who was trying to catch the Shiba Inu that keeps running on and off the tables. "Uh, Lumine? I thought I told you to catch them?"

"No no no! Not with that big cat on the fucking loose!" she shouted as she hugged Amber's hips tightly. Light shade of pink appeared at the corner of her face.

Aether just watched the commotion and giggled at such a funny sight. Bennett stood on one of the table and jumped off to catch the flying raven.

Which he failed miserably due to the raven's speed.

What the blond didn't realize was the Norwegian forest cat approach him from behind.

