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"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked. Aether looked up at him but immediately looked down. He was intimidating.

"I'm here to get something from the inside.." he mumbled. He eyed him down and sighed. "Luckily, you're not one of the fangirls.." the blond laughed nervously.

"Be quick." he moved aside, letting the blond passed by. Aether did a quick bow as a sign of respect then sprint inside.

The blond scanned the crowd and saw that Lumine and Amber gave him a thumbs up, his twin mouthed a 'good job'.

Aether gave her a small smile and off he went. He went in further into the basketball court and saw the Shiba Inu not far away. The little dog didn't flinch nor moved as Aether sat next to it, stared at him and the way he looked.

"You're Toroumaru aren't you? Where's your owner?" Aether asked. He knew it couldn't speak, just curious. The blond didn't faced the dog but watched the practice instead.

Aether watched the match attentively to the point where you couldn't even hear the fans screaming and your surroundings.

The dog caught him off guard as he climbed onto the blond's lap and sat there still. Aether chuckled at the sudden movement. He held the Shiba Inu and watched the match.

A few minutes later, a tall blond approached them filled with curiosity. The tall blond glanced at the smaller blond and chuckled.

"What's Toroumaru doing here.. with you?"

miyumiesy presents ...

❝ chapter four : I'm not a fan! ❞

"Well?" he asked again.

"You know very well that your mom teaches you not to talk to strangers." Aether answered.

The taller smirked and made direct eye contact, with his face inches from his. "Then you know very well that stealing someone's dog is illegal."

Aether's face heated up and pushed his face away, hugging the dog right after. "TOO CLOSE!"

The taller was surprised, then chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry? Thoma."


"My name."

"I'm Aether. I didn't took your dog. It just escaped from the Environmental Club and I'm here to get him back." The blond explained as he glared at him.

"Chill," Thoma raised both his hands up, as a sign of surrender, causing the basketball under his arms fall. "I'm not a bad guy and I think Toroumaru likes you"

The blond looked down at the dog, placing his chin as he faced Thoma. "It does?"

"Yes, if I'm being honest.. I almost mistook you as a girl"

"Let me guess, because of my hair?"

"And your bubbly personality!" Thoma added. Aether scoffed. The taller looked confused as the blond placed the dog aside and picked up the basketball.

"What are you doing Ae--"

Aether threw the ball towards Thoma's forehead, causing him to stumbled back a little.

"That's for calling me a girl." the blond stuck his tongue, bouncing the ball off the floor as he did so.

"I'm sorry!" Thoma apologized. The taller touched his forehead, luckily it was a playful hit.

"I'm sorry too.. Sit down, let me check your forehead." Aether mumbled. He felt slightly guilty, hitting a innocent guy's head like that.

The blond sat back on the bench and gestured the area beside him. Thoma thought for a moment;

Should I really? he's scary not gonna lie.. then again, he's beautiful..

...heck with it. "Yeah, sure."

As soon he sat next to the blond, Aether stood and leaned closer in front of him. He placed a finger and asked, "Does it hurt if I touch it?"

"No.." Thoma mumbled.

"It doesn't seem serious Thoma, just get it checked out if you feel any pain." Aether said.

He blew the taller's forehead, like parents do to their children injury if they got hurt. It's a common gesture parents do so their kids felt safe and better.

Thoma jolted. He never got any affection like this before.. other than from his parents. He closed one eye, leaned back to enjoy the gentle breeze.

"Does it still hurt?" Aether asked. "No! No.. Thank you."

"You're all good then!" The blond giggled, picking the dog along the way.

"Hey wait!"

The taller called out, loud enough for even the girls to hear him. "Hm?" Aether stopped himself and turned.

"Can I have your number?"
