β€· i.

"Shit, Aether did you bring your charger?" was the first thing she asked. The twins took the most economical way to school, the bus.

Aether raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I kinda forgot to charge my phone and now it's 21%" she showed her phone off. Aether rummaged into his bag with an unfazed look. This happens way too often.

"Here. Give it back to me during lunch." he instructed as he gave his beloved charger to Lumine's outstretched hand.

"Hmm I know. By the way, I got another 5 star!" she whistled playfully. "Who?"

"Kokomi finally!"

"I got 1 Baal 1 Kokomi two days ago." Aether gave her a weak thumbs up, his tongue stuck out. The ride took 10 minutes, 23 minutes by feet.

They argue a lot, even small little details. They tend to settle their disagreements with the classic game of rock-paper-scissors. Who washes the dishes, who cooks, who cleans, who gets to pick tonight's movie. Anything.

Being transfer students, especially the first day after new year's holiday ended sure is interesting.

miyumiesyΒ presents ...

❝ chapter one : adorable..? ❞

Normally or Abnormally, classes are in session at this time. Even though it is just 7.00 a.m.

Genshin High has a unique system which may caused many parentals wanting their children to get in. Not only for it's successful academics but also for it's unusual.

The scenery was more like a bunch of kids in a park as some were just laying on the grass, some chasing each other and even some were just casually doing their homework on top of trees.

The building has 3 floors, at both sides and back of the institute was the sound of youngers playing around.

Genshin Kindergarten,Genshin Primary School, Genshin Middle School & Genshin Highschool.

From kindergarten to college, students automatically enroll.

"They weren't kidding about the noise huh?" she mumbled, eyeing at the open areas and over the fences. "This could take a while of getting use to."

"Mhm. Want some?" the blond stretched his hand towards his twin, a bag of Skittles.

"Oh thanksβ€” that's where it was! Paimon thought she lost it!" she exclaimed after seeing the familiar bag of delicacy.

"Do you want some or?" he asked again.

"Maybe later." said Lumine. Her twin quickly stuffed the bag back in his front pocket.

"So first of allβ€”"

They bumped into a rushed student, causing her papers fly out of her arms. "My assignments!"

"W-We're sorry! We'll help you pick it up!" Aether was quick onto action and helped the mysterious brunette they bumped into.

"Thanks! I couldn't afford failing class." she thanked them as Aether handed her the last piece of paper. "I don't think I've seen you guys before, are you new here?"

Aether quickly hid behind his twin and nodded. He may sound confident but he's actually shy towards people especially strangers. The blond would always let his sister do the talk.

"We are new! In fact, we're having trouble adapting.." said Lumine. "I'll show the ropes then! I'm Amber!"

"Lumine! This is Aether, my twin." the shy blond waved. "So who's younger?"

"Him" Lumine proudly bragged, poking his cheeks.

"You're surprisingly adorable.."


"Anyways! First thing, classes start at 9 so you don't have to worry much." the brunette said. "My feet are getting tired-- let's sit over there!"

The brunette led them to one of the trees. The lush leaves above them were thick and they can a bit of shuffling but they paid no mind.

"We have like less than 2 hours before class, let's be friends! I'll show everything and everyone you need to know."

Lumine tilted her head and nodded, "How about giving us your number? We can talk more!"

"Oh right! Here you go.."

"Once again, welcome to Genshin High! Are you interested in fencing? Find their president, Jean for more information. If you're interested in cooking, Xiangling is in Class 2-A. Before that, you have to get your dorm keys, schedules and your visions."

"visions?" Aether managed to stuttered.

"Visions are another way to call 'teams' for sports. Mine's pyro" she said.

"I see, mind showing us the way to the principal's office?"

The brunette said but was cut off. "Not at all! Let's get goin--"

