7. Party.


Its morning.

Ji-Hoon, Tom and Bill are gone from their beds.

Esila wakes up and sees that her bf is not next to her.
"Where could he be?" Esila asks while rubbing her temple.

She decides to go to Malak's room which was next to her room.

"WAKE UPPP!" Esila shouts while jumping on Malak's bed.

Malak groans as she gets up.
"What happened? Where is Tom?" She asks as she looks around.

"I don't know, and Ji-Hoon is also gone." Esila says as she shrugs.

"Let's go wake up Neely." Malak says as they both run to Neely's room.

"WAKE UP!!" Esila and Malak shout as they jump on her bed.

Malak pulls her blanket.

"Wake upppp!! Our boyfriends aren't here!!" Malak says.

"what..?" Neely asks.

"Maybe their downstairs?" Esila smiles.

They all run downstairs and see Gustav and Georg making breakfast.

"Hey guys!! ...where is Tom??" Malak asks as she runs to find them.

"I don't know." Georg shrugs.

"Breakfasttttt!!" Gustav puts the plates down.

"Later." Malak says.

"This is really good." Neely says as she starts eating.

"What Neely said!" Esila says as she continues to eat.

"We're here!!" Tom yells as he lifts up some bags.

"Where were you guys?!" Esila says as Ashe puts down her plate.

"Yeah!" Malak says as she crosses her arms.

Neely puts her plate down and just stands there. "You guys left without telling us anything."

"Sorry.." Bill says as he goes up to Neely.

"So where did you guys go?" Malak says as she opens the bags.

"We went to get some food." Ji-Hoon says as he walks up to Esila.

"But, we already ate." Esila says while wrapping her hands around his neck.

"This food is for the party." M he says as he kisses her forehead.

"Oh- WAIT, PARTY?!" Esila says while her eyes widen.

Neely and Malak drop the bags on the table.

"What party?" Malak says as she turns around.

"Ehh, i don't know. We got invited and they said bring food if you want." Tom says as he shrugs.

"When's the party?" Neely asks.

"It starts at 5." Georg says while washing his hands.

"That's too early for a party." Neely says as she checks the time.

"It's already 2pm." Neely says.

"AINT NO WAY WE SLEPT TILL 2 PM." Malak's eyes widen.

"I always sleep till 2pm." Esila shrugs.

"Shit. I have to go home today for my stuff." Neely says as she rubs her temple.

"I'll take you." Bill smiles.

"Thanks! Can we go now? I'm just gonna change my clothes and comb my hair. It won't take that long." Neely says as she runs.

"CAN WE COME TOO?" Malak asks as she smiles at Neely.

"Sure, okay let's go get ready." Neely says as she runs.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  -TIME SKIP-

"Is this good?" Malak says as she turns around for her friends.

"Yeah." Esila smiles.

"Yes it's good, we're only going to my house and we'll be back to-" Neely gets cut off.


"YESSS!!" Esila claps her hands.

Bill drives the 3 to Neely's house.

"Bill, u wait here." Malak says as she closes the car door.

"No, I'm coming with y'all." Bill says as he gets out of the car.

"What if her psycho dad beats her up? I'll be there." He says putting his hands on his hips.

"Like you have any strength!" Malak laughs.

"I do!!" Bill flips her off.

"Okay! Strong man." Esila gets faked scared.

"Let's go!" Neely signals.

Ding dong

"Can I help y-" Ethan just stands there.

"Is dad home..?" Neely asks.

"Not today, why..?" He asks looking at Malak, Esila and Bill.

"I'm here to pack my stuff. And properly say goodbye to u and mum." She says.

"Alright, come on." He signals for all of them to come.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before?" He says looking Bill up and down sort of judging him.

"Uhmm, I'm Bill. The guy with the spiky bangs? That visited you guys one day..?" He talks about himself in 3rd person.

"Ohh, ur Billy?" He asks.

"Bill. Just Bill." He says while looking where the 3 are going.

"You've changed, a lot." Ethan says to him.

"Yeah, u too?" He sort of questions.

"Whatever, ur not.. gay, right?" He asks looking disgusted.

"No, I'm not." Bill says.

"U dress like them." He said as he touched Bills hair.

"Can you please stop?" Bill says as he pushes his hand away.

"Sorry, ur hair is just.. unique..?" He sort of questions.

Bill shrugs.

"Anyway, what are you to her?" He says as he squints his eyes. "Better not be her boyfriend."

"No.. no we're just close friends." Bill says as he clears his throat.

"Is she living with you?" He says protectively.

"Yes, she lives with us. We are a band, Tokio Hotel. Ever heard of us?" Bill says shaking his head.


"Yes, and we are taking care of her like our own family." Bill responds.

"Thankyou, Bill. I appreciate you doing this." Ethan says as he pats Bills shoulder.

"Anyway, Bill is like so inlove with you, like AHHHH!" Malak squeals.

"For real, have u seen the way he looks at you?" Esila says as she gets some things from Neely's drawer.

"He's like soooo inlove!!" Malak makes a sarcastic hook with her finger and puts it on her lips, and smiles while rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Let's just pack out stuff and leave." Neely says smiling.

Malak bends down to pick up something, when something fell out of her pocket.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Neely looks at what she dropped.

"What?- OMG" Malak picks up the condom.

"Don't act like you and Bill won't do it when u guys get together!" Malak jokingly.

"What if they di-" Esila gets cut off.

"NO! No. We didn't!!" Neely looks at both.

"Sure, sure." Malak says winking at her.

"Let's, just clean up." Neely awkwardly smiles.

"What's this- oohhh this is ur diary! Let's read it!" Esila says while opening the book.

Esila clears her throat. "First page." She says and starts to read.

"So I bought this book for Bill. I'm going to write about him everyday. So this is the first day I met him. We went to a skatepark and I met him there. He gave me his number. I got butterflies Esila and Malak kept teasing me. I started blushing again. Godddd why do I keep blushing. Like wth?! Anyway, I think I'm starting to have a tiny crush on Bill?! Like whaaatttt."

"Ain't no way u made a diary about him the first day you guys met." Malak tells Neely while looking at the other pages.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Malak shouts and her eyes have widened.

"Bill just fuck me please, I love you so much."

"That's enough." Neely awkwardly smiles and puts the book in her bag.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  -DOWNSTAIRS-

"No, for real man, like that happens to me everyday." Ethan laughs.

Bill laughs aswell.

"What's taking them so long?!" Bill checks the time. He decides not to tell Ethan about the party, cuz maybe he will come too and spoil everything for everyone.

"WE PACKED EVERYTHING!" Esila says as she comes down with 1 bag.

"Wow, her whole room in one bag?" Ethan looks weird.

"Nope! COME ON BITCHES!" Esila signals for them.

"SECOND BAG, THIRD BAG." Malak runs downstairs.

"AND A HUGE SUITCASE!" Neely slowly goes down trying to carry the suitcase.

"Hey, where's mom..? I haven't seen her at all." Neely looks confused.

"Uhmm.. she went to dinner.. with dad." He says.

"Bro, what..? Mom hates him." Neely's on the verge of tears, thinking everyone lied to her.

"Dad forced her.. and she's kinda starting to like him. He got nicer when you left." Ethan says while rubbing her sister's shoulder.

"We're home-" Neely's dad opens the door and sees her standing there. His smile faded, and turned into anger.

"What the fuck are you doing you little bitch?" He softly and angrily says.

"Just packing my stuff." Neely looks at him grossed out.

"Neely! Honey!" Her mom shouts.

She gives her a hug.

"I just came to properly say goodbye to you and Ethan." Neely said.

"Who the fuck is this you little cunt?!" Her dad looks at Bill.

"He, is my new.. Boyfriend! We kissed by the way. I'm going to HIS house to sleep with HIM bye, won't miss you." Neely said as she fake smiled.

"Bye mom, bye Ethan." She hugs them both.

She just flips her dad off and goes to sit in the car.

They all start laughing their asses off.

"What do you mean by boyfriend Neely?" Esila asks and raises her eyebrows.

Neely looks at Bill and sees him already staring. She stutters on her words.

"I- you aren't my girlfriend, your my boy, friend!" She awkwardly smiles.

"And you said you were gonna sleep with him!" Esila wiggles her eyebrows.

"That. Was a joke." She says and looks at Bill, he looked kinda sad.


"Alright, we're here." Bill says as he moves his head forth and back smoothly.

Ding dong

"What took you guys so long? Georg opens the door.

"Sorry!" Esila sheepishly smiles.


"How the fuck did we spent 2 hours" Malak looks at her watch.

"Let's go!" Esila runs upstairs the other 2 follow her.

Malak's outfit.

Esila's outfit.

Neely's outfit.


"We look like mommies." Malak looks at everyone.

"We got ready so quick! It's only 4:30." Neely says as she stretches.

"Makeup, hair!" Esila whisper yells to herself.

"Ur right. Let's do it quick!" Neely says as she grabs her makeup brush.

"Now, we really look like mommies." Neely says as she looks at herself and at Malak and Esila.

"Bro come down already!" Gustav shouts from downstairs.

"We're here! We look like mommies right!" Malak says as she runs downstairs.

"Let's go! Georg says signaling for them to come.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  -TIME SKIP-

"Finally!!" Gustav gets out of the car.

So does everyone else.

"Let's go!" Tom says as he holds Malak's hand.

The pair goes inside.

Esila and Ji-Hoon both hold hands while walking in.

Neely and Bill do the same.

"Let's go grab some drinks!" Neely goes to the bar.

"Neely, not again." Bill looks scared.

"It will be fine!" Neely says as she took a shot, and giving one to each of her friends.

The night started well..


A/N: 1781 words.

