11. Apology

The trio goes home, they go into their room and see 5 guys standing there.

"What the fuck are y'all doing in our room?!" Malak steps inside.

Bill signals to Georg and Gustav that they can leave now.

"Listen, we just wanna talk." Bill goes to them, Tom and Ji-Hoon following him.

"Sit." Malak points at the bed.

"We have a lotttt to talk about." Neely says sarcastically.

"What did we even do?!" Tom has enough and just breaks the silence

This bitch cheated on me, and now is telling me to sit and talk?! What is there to talk about?! I can't believe he cheated on me right after we fucked, and those whores they cheated with, once I find them I'm going to kill those bitches. Also, Tom isn't wearing a cap. His hair is in a bun. It's pretty attractive..

Why would they cheat on us?! I can't even concentrate on what their saying because of Bill. His hair isn't styled, and he isn't wearing any makeup. He's so pretty, but he cheated on me. Right after he asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm going to kill those whores that they were with.

Ugh, me and Ji-Hoon were together for more than 3 years!! How could he cheat on me?! That girl was giving him a ring, what if he's engaged... or.. married..? I hope he's not, he's the love of my life and I want to be with him forever. I hope they weren't really cheating, but what was it then?!

It's silence, the girls don't want to mention anything.


"I'm just gonna say it." Malak shrugs. "You 3 cheated on us!" she says while pointing at the 3 guys.


"Says who?!"

"The fuck?!"

They all start talking at the same time.

"At that party, when u told us to go get drinks, you three were talking to some girls, and they gave you guys rings. U guys are engaged." Malak says, tears forming in her eyes.

"Those rings?!" Ji-Hoon asks confused. "We aren't engaged." He says shaking his head.

"Stop fucking lying!!" Esila 'quietly' yells.

"We arent!! We aren't." Bill says sort of confused.

"Then what was that, at the party?" Neely Neely shakes her head, confused.

"Do you have the rings with you?" Tom asks Bill.

"I gave it to Ji-Hoon." Bill looks at him.

"Here." Ji-Hoon gives the rings to the boys.

"We bought these rings.. for you." Bill explains.

"These are promise rings." Ji-Hoon says as he opens the little box.

"We bought these for you, because we never want to leave you guys, ever." Tom says as he opens the box, and puts it on Malak's finger.

Ji-Hoon and Bill do the same.

"This whole time we thought you guys cheated on us." Esila shakes her head.

"We would never." Ji-Hoon rubs Esila's hand with his thumb.

"I like the color." Neely says admiring it.

It's a dark red shaped diamond, with little diamonds all around it.

"It's so pretty." Malak says admiring it.

"Yes! So cute." Esila smiles.

"Lovebirds!! Let's go out." Georg comes in.

"Where? Not a party.. right.?" Neely asks hoping he would say no.

"No, no. No more party's for 2 weeks." He acts like a mother.

"Where then?" Esila looks over at him.

"I don't really know, I was thinking dinner, but no." Georg shrugs.

"Then we'll stay home." Bill ends the discussion.

The 3 boys grab the girls hands and walk them to their bedroom.


"AHHH, I forgot to empty my bags." Neely sees her bags on the bed.

"You can put them here." Bill taps on a big drawer. "Or you can put them in my closet."

"Thanks, Bill." She puts all of her clothes and stuff in a big drawer.

"I love your hair!!" Bill says as he starts touching it.

"Thanks! We're like the powerpuff girls. I'm bubbles, Esila is buttercup, and Malak is blossom!" Neely smiles at him.

"Nice!" He says still touching her hair.

"Sooo, like are we still together..?" He hopes for a yes.

Neely doesn't say anything, she just winks and gets out of the room.


The pair goes into their room.

"Shittt, I have to go home tomorrow." Esila puts her palm on her forehead.

"I can come with you." Ji-Hoon recommends smiling.

"Of course I want you to come!" She goes closer to him a and grabs his shirt with 2 hands making eye contact. "But my mom won't like it if I sleepover for 2 days and then bring a friend home with me." Esila looks in his eyes.

Ji-Hoon smirks. "I'm not a friend, am i?" He looks at her big eyes.

"Then what are you?" She pretends not to know.

"You don't know who I am?" He fake gasps while putting his hand on his chest. "I'm your boyfriend." He says and goes in for a kiss.

The green haired girl breaks from the kiss and says "Let's go downstairs." She walks out of the door.

The guy still didn't get his answer. He didn't know if he should come or not. He decided not to, because she also deserves privacy, everyone does.

He goes downstairs and sees Neely and Bill cuddling and watching tv, Georg and Gustav are both on the other sofa, next to eachother.

Esila pats on the spot next to her and signals for him to come. "Come, sit here."

He goes to sit next her. They both watch TV.


"I actually thought you cheated on me right after we- you know." Malak tells him while Tom is sitting in the bed.

"U think I would do that?" Tom looks at her, sort of disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed, Tom." Malak rubs his shoulder.

"I'm not disappointed, I'm just sad, that I made you sad." Tom shrugs and hugs her. "I love you, Malak."

She hugs him back and gives him a peck on his cheek. "I love you too, Tom." They cuddle for a bit. "Let's go downstairs, babe." The red haired girl holds the dreadhead's hand and they both go downstairs.

They see everyone sitting and watching tv. They sit on the sofa and watch tv while cuddling.




This was a bit short but it's alr ig 😜


Don't forget to vote and ily guys!!

